Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2011

Best Martial Arts Films: Blood and Bone Review VIDEO

"Blood and Bone"... this is my new FAVORITE Martial Arts Film. OMG. I had thought it was all about Gina Carano... but Michael Jai White just blew me away. Who is this guy? Where has he been all my life? The flying punch with a scissor-kick, c'mon.

This was the best opening scene in a martial arts movie that I'd ever seen. The fight choreography, the skill... perfect form, perfect execution. As a practiced martial artist, myself, it was just gorgeous to watch. Nothing fake here.

Be prepared (spoiler):
They "tap out" but the guy breaks their arm anyway!

I can't believe it took me so  long to see this thing. WOW. I watched it. I watched 'The Special Features'. I watched it with commentary and then I watched it again.

Netflix isn't enough. I need to OWN this one.

This is real martial arts for real martial artists. In fact, the script was written by a 20 year veteran of the martial arts (an "Old Schooler" like me). Plus, the star, Michael Jai White, actually holds 7 Black Belts! Are you kidding me?! (I only hold 3.)

I am in awe. The choreography, the skill, the fricken ART of it all.

If you get the DVD, be sure to watch the Special Features and the movie, again, with Commentary. It will give you more insight into the 'Making of'... and incline you to give respect where respect is due.

Blood and Bone TRAILER:

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast! Healthy Diet Review "Fat Sick & Nearly Dead"

I really enjoyed this documentary. Aussie, Joe Cross, is down to earth, humble, and endearing. But what I liked best was its inspirational quality and the fact that doctor's checkups and approval were absolutely imperative to the program. Plus, the nutritional analysis.

Since watching this film, I haven't done the full fast. But I have replaced one meal per day with a vegetable juice. I used V8 (the 12 oz. can) as our juicer is on the fritz. But I have lost 5.5 lbs. in just two weeks, which was very exciting for me as menopause has been quite a challenge.

With my slower menopausal metabolism, nothing seemed to work the way it used to. I exercise regularly (hard) and stay away from sugar and white carbs (quitting refined sugar cured me of Graves Disease). So there's no cookies, cake, candy, white rice, white bread, or soda pop in my diet. I used to replace these foods with the lower sugar or sugar free options (see my book: The Sugar Addict's Diet by S.J. Wise). But I don't even crave sweets anymore. Not even chocolate!

Still, with menopause, I gained 30 stubborn pounds. I even doubled my weekly exercise hours from 4 to 8 (adding an hour of slower fat-burning exercises to each session) and I lost inches but no weight. In fact, I gained! I didn't start losing the weight until the meal substitution.

But don't take my word for it. Watch this film. It could be the answer you've been looking for.

Available now on Netflix Instant Play.

TRAILER: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead Diet Juicing Recipes:

Diet FAQ:


If you liked this POST, you'll like this one too:

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Great GIFT Idea! Nursing / Doctor's Scrubs for the LITTLE ONES

Carla EspinosaImage via Wikipedia
"Carla Espinoza"
As a former nurse, I know that medical nursing scrubs are awesome to wear around the house. Yes, yes, I know we're not supposed to take them home. Well now you can buy them online for yourself!

Check it out here:

They have mens scrubs, womens scrubs, kids scrubs, babies scrubs... and you can even design your own custom scrubs!

What a fun gift idea for your next birthday party, shower, or holiday. Especially for someone in the medical field. Whether you're a relative, friend, or Grandparent, they'll be the HIT gift of the event.

Or buy them for your own kids!

The CUTENESS factor is off the scale, plus they're comfy and easy to clean too.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Miniature Abstract Painting Oil Acrylic Mixed Media Sabina Wise

OMG, I'm painting again!
Miniature Abstract Painting Oil Acrylic Mixed Media by Sabina Wise


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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Love the DICK 2! Self-Hypnosis for Signs of Anxiety and Stress

lotus boxImage by ballookey via Flickr

There's no denying these are stressful times, especially if you're in the job hunt. Because of the recession there are so many applicants that companies can be more choosy than ever.

Take my experience right now, for instance. One particular company (I won't mention any names) has had me do three tests (one online), three interviews (one over the phone), a background check, credit check, finger printing, and drug test.

Plus, they've had me turn in pay stubs from former jobs to prove my employment (as well as talking with former supervisors) and turn in a Schedule C Tax Form as proof of self-employment (as well as verifying that with my accountant!).

It's scary and stressful and anxiety provoking because even after all that... this gauntlet of PROOF of WORTHINESS (which, of course, has taken several weeks) the position is still unconfirmed. In other words, after all this, I still might not get it.

In my article "I Love Dick" we discussed the benefits of self-hypnosis for handling depression. This morning I listened to Dick Sutphen's audio "Relax" to help me handle this anxiety... And it reminded me of something.

We can't relax if we're in the middle of TRYING, WANTING, NEEDING. Remember when we were kids? That's what meditation is all about: Getting back to that place of setting aside the worrying. We didn't worry as children. We played and life just happened.

Dali said, "Resignation is the work of art." There is only so much we can DO and then we need to just relax and let go; we need to resign ourselves to whatever the universe, God, fate (whatever you choose to call it) has lined up for us.

Relax and ALLOW.

