Is there a healthy way to release pent up frustration and stress?
Q: Lately I've been going through a crisis of sorts. There are other people involved and when I think about them, I get so angry I just want to scream or break something.
Please don't tell me to do yoga or slow breathing meditation or to hit a pillow. I already do Tai Chi (a soft martial art) and it doesn't help.
Day in and day out, this anxiety persists and I just feel like I'm going to explode. But mostly I just cry all the time. I'm on edge and feel emotionally drained. Is there anything I can do to help myself immediately?
A: Exercise is key. It produces endorphins, chemicals in your system that work like a "drug" to help relieve stress. You will feel better about yourself at the end of each session.
And I'm glad to hear that you do a martial art. Why not try something a little more... INTENSE. I do a Muay Thai kickboxing class in which we kick and punch bags. The sweat just pours down, I breathe hard, and sometimes I even imagine certain faces on the bag... certain people I'd like to kick the sh-- out of. LOL. It works! At the end of the class it feels like I've done just that.
It's an awesome way to let go some anger and stress. Couldn't cope without it.
And I'm not sure how old you are but age shouldn't matter (unless you have a unique medical condition such as osteoporosis. Then do consult with your doctor first). This class is a cardio/aerobic kickboxing class, no actual sparring involved, which I know intimidates some people. If I can do it at fifty, anyone can.
Have you seen how hard those people work out on Biggest Loser? Most people think that growing older means relaxing... retirement. I'm afraid it's just the opposite. We have to work twice as hard for the same results we had in our earlier years.
Oh, P.S., reducing refined sugar and caffeine and aspartame in your diet also helps. These ingredients can cause these feelings of frustration as a symptom of an out of balance body chemistry. Most people don't understand how powerful sugar is in this regard. Plus, an added benefit of reducing sugar in your diet is more energy for your workout.
Do your legs sometimes feel heavy, like you're lifting them with 20 lb. ankle weights tied to each? Replacing refined sugars (What are those? See the book The Sugar Addict's Diet for a complete explanation.) with more natural ones will take of that. You'll feel much lighter. Instead of dragging yourself through your workout (and your day!), your energy level will skyrocket. And, as an added bonus you'll be able to think more clearly. Improved memory is a side-effect of reduced sugar consumption.
Today, in Salt Lake City, Utah someone replaced the Baby Jesus in a nativity scene with a Mr. Potato Head, leaving only a ransom note. The Care Takers were visibly distraught.
Lately, the hard part has been just getting the job interview. Whether it’s my age (I’m a Baby Boomer) or the tough recession economy, I’m not sure. But I finally did get an interview and I got the job!
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve just fallen head over heels with blogging, my latest venture, and I hope to do it full-time at some point. But, as all (well most) artists and writers know… a “day job” is a necessary evil, part of what is needed to make one’s dreams come true. In fact, the last time I sat down and counted, I had had over fifty different “day jobs” over the years. Can anyone top that? For a moment, I’m actually feeling a sense of pride rather than shame.
Someone recently suggested that I add a DONATE button to my blog. So, shamelessly, I did.
I’ll try not to digress too far here, but this reminds me of an experience I had last summer while trying to sell my artwork at the local mall. It took a good amount of time to set it all up, following the proper protocol, ordinances, licenses, fees, etc.
Then, I sat myself down and for four hours… made absolutely nothing.
Meanwhile, a panhandler came along and joined me for the last hour or so. He stood in the middle of the sidewalk and accosted every passerby (which was against the rules for me, of course), and seemed to have done quite well. So, as he was leaving, I asked him how he did. He was there for 50 minutes and said he’d ONLY made forty dollars… “so not that great”. Forty bucks an hour? Hmm. I knew then I was in the wrong business.
And not only that, but my experience that day was made even more memorable when a shopkeeper complained that I was too close to their shop (not the first time this had happened), and in the wrong zone. So, after spending months creating my paintings, schlepping them all the way down there, trying to follow all the rules, paying all necessary fees, setting up and tearing down, I was escorted away by the police. True story. It was time to get another day job.
So, I’ve had lots of practice with job interviews.
Do you find yourself tongue-tied and nervous when it comes time for the job interview questions? Forget trying to memorize the best job interview answers. You won’t need to know job interview questions and answers if you have enough self-confidence.
With self-confidence, the job interview will just flow naturally. It will be as natural as any ordinary conversation. You would not have gotten the interview if you weren’t qualified enough for the job, according to your resume. The interviewer now just wants to see you in person, to not only determine if you have some rapport with each other, but to see if you have enough confidence in your skills to handle the job.
Plus, as one recent interviewer so eloquently stated, "You can't really tell if they're a sleezeball or not unless you see them eye to eye."
Here is my BEST TIP for acing the interview: Self-Hypnosis for Self-Confidence. It works!
I used to get nervous too, stumbling over my words and fidgeting too much. Not any more.
Let’s face it, nothing tops self-confidence. Nothing is more attractive, whether it’s in the bedroom or the board (bored?) room than self-confidence.
An interviewer can smell fear (read insecurity) a mile away. And what does that say about you? That you’re not sure you can handle the job.
So, the night before and morning of (preferably weeks in advance) you should be listening to your self-confidence self-hypnosis audios or visuals. You’ll know it’s working when you have, what I call “the hypnosis moment”. One day you’ll be going about your business as usual when, all of a sudden, you’ll do or say something completely out of character (for your old self!).
It will be as if you’re looking over your own shoulder going, “Wow, did I just say that?”. Believe me, hypnosis does work and it’s awesome. It’s awesome to know that we truly have the power to change ourselves for the better.
Oh, yeah. I can’t remember where I found it but I did read a study once that said even skeptics experienced positive results.