Showing posts with label Netflix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netflix. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Louis C.K.: Hilarious" The Funniest Man Alive? (World's Funniest Standup Comedians)

English: Comedian Louis C.K. performs for serv...Image via WikipediaI think so. Check it out.

What's so amazing about Stand-up Comedy is that it is the only arena for ABSOLUTE TRUTH and good comics, well... they tell it so well. That's why it's so FUNNY, after all.

There's nothing more precious than being able to LAUGH at reality (at the same time that it's running us down in a Mack Truck).

"Louis C.K.: Hilarious" on DVD or available now on Netflix Instant Play (I receive no compensation for this endorsement - I was DENIED! f U nTfLx& all ur chngs ANYWAY.  : ) PEACE OUT.

Tags: Movie Reviews, best standup comics, best standup comics, world's funniest comedians, best stand-up comics, louis C.K.: Hilarious, louis C.K.
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lisa Lampanelli "The Queen of Mean" ADULT HUMOR RAUNCHY

Lisa Lampanelli @ The ParamountImage by Chrontourage via FlickrIf you haven't yet seen "Insult Comic" Lisa Lampanelli, you've been missing out. She is Ms. Politically INCORRECT and it's a laugh riot. I'm going to go ahead and call her my new favorite Standup Comedian.

Right now I'm watching "Lisa Lampanelli: Dirty Girl: No Protection" (on Netflix Instant Play). It's my favorite show (of hers) so far and not to be missed.

Her type of comedy is rare. Some of you may be old enough to remember Don Rickles. I grew up in Las Vegas, so I was very familiar with his "act". Didn't get it at first. But I think Lisa has perfected it. You'll laugh out loud. I promise. Nothing is off-limits.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Best HORROR Movies: HOUSE, 1986 Comedy Humor

William KattImage by Mirka23 via FlickrThe most HILARIOUS "Horror Movie" ever!... "House, 1986" with William Katt (had a crush on him back then).

Check out his Bio. Had no idea he'd been keeping so busy all this time:

This movie is so FUNNY (AND even scary at times!), I laughed so hard. Haven't had so much fun since "Poltergeist".

The token HOT GIRL reminds me of Bo Derek in "10". Ahh, the 80's... Definitely had a swim suit like that. But I'm sure I didn't look quite the same in it.

The flashbacks to Vietnam are a bit odd. But, whatever. If you like this genre, you'll have a great time.


P.S. George Wendt (of Cheers) adds to the fun. And if you've never seen "Night Court" (a TV series) with Richard Mull (also in this movie), check it out. It was awesome humor in its time.

Available now on Netflix Instant Play (I receive no compensation for this endorsement).

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

TOP 10 Documentary Film Reviews: Wild China (a mini series) THE BEAUTY OF CHINA

Rite of Spring, 1985, a/c, 79x112 inches, (exh...Image via WikipediaEnglish: Clouds Shield the Layered Cliffs, Chi...Image via WikipediaSo... Netflix kept recommending this film (saying that I would LOVE it) and I kept ignoring it... until today.

Now WOW, OMG, (all the expletives you can think of!)... it is by far one of the most amazing cinematically beautiful films I have ever seen.

And, oh yeah. It's educational.

For the first time in my life, I WANT - NEED (!) to visit China... the beauty, the grandeur, the landscape... the people.
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Horror Movie Reviews: "The Descent: Part 2"

English: Caving in the United KingdomImage via WikipediaWell... I cannot see Part 1 because of Netflix's new asinine rules. But I'm really enjoying Part 2 of "The Descent". Very Aussie (I think). Perhaps that's why the girls are all so gorgeous.

It's way more claustrophobic than "Buried" (alive) with (my new favorite actor, Ryan Reynolds. He can do anything!).

Personally, I don't know why anyone would crawl down into a dark hole in the ground... esp. for fun. Ugh. My worst nightmare.

Then add a few man-eating humanoid creatures and you have this film. A bit gory. A bit scary. But... all in all (since I would never be that stupid in the first place), I'm not impressed.

If you like dark, tight places with moments of abject terror, go for it. Otherwise, the monsters are not that creative and it is "bloody hell!"
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Horror Movie Reviews: Dracula II: The Ascension

Jason Scott LeeJason Scott Lee (Image via thought I was so OVER vampire movies. Since 1983 and The Hunger, I'd pretty much seen 'em all. But... this one (suggested by Netflix) blew me away... a whole new twist. Very unexpected. I must say I enjoyed it a great deal.

The best part is that the NEW Van Helsing (aka Vampire Hunter) is a Church sanctioned Jason Scott Lee: most famous for his part as Bruce Lee in "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story".

