Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011

Scientific Explanation for Deja Vu

1959 Series LogoImage via Wikipedia
The Scientific Explanation for Deja Vu (via Wikipedia):

Déjà vu (French pronunciation), literally "already seen") is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined.

The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ("The Future of Psychic Sciences"), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", "weirdness", or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.[1]

The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike. References to the experience of déjà vu are found in literature of the past,[2] indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Certain researchers claim to have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.[3]

Scientific Researches

The most likely explanation of déjà vu is not that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather that it is an anomaly of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is "being recalled".[4][5] This explanation is substantiated by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain or known to be impossible. 

Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little or no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past). The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.[citation needed]

Another hypothesis being explored is that of vision. The hypothesis suggests that one eye may record what is seen fractionally faster than the other, creating the "strong recollection" sensation upon the "same" scene being viewed milliseconds later by the opposite eye.[6]

However, this hypothesis fails to explain the phenomenon when other sensory inputs are involved, such as hearing or touch. If one, for instance, experiences déjà vu of someone slapping the fingers on his left hand, then the déjà vu feeling is certainly not due to his right hand experiencing the same sensation later than his left hand considering that his right hand would never receive the same sensory input.

Also, people with only one eye still report experiencing déjà vu or déjà vécu (a rare disorder of memory, similar to persistent déjà vu). The global phenomenon can therefore at least in certain cases be narrowed down to the brain itself (i.e., one hemisphere being late compared to the other one).

See Twilight Zone (1959), Season 1, Episode 10: Judgment Night

(available now on Netflix Instant Play - I am undergoing a Twilight Zone Marathon... 138 Episodes!).

This is a great opportunity to throw in one of my all-time favorite videos/songs (Actually the video is kinda dorky - oh so 80's! Do you remember it?):

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Viva Levieva

Kutcher and Moore, September 2008Image via Wikipedia
There are three basic personality types: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile. For instance, an Auditory person will probably turn to music to calm and soothe their soul. I have known a few "audio-philes" in my time.

A Tactile will need a hug or do something that literally feels good in their hands (like scultping or great sex).

But a Visual, which is what I am, craves visual stimulation. I NEED movies and even crave certain types of movies when under duress. For that, my drug of choice is a good Sci-Fi. Which is hard to find, by the way.

So, consequently I see a lot of movies.

Saw an awesome movie last night on Netflix (I am officially a Netflix Instant Play addict!). The movie starred Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche. Plus there was a new little hottie I'd never seen before, Margarita Levieva. The film was called Spread (2009) and I was surprised that I hadn't heard of it before now. 

Ironically, Ashton played a "Player" who used older women for their money but was unable to have a real relationship with one (think Demi). My husband enjoyed the movie because there were actually MANY YOUNG HOTTIES well-displayed.

Having just seen this film could explain last night's dream. 

Dream interpretation, remember, is a great self-therapy practice that everyone should incorporate into their personal self-care routine. It can be used as an Adviser for the day to come. And, as I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Dream: I'm in a dark forest with an ex-boyfriend who was seven years younger than me. We are walking through the woods but it's cold. So we find a cabin. There is no electricity in the cabin or between us... at least not with him for me. So we huddle together on the bed to keep warm.

All night long I try to seduce him to no avail. He's just not interested. I'm very disappointed because I am craving him so very badly. I worry that maybe his lack of libido is because I'm too fat or too old. But, then again, maybe it's just too cold.

Now, my dream book states that disappointment in a dream is a contrary sign. But I've found it to be quite straightforward in its symbology. Still, the other interpretations suggest the possibility that this time I could be wrong. I hope so because anything to do with sex in a dream has to do with financial transactions and, generally, fat means 'well to do'. Skinny, of course then, means poor.

Darkness: Be prepared for a setback. But...
Walking in the dark: You will recover something you had given up for lost.
Mountain Village: Unexpected gain.
A strange bed: Forecasts an upturn in business affairs.
A strange bedroom: Signifies a change for the better.
Cold: Definitely a contrary symbol. "The lower the temperature was in your dream, the more comfortable and secure will be your estate in life".
Feeling alone/Loneliness: Contrary. You soon won't be.
Feeling fat: Predicts a happy life with few worries and many pleasures.
Feeling insulted/Rejected: Contrary. Signifies loyalty from friends and esteem from associates.
Anxiety: Contrary. Your worries will soon be relieved.
Annoyed: Contrary. Your plans will proceed smoothly.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Be a Blogger! Start Blogging on Blogspot Today

WritingImage via Wikipedia
I keep hand-written notes daily, from which I get my blog ideas
Keeping Journals is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and well-being. And a blog is no more than an online journal.


It’s unbelievably easy to get started with a blog on Blogspot. Plus, it’s absolutely FREE!

What is a blog? Blog is short for "web log" or "web diary". Some people call writing in this diary or log: "journaling" and journaling is good for you. It can be good for others too... if you go public and they like what you write.

Here are the steps:
Go to or search “blogspot”. Either way, it will take you to Blogspot’s Home Page. You will also see a link to What is the difference between Blogger and Blogspot? Read Isaac Yassar’s concise but informative article here:

If you don’t have a Google Account you will need to create one. But it’s easy. Just fill in the blanks. Don’t worry if you use another account for your emails. I use Yahoo Mail and have never had a problem.

