Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Funny Photos: It's a Miracle!! The Magical Healing Power of Alcohol

It's a Miracle! The Magical Healing Power of Alchohol:

Original photo first posted by
by A1
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Easy Craft: Inspirational Quotes Bookmarks (Not a Kids Craft)

Metallic scissorsImage via Wikipedia
Keep yourself inspired for the New Year! Here's an easy craft for you to do, to keep inspirational quotes floating around in your head and your goal setting on track. This is not a Kids Craft. But I suppose it could be, depending on the subject matter you choose.

What we're going to choose (as adults) is micro-inspirational quotes; the kinds of snippets that you would apply to an inspirational collage, Vision Board, or Vision Book. If you look to the right side bar on this blog, you'll see an ad for a Step One Vision Board. These are really cool versions of this same idea, but in video format. These are also called Mind Movies and you can find a bunch on YouTube if you're not into making your own.

Back in the 80's, when creating Vision Books (scrapbooks with pictures of what you're dreaming of) first came into vogue, I made one (or two or three) of these books. Later, about twenty years later! I found these scrapbooks and was amazed that every single thing had come true. Everything! It was astounding. So I really believe in inspiration, especially visual inspiration. Keep it around to keep you focused on your goals.

Our Vision Craft today is really EASY:

Step 1: Gather together a bunch of newspapers (the Sports section is great!), magazines, brochures, junk mail, etc. Anything paper or cardstock.

Step 2: Then you'll begin to look for one-liners that inspire. Grab some scisssors and cut. They should be bookmark-sized and can be left plain. Or, if you'd like to get fancy, you can take them to the library (FREE) or a print shop like Kinkos, and laminate them. You can do about 6 for around $2.00 at Kinkos.

Press them between the laminate, heat and roll, then cut. Be sure to snip the corners of each one so that you don't have any sharp edges.

Step 3: Once you have a bunch, you can keep them nearby in a decorative box or basket. That way they'll be easy to grab when needed.

Here are a few samples from my own box:
1. Winning Streak Begins
2. Yes You Can!
3. MOJO is Back
4. Restoration Begins Now
5. Clean Sweep

6. Dominate
7. Big Winner
8. Time for Cruise Therapy
9. You Make My Best Better
10. Time to Relax

11. Imagine Life Sweeter
12. Thank You!
13. Ahead of the Competition
14. In High Demand
15. New Life Now

16. Doubly Excited
17. Oh, What Fun!
18. Getting Traction
19. On Top of the World
20. Make Life Fun Again

21. Wish for Smiles
22. Do it Now
23. Wish for More
24. Delighted
25. Sparkle

26. LOVE
27. Joy Bliss Love
28. Express Yourself
30. One of a Kind

Imagine... just think how fun it would be to "accidentally" leave one in a library book that says something like "Success Begins Now!".

Thanks so much for your support. Have a great day and a Happy New Year!

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Abundance: Think Positive! Money is the Root of All LOVE!!

A Message of Abundance for the New Year: (Pardon the minor typo)

For more great videos like this, subscribe to "igetrealtv" on YouTube by clicking here:

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Xmas!

Here's a Holiday GIFT 4U (thanks to Neil Patrick Harris' Twitter):

Merry Xmas Everyone!

My Tweet: May every one of every faith (or none!) experience LOVE on this day.

Okay, I couldn't resist. Here's another one:

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And now I'm getting a bit carried away. But just in case you're a dog lover:

Happy Holidays Folks!!!