Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Funny Photos: It's a Miracle!! The Magical Healing Power of Alcohol

It's a Miracle! The Magical Healing Power of Alchohol:

Original photo first posted by
by A1
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Abundance: Think Positive! Money is the Root of All LOVE!!

A Message of Abundance for the New Year: (Pardon the minor typo)

For more great videos like this, subscribe to "igetrealtv" on YouTube by clicking here:

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Xmas!

Here's a Holiday GIFT 4U (thanks to Neil Patrick Harris' Twitter):

Merry Xmas Everyone!

My Tweet: May every one of every faith (or none!) experience LOVE on this day.

Okay, I couldn't resist. Here's another one:

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And now I'm getting a bit carried away. But just in case you're a dog lover:

Happy Holidays Folks!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

10 Things You SHOULD Buy at the Dollar Store

Tropical beachImage by cstrom via Flickr
Living Frugally

You wouldn't want to do all of your shopping there. But if saving a buck is important to you (and it should be) here are a few things where savings does not trump quality. In other words, what you find at the "regular" store that costs four or five times as much, isn't necessarily of higher quality.

1.  Packing Tape

2.  Hair Brush

3.  Window Cleaner

4.   Scissors

5.  Childrens Books/Coloring Books

6.  Kitchen Scrubbies

7.  Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Bows, & Greeting Cards

8.  Tomato Sauce & Salsa

9.  Sensitive/Teeth Brightening Toothpaste

10.  Shampoo (But not for hair! A mega-size 64 oz. bottle of dollar store shampoo makes the best bubble bath.)

So, if you purchased all of these things listed at the dollar store, it would cost you about $15.00. Now compare that to a regular grocery store where you will be paying somewhere between $3.00 and $5.00 each. That's an average of $4.00 per item compared to only one - a 75% savings! So your fifteen dollars would turn into sixty.

If you multiply your $45.00 dollar savings by 12 months, that gives you $540.00 in a year's time! Now you can turn those savings into that vacation you've been saying you couldn't afford.

Let me show you where you can find a 7 day Cruise for around that price...

Did you know that the best prices on cruises are "Last Minute Deals"? Check it out here:

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