Once you’ve created your account, sign in, and then click “Get Started” on the Blogspot Home Page.

Then all you need to do is follow the prompts. Decide on a name for your blog and use it as part of your URL (your blog’s address on the web). Learn more about “URL” here:

To decide on a name for your blog, consider your subject and then do a keyword search. If the top keywords for your subject are in the title of your blog and also in your blog’s address, you’re doing great. It will place you higher in search results, thereby giving you more hits (readers of your blog!).

If you don't want to share your blog, you can set it to Private. Watch this video:

How to add video to your blog post. Adding video to your blog is easier than you think. If you have videos that you like on YouTube or have uploaded there yourself, just go to YouTube and find the video you want to transfer. Underneath the video you will see several buttons: Like, Add To, Share, and Embed.

Click on the one that says Embed. A code will pop up. Make sure it is highlighted then copy and paste it to your blog. To do this, make sure that your Edit Posts page is set to Edit HTML. Then place it where you want it and hit Save Draft or Publish. Your video should now be on your page.

How to find keywords. To find popular searches using keywords and phrases, search “Google Keyword Tool”. It’s free and easy. At the top of the page you will see two ads that look about the same. But one is in pink. This means it is a paid advertisement. Below it, in the white part, is another one.

The white area is called “The organic listing area”. This means that these items have popped up based solely on your search criteria. They did not pay to be at the top of the page. Most people click  here first because they believe, whether it’s true or not, that these items will give them more genuine results, more honest businesses, etc.

So, the “Keyword Google Tool” at the top of the page in the pink reads “Get Qualified Visitors To Your Site Place Your Ad On Google Today!”. That is not what we want. We want the one that reads “Enter one keyword or phrase per line to see what related word searches your ad will show on”.

So click on that one and it will bring you to the Google Adwords page with two boxes at the top. We are only concerned with the one that says “word or phrase”. Type in the word or phrase you are searching for and voila! It will bring up a number of search terms divided by global monthly searches and local monthly searches. Depending on your business, whether you are seeking global contacts or just local business prospects, look in that section.

Then take note of the search terms from highest to lowest number. This should help you, not only choose the name for your site, but also in selecting the words you use in your articles (to bring a greater number of readers to your site).

Now, you’ll need to have more than one option for your title and address, in case it is already being used by someone else. So plug in your choice and proceed. Blogspot will let you know if your blog address is taken, and offer up a couple of alternative selections.

On the page that is Step 2, click on a template that looks nice, hit continue, and you have your blog. If you don’t like your template, you can change it any time.

Click on “Start Blogging” and it will take you to the posting page. Now you will want to click on each of the tabs and highlighted areas to learn more about your blog. If you have questions, click on the HELP tab in the upper right hand corner of the page. You will be able to do searches here regarding any area in which you are having trouble. If your question is not answered to your satisfaction there are also Video Tutorials and a Help Forum. Plus, there is always, what my husband and I call “the Brain”… just do a regular search on the internet. Guaranteed, someone somewhere has already asked your question and received an answer.

Comments and corrections welcome.

Journaling as Therapy:

How Effective Journaling can Minimize Anxiety:

Start Journaling Regularly to help Reduce Anxiety:

The Anxiety Panic Attack Journal:

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Ship is Coming In! Dream Interpretation / Physical Fitness Advice / Routine / Workouts

Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume). Check out these mixed messages.

Dream: My partner and I are on a cruise ship (my most favorite thing in the world to do!) or in a fine hotel (either on vacation or a honeymoon). But someone has stolen my black leather purse. I try to find it but can't. I think I know how it was stolen and by whom. But it doesn't matter.

The toughest part is that we no longer have any cash or credit. We can't eat! No purchases of any kind, no restaurant meals, and especially no buffets (another one of my favorite things). It's frustrating as hell.

I keep trying to talk the Front Desk help into cutting us a break, but they just won't do it.

Loss of money: Contrary. You are likely to have a windfall.
Ship: Profitable ventures; success; think of the expression 'My ship is coming in!'.
Anxiety/Frustration: Contrary. Your worries will soon be relieved.
Robbery: Loss of money means that you should be careful how you handle your cash.
Abscond: Be careful not to give your affections unwisely.
Loss of great value: Warning: If you try to be too sharp you can end up cutting yourself!

Today's Workout:
Exercise. If you are just starting out exercising or have had a long break, go slow and by all means consult your physician, especially if you have health issues. 

Remember to go at your own pace. It’s a good idea to set machines on Manual. That way you can lower or raise resistance to meet your daily fitness level. I call it Fitness by Feel™. Feel where you are and then push yourself right to the edge of what you can handle. 

Listen closely to what your body is telling you. Back off when it becomes too much. Move forward when you have the strength and energy. Consistence is the key. When I first started on the stairmaster (at 23) I could only go for 4 minutes. Now I can do an hour. But it took time and patience… the new machines with TV monitors help a lot. 