He is (as always) extraordinary in his acts of dispension (ie. ridding the world of the vampire menace). SPOILER: He decapitates with an unusual blade... and a few extraordinary powers of his own.

I mentioned once before that I have this thing for Asian men (ever since my summer studying karate in Japan and discovering Masao Kusakari... a half American, half Asian actor). LOL. He was the star of a Japanese version of Starsky and Hutch (circa 1977). Whateverthehelll happened to that poster?
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"And So It Is" The Kardashians vs Pretty Wild

Kim KardashianImage by via Flickr
Kim Kardashian
I like "Pretty Wild" better. OMG! It's the Copy Cat but it's better. WTF. By the same network? In any case, the girls are hotter AND more "down to earth" (believe it or not). 

Check it out. I found it on Netflix Instant Play (with whom I did NOT qualify for a kickback).

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Three HOT NAKED MEN do Yoga Together

Yoga 23Image by o0bsessed via FlickrOMG! This is so funny.

I was looking for a new yoga video, that would inspire me, on Netflix Instant Play... and I found this:

THREE NAKED MEN doing yoga together on a blanket in the desert.

It says "For Men AND Women" but I don't know. I just had to laugh. I think you will too.

Check it out. I thought it might be Bikram's style because it's called "HOT Yoga"... but no. ; )
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

TV Show Review: "Warehouse 13"

In 1998 Reed Hastings founded Netflix, the lar...Image via WikipediaHow the "Heck" did I miss this series?! It's "The X-Files" meets "National Treasure". You've got your gorgeous girl and the guy... with the charisma of Mulder but also some Comedy Relief. I'm lovin' it.

It's available now on Netflix Instant Play. Can't guarantee anything, though. With all the new changes to Netflix, I must say, I am not that happy. Some shows I was watching on Instant Play are not now available. Unless, of course, you pay the extra $7.99 for the DVD.

Let me tell you, once you've adapted to Instant Play, waiting for the DVD and then being responsible for sending back... is sooooo fricken Old School. Plus, shows that used to be streaming are now available on DVD only. AS IF... that is some incentive to get us to pay the extra  $7.99!

So the CEO says, 'Well, it's a business model that worked in the past'. Who gives a ....? If we're "Streamers" give us access to ALLLLLL the Streaming!!! (I'd be willing to pay extra, DUH.)


Anyway, as I was saying. If you have access to this series it's well worth your time. Not as serious as The X-Files (but the gorgeous girls just don't stop in Head Cylon...).


It's a whole lotta fun.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hottie of the Day: Rod Serling (Sexiest Man NOT Alive!) Writer of The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling's Night Gallery is referenced in t...Image via Wikipedia
Check him out then watch the Twilight Zone (the original series) on Netflix Instant Play. He wrote most of 'em and narrates all of 'em (cigarette in hand!). Must've been quite racy for the time. And by far the most sultry (attractive in a way that suggests a passionate nature!) voice ever recorded!

Mmm. Before my time... but still SEXY. A Sci-Fi Fantasy Genius. Had I lived in his lifetime, I woulda been a groupie.

For Rod Serling IMAGES: Click HERE.


P.S. I WAS a groupie. But none of 'em ever got famous. ; )
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Friday, August 26, 2011

Best Martial Arts Films: Blood and Bone Review VIDEO

"Blood and Bone"... this is my new FAVORITE Martial Arts Film. OMG. I had thought it was all about Gina Carano... but Michael Jai White just blew me away. Who is this guy? Where has he been all my life? The flying punch with a scissor-kick, c'mon.

This was the best opening scene in a martial arts movie that I'd ever seen. The fight choreography, the skill... perfect form, perfect execution. As a practiced martial artist, myself, it was just gorgeous to watch. Nothing fake here.

Be prepared (spoiler):
They "tap out" but the guy breaks their arm anyway!

I can't believe it took me so  long to see this thing. WOW. I watched it. I watched 'The Special Features'. I watched it with commentary and then I watched it again.

Netflix isn't enough. I need to OWN this one.

This is real martial arts for real martial artists. In fact, the script was written by a 20 year veteran of the martial arts (an "Old Schooler" like me). Plus, the star, Michael Jai White, actually holds 7 Black Belts! Are you kidding me?! (I only hold 3.)

I am in awe. The choreography, the skill, the fricken ART of it all.

If you get the DVD, be sure to watch the Special Features and the movie, again, with Commentary. It will give you more insight into the 'Making of'... and incline you to give respect where respect is due.

