Sunday, October 23, 2011

YOGA INSPIRATION! Yoga Championships

I found my YOGA INSPIRATION! But...Yoga Championships? Isn't yoga supposed to be a non-competitive practice? Hmm. Anyway, this guy's really cool. Check it out:
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stacy Francis Singing Video X-Factor Purple Rain (Stacey)

Meet Stacy Francis, my new X-Factor favorite. No confidence? Are you kidding me?! This is the best rendition of this song ever recorded!

So what if she cried at the end... so did the judges... and so did I! She's phenomenal. See (and HEAR) for yourself!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Three HOT NAKED MEN do Yoga Together

Yoga 23Image by o0bsessed via FlickrOMG! This is so funny.

I was looking for a new yoga video, that would inspire me, on Netflix Instant Play... and I found this:

THREE NAKED MEN doing yoga together on a blanket in the desert.

It says "For Men AND Women" but I don't know. I just had to laugh. I think you will too.

Check it out. I thought it might be Bikram's style because it's called "HOT Yoga"... but no. ; )
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

TV Show Review: "Warehouse 13"

In 1998 Reed Hastings founded Netflix, the lar...Image via WikipediaHow the "Heck" did I miss this series?! It's "The X-Files" meets "National Treasure". You've got your gorgeous girl and the guy... with the charisma of Mulder but also some Comedy Relief. I'm lovin' it.

It's available now on Netflix Instant Play. Can't guarantee anything, though. With all the new changes to Netflix, I must say, I am not that happy. Some shows I was watching on Instant Play are not now available. Unless, of course, you pay the extra $7.99 for the DVD.

Let me tell you, once you've adapted to Instant Play, waiting for the DVD and then being responsible for sending back... is sooooo fricken Old School. Plus, shows that used to be streaming are now available on DVD only. AS IF... that is some incentive to get us to pay the extra  $7.99!

So the CEO says, 'Well, it's a business model that worked in the past'. Who gives a ....? If we're "Streamers" give us access to ALLLLLL the Streaming!!! (I'd be willing to pay extra, DUH.)


Anyway, as I was saying. If you have access to this series it's well worth your time. Not as serious as The X-Files (but the gorgeous girls just don't stop in Head Cylon...).


It's a whole lotta fun.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Comedy "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist"

Jackie Chan began his film career as a stuntma...Image via WikipediaWho doesn't love Kung Pao Chicken?! Wish I had me some right now.

"Kung Pow: Enter the Fist"...

This one took me by surprise. I was laughing from the opening scene... "The Chosen One!". Very funny. Definitely a satire. Satire means CLICHE' and this is as cliche' as it gets (plus a few unexpected moments... like the "So cute!" scene). For those of you that have loved the dubbed Chinese martial arts genre for a while now, this one's a real kick. Get it?

Of course, this is a take on Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon", which makes it all the more fun.

I'm not a big fan of animated babies, but the sound effects associated with it make it hilarious. And then the chinese  baby grows up to be a white guy? LOL. Pure silliness. And the battle of the tongues. It gets a little stale through the middle but don't miss the Kung Fu Cow.

And the belated bark? OMG. I laughed so hard.

Favorite Lines:
"Your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak.""

"And then he killed the dog... I now officially know too much."

"I am a man of many needs. You will now receive the fist of fury." Fortunately, the little ones will receive this an an over-sight.

As martial artists, we have a tendency to take ourselves much too seriously anyway. So a little comedy relief is in order. I highly a suggest "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist". Why not have a fun Martial Arts Movie Night at your club? The kids, especially, will love it.
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Frozen" Movie Review

Chairlift in Praz de Lys-Sommand, Haute-Savoie...Image via WikipediaHere in Salt Lake City, Utah we have at least 7 ski resorts within 20 minutes of downtown Salt Lake City.

Been skiing many times. In fact, broke both my neck and my leg downhill skiing aka Alpine (now I only do Cross-country aka Nordic), not on the same day but in the same month! The worst part was having to miss Karate for a year.  

This movie? Wow, so much deeper than I expected. So realistic, emotionally. But from the first moment I was thinking, 'What would McGiver do?' There's always a way out. Always.

Like tying all their garments together (despite the cold) to get a closer drop to the ground). They could put them right back on. People rarely survive a two story drop (20 feet) but often a one story drop.

In any case, kudos to writer and director Adam Green. Awesome work.

Here are some awesome real-life threads on Chair Lift strandings and what to do in case of an emergency:

One more thing, DUH... if one of you has a cell phone, dial 911.
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Monday, October 3, 2011

WELCOME!!! BBB is Now being Read in 80 Countries!

Church of the Virgin of the Angels during 2007...Image via Wikipedia

Welcome this week Belarus, Japan, Taiwan, Costa Rica, and Iraq.

BBB is now being read in 80 countries!

Thank you so much for your support.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Azer Bai Jan
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Barbados
  9. Belarus
  10. Belgium
  11. Brazil
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Burmuda
  14. Canada
  15. China
  16. Colombia
  17. Costa Rica
  18. Croatia
  19. Cyprus
  20. Czech Republic
  21. Denmark
  22. Ecuador
  23. Egypt
  24. Estonia
  25. Ethiopia
  26. Finland
  27. France
  28. Germany
  29. Greece
  30. Guam
  31. Guana
  32. Guernsey
  33. Hong Kong
  34. Hungary 
  35. India
  36. Indonesia
  37. Iran
  38. Iraq
  39. Ireland
  40. Israel
  41. Italy
  42. Japan
  43. Jersey
  44. Kazakhstan
  45. Kenya
  46. Kuwait
  47. Latvia
  48. Malaysia
  49. Mexico
  50. Moldova
  51. Netherlands
  52. New Zealand
  53. Nigeria
  54. Norway
  55. Pakistan
  56. Paraguay
  57. Philippines
  58. Poland
  59. Portugal
  60. Qatar
  61. Romania
  62. Russia
  63. Saudi Arabia
  64. Serbia
  65. Singapore
  66. Slovakia
  67. Slovenia
  68. South Africa
  69. South Korea
  70. Spain
  71. Sweden
  72. Switzerland
  73. Taiwan
  74. Thailand
  75. UK
  76. Ukraine
  77. United Arab Emirates
  78. US
  79. Vietnam
  80. Zambia

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:  

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

"The Fly" x 3 Movie Review Marathon

The FlyImage by ProfessorMortis via FlickrI am having a blast today with a "The Fly" marathon (isn't it about time for another one? After all it's been more than 20 years.). I'm sure somewhere in the world, teleportation is about to become a reality.

Start YOUR marathon with the 1958 Vincent Price version. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid. What a CLASSIC!

Then there's the 1986 one with the gorgeous Geena Davis in the prime of her life and Jeff Goldblum (we really did think he was sexy at the time). It added the element of GROSSNESS (I remember closing my eyes the first time).

Oh, dude, what are you doing? You're going to get spit upon by acid and devoured! OOhhhh!!!! Be prepared. It's the best!

But what I love most about this movie is that it's a remake (of a classic) yet it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Bravo to whoever was involved in the writing. It too, is a Classic in its own right. It is just as much a Masterpiece as the original. My vote? The best "Mad Scientist" movie ever!

The final scene... and then you laugh. Just brilliant.

After that comes the 1989 version with Eric Stolz and that cute little Daphne Zuniga. They call it "The Fly II" but it's really "The Fly III". The face-peeling's pretty good but, I have to say that the monster himself is the least believable of the three.

Otherwise very nicely done, right down to the soundtrack with K.D. Lang.
and it's the only one that brings tears to your eyes.
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