2 Hours (Since I've had to double my workout time with the slowered metabolism of menopause, I am committed now to at least 1 hour a day. But I've found that I really like the yin and yang of working out every other day and resting in between. Thus, the 2 hour workout was born.)

Warm-up: Jump rope and push-ups for 10 minutes then a 5 minute stretch. When you're new to jumping, it's important to find the right rope. It should fit you comfortably, not too long or too short. Measure the rope part, halved. It should reach from your armpit to the floor. If your lungs or calves need a break while jumping, just step in place for a minute, then start again. 

Cardio Kickboxing: I did an hour class at the local Muay Thai Kickboxing Club. But a video at home would work just as well. A club is great because a class consists expressly of calisthenics and bagwork. Punching and kicking a bag are an awesome resistance workout. 

As a woman ages it's especially important to have resistance training as we age to keep our bone mass. A couple of years ago I had a bone density test and was rated in the top 2%. Nice. 

I once did surgery on a woman with osteoporosis. Her bones literally crumbled in my hands. 

Jillian Michaels' experience is similar to mine. She also has a karate and yoga background. So I'm comfortable in recommending her kickboxing workouts. Some health clubs have dance-like kickboxing classes. If the moves are too fast or the instructor doesn't understand the dynamics of kicking, it's easy to injure yourself. Always end the kickboxing with a cool-down stretch. A few yoga moves are perfect.

Elliptical Machine: After class I did a nice steady fat burning pace on the elliptical machine for 15 minutes.

Bicycle: Then 10 minutes on a recumbent bicycle.

Treadmill: And topped it off with 20 minutes on the treadmill with a nice steady climb working up to levels 8-10 incline at a nice slow pace of 2.2 to 2.4. Did you know that you burn more calories walking on a high incline than you do running on a low one?

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A CBP officer displays a large bag of seized c...Image via Wikipedia
An Officer with a bag of counterfeit Viagra.
Sex. Mmm. I had me some this morning. I know. I probably shouldn't talk about it but... old people have sex too (You'll probably see some Viagra ads on my posts now).

Check out this video. It's the trailer for the movie The Beauty of Aging. Be sure to hang in there for the last two minutes. They're the best. Just kinda fun and gives us some hope for the future.

Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume).

Dream: Zombies. Everywhere zombies. I hate it. I can't find a toilet to poo in because there's always a zombie right around the corner (yes, I said poo - poo in a dream, or feces, rather, is a metaphor for monetary value. Money!). So, since I've been looking for work... get it?

Don't feel bad if you're frequently dreaming of stepping in it, rolling in it, or bathing in it, go right ahead. Let it hit the fan. You're one of the lucky ones! (Note: I changed my nickname to Lucky last year. Why not? It was easier for the Hostess in the restaurant to get and it makes us both feel good. Try it. Give yourself a new nickname. What will it be? Rich, Bright, Joy, Cash...)

So, anyway, I keep getting bothered by zombies. Finally, I go outside. It's the street where I grew up, my family's street. I'm trying to save people (see Shaun of the Dead) but I can't. Fortunately I can save myself. I can fly! I rise up from the ground out of reach.

Because of my PTSD I avoided scary movies for a long time. Actually, way before that, as I've always been prone to nightmares. But then came the challenge - just last year - to start "avoiding avoidance".

 This, apparently, has been proven to help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patients recover. So, scary movies it was. "Videos at home are the best," she said, "because then you can stop it if it gets too intense. Rate the anxiety level you experienced - on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe. Then play the scene over and over until you can handle it. Until you can get it down to a level 4 to 5."

The yogis call it "karma cleansing" or "releasing of karma", the blockages that keep us from moving forward. Dick Sutphen has a great self-hypnosis tape for that as well. But it's not easy and not for everyone. You have to be ready for it.

It's the proverbial "walking into the fire" or "stepping off the cliff". Facing one's fears head on, well yeah, it's cleansing. But it also sucks rocks. You might want to start out with a professional therapist.

So my first movie was Shaun of the Dead and, yes, it was scary. I even had a serious nightmare about it that night. But I also enjoyed it. By the time I got to Zombieland I was really having a good time. My favorite, so far, was Pandorum with Dennis Quaid. I haven’t quite made it through Legion yet. But I will.

Oh, yeah. Back to the interpretations.

Corpses of strangers: This one's contrary (isn't that nice?). It predicts a full and happy life.

A number of corpses: Success where you least expect it.

Deformed bodies: Social success and business achievement.

 Death: If you spoke with someone who is dead, you will soon hear very good news (Later: Finally, got a job interview!)

Anxiety: Your worries will soon be relieved.

Escape from danger: Social and romantic success.

Bathroom/Toilet: Relief.

Arise with the sun: Happiness, contentment, and fun.

To rise up from the ground: Victory over opposition.

To fly: Successfully maintained flight means that you can expect to achieve your goal without much difficulty.

Did I mention that I had sex this morning.


Please feel free to share. Your healing experiences are valuable to us all.

Plus, do let me know if you find any spelling or grammatical errors.

P.S. Voted Best Scary Music Video (by me): Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson from the extraordinary remake of the move: House on Haunted Hill.

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