I wasn't able to find that exact Dick Sutphen audio for you, today. But if you'd like to check out his work (and his gorgeous wife Tara's) you can go to his website:

Just to get you started here's a relaxation at the beach video I found on YouTube. There are many more mini self-hypnos there.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Weight Loss Coach - Tips To Lose Weight In 2011 VIDEO KPLR

St. Louis, MO (KPLR) — Since this is the first week of the new year it's appropriate to talk about new year's resolutions. Weight loss coach Charles D'Angelo talks about how to lose weight and exercise in 2011. He has tips on how do we establish good habits right off the bat.

Weight Loss Coach - Tips To Lose Weight In 2011 - KPLR

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Letting Go is Letting Flow: Inspirational Quotes for the New Year

erPersian musicianImage via Wikipedia

Letting Go is Letting Flow

I am fortunate enough to be a musicians friend. So, today, I am honored to be able to share A New Years Message from, Leraine (the world's most talented musician for hire and yogini that I know):

Hello people,

So here we go into 2011.  I've been cleaning house inside & out, clearing space for new energy.  It's like my computer...all these hidden files of unused things taking up room, all these unworn clothes!  

I decided that letting go is more like letting flow for me.  
And sometimes it requires me to release that thing that no longer serves me, so I can flow more freely. When the connection is weak it's like listening to the radio not quite tuned in it gets fuzzy, distorted & really not very pleasing!  

So I let flow of the things that I don't strongly & clearly connect with.   I'm choosing to be devoted and connected to energy that renews me!  Music, amazing friends, great food, sharing with my loved ones, breathing, singing, mountains, blue sky, oneness, crying, love..... I could go on & on & on...... thank you!!  I'm grateful!

Live in the Light

Post Script: One of the most spiritual experiences of my life was doing a yoga class to live music... Leraine's live music. She plays, just from my one experience' count, over 20 different instruments from drums to flutes to guitars to sitars. She's remarkable and available for a visit to your yoga school or event. Visit:

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

10 Things You SHOULD Buy at the Dollar Store

Tropical beachImage by cstrom via Flickr
Living Frugally

You wouldn't want to do all of your shopping there. But if saving a buck is important to you (and it should be) here are a few things where savings does not trump quality. In other words, what you find at the "regular" store that costs four or five times as much, isn't necessarily of higher quality.

1.  Packing Tape

2.  Hair Brush

3.  Window Cleaner

4.   Scissors

5.  Childrens Books/Coloring Books

6.  Kitchen Scrubbies

7.  Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Bows, & Greeting Cards

8.  Tomato Sauce & Salsa

9.  Sensitive/Teeth Brightening Toothpaste

10.  Shampoo (But not for hair! A mega-size 64 oz. bottle of dollar store shampoo makes the best bubble bath.)

So, if you purchased all of these things listed at the dollar store, it would cost you about $15.00. Now compare that to a regular grocery store where you will be paying somewhere between $3.00 and $5.00 each. That's an average of $4.00 per item compared to only one - a 75% savings! So your fifteen dollars would turn into sixty.

If you multiply your $45.00 dollar savings by 12 months, that gives you $540.00 in a year's time! Now you can turn those savings into that vacation you've been saying you couldn't afford.

Let me show you where you can find a 7 day Cruise for around that price...

Did you know that the best prices on cruises are "Last Minute Deals"? Check it out here:

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Q & A: How to Lose Weight Fast

Beautiful girlImage by tibchris via FlickrQ:  I think I'm overweight for my age (13)  and I'd like to know what the quickest way to lose weight is... that is still healthy. I want my flat belly back!

A:  The first thing you need to do is cut down on refined sugar. Do you think about food all the time? Are you hungry all the time? Over-carbing and insufficient protein will cause a chemical imbalance that makes you crave food and over-eat.Which is probably why you have a weight issue.

Plus, there's that calorie thing. You have to make sure you're eating enough calories but not too much. A simplistic gauge is, if you want to weigh 130 (multiply it by 10) you shouldn't consume more than 1300 calories per day net. Net meaning if you exercise off 300 calories you can add those to the 1300. For example, 1600 consumed minus 300 exercise = 1300 net.

There are some great books about cutting down on sugar (It affects your health too - do you have trouble sleeping sometimes? That's one of the symptoms of too much refined sugar in the diet). One of these books is called the "The Sugar Addict's Diet". Go to the library or the book store and start reading about real nutrition (not fad diets). Also, start picking up every magazine you see about living a healthy lifestyle.

These magazines like Shape and Women's Fitness have little snippets of the latest good advice about eating and exercise... and over time you will become educated and more fit. Don't worry about overnight results. Once you're on the right track with exercise (find something you really like and WANT to do - I love cardio kickboxing!) and good nutrition, you'll feel more calm about your weight and your shape, and maybe even develop an "athletic" mindset. Were the Olympic athletes thin? No. But they were strong and healthy and certainly not insecure about their figures.

Your weight will no longer be an issue.

Now, if you had said you were 24 and your wedding was coming up, I would have a different answer for you. I would say go ahead and (just for 3 or 4 days leading up to the wedding) cut out all salt, all carbohydrates, and fluids... except for a sip of water when you're thirsty.

That would help you lose up to six pounds of water weight. But, of course, it's not something healthy that should be kept up for any period of time.

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