Blood and Bone TRAILER:

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Nick Swardson's Pretend Time Review aka "Peeus" VIDEO

Another lolcat for Category:Rouge admins and a...Image via Wikipedia
If you like Adult Late Night Comedy, and really really raunchy humor... you'll enjoy this immensely. Be prepared, though, it's not for the faint of heart or weak-stomached... and I do not recommend it for children.

For me, however, it's a LMAO good time. Remember, laughter boosts the immune system.

Available now as a Netflix Instant Play.

Here's a sample (Please DON'T WATCH this if you are not agreeable to all of the above!):

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast! Healthy Diet Review "Fat Sick & Nearly Dead"

I really enjoyed this documentary. Aussie, Joe Cross, is down to earth, humble, and endearing. But what I liked best was its inspirational quality and the fact that doctor's checkups and approval were absolutely imperative to the program. Plus, the nutritional analysis.

Since watching this film, I haven't done the full fast. But I have replaced one meal per day with a vegetable juice. I used V8 (the 12 oz. can) as our juicer is on the fritz. But I have lost 5.5 lbs. in just two weeks, which was very exciting for me as menopause has been quite a challenge.

With my slower menopausal metabolism, nothing seemed to work the way it used to. I exercise regularly (hard) and stay away from sugar and white carbs (quitting refined sugar cured me of Graves Disease). So there's no cookies, cake, candy, white rice, white bread, or soda pop in my diet. I used to replace these foods with the lower sugar or sugar free options (see my book: The Sugar Addict's Diet by S.J. Wise). But I don't even crave sweets anymore. Not even chocolate!

Still, with menopause, I gained 30 stubborn pounds. I even doubled my weekly exercise hours from 4 to 8 (adding an hour of slower fat-burning exercises to each session) and I lost inches but no weight. In fact, I gained! I didn't start losing the weight until the meal substitution.

But don't take my word for it. Watch this film. It could be the answer you've been looking for.

Available now on Netflix Instant Play.

TRAILER: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead Diet Juicing Recipes:

Diet FAQ:


If you liked this POST, you'll like this one too:

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Whitney Cummings: Too Gorgeous for Standup

Rosie O'Donnell at the premiere of I Am Becaus...Image via Wikipedia

Too gorgeous for comedy but funny none the less.

Not highly, but recommended.

Warning: Adult Humor

"Women are amazing fighters... emotional Ninjas!".

"The Silent Treatment is NOT a REWARD (to men)."

"We always express the opposite emotion of what we are actually feeling."

"As women, we may not be able to do much, but we can DUPLICATE! Give me the backseat of a Taurus and... "

Again Warning: Strong sexual language, explicit descriptions...

Available on Netflix Instant Play (They should pay me for this! They actually rejected my Blog as an affiliate, can you believe it? I can't. EFFEM.)

P.S. I did Standup Comedy for one year. I met Rosie O'donnell (She said to me in the women's room, "Don't let this Patriarchal Business get you down." and I also met Jenny Jones (You're asking, "Who's Jenny Jones?" She had her own TV show for a while too.)
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Scientific Explanation for Deja Vu

1959 Series LogoImage via Wikipedia
The Scientific Explanation for Deja Vu (via Wikipedia):

Déjà vu (French pronunciation), literally "already seen") is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined.

The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ("The Future of Psychic Sciences"), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", "weirdness", or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.[1]

The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike. References to the experience of déjà vu are found in literature of the past,[2] indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Certain researchers claim to have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.[3]

Scientific Researches

The most likely explanation of déjà vu is not that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather that it is an anomaly of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is "being recalled".[4][5] This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain or known to be impossible. 

Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little or no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past). The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.[citation needed]

Another hypothesis being explored is that of vision. The hypothesis suggests that one eye may record what is seen fractionally faster than the other, creating the "strong recollection" sensation upon the "same" scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye.[6]

However, this hypothesis fails to explain the phenomenon when other sensory inputs are involved, such as hearing or touch. If one, for instance, experiences déjà vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then the déjà vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right hand would never receive the same sensory input.

Also, people with only one eye still report experiencing déjà vu or déjà vécu (a rare disorder of memory, similar to persistent déjà vu). The global phenomenon can therefore at least in certain cases be narrowed down to the brain itself (i.e., one hemisphere being late compared to the other one).

See Twilight Zone (1959), Season 1, Episode 10: Judgment Night

(available now on Netflix Instant Play - I am undergoing a Twilight Zone Marathon... 138 Episodes!).

This is a great opportunity to throw in one of my all-time favorite videos/songs (Actually the video is kinda dorky - oh so 80's! Do you remember it?):

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