Take my experience right now, for instance. One particular company (I won't mention any names) has had me do three tests (one online), three interviews (one over the phone), a background check, credit check, finger printing, and drug test.
Plus, they've had me turn in pay stubs from former jobs to prove my employment (as well as talking with former supervisors) and turn in a Schedule C Tax Form as proof of self-employment (as well as verifying that with my accountant!).
It's scary and stressful and anxiety provoking because even after all that... this gauntlet of PROOF of WORTHINESS (which, of course, has taken several weeks) the position is still unconfirmed. In other words, after all this, I still might not get it.
In my article "I Love Dick" we discussed the benefits of self-hypnosis for handling depression. This morning I listened to Dick Sutphen's audio "Relax" to help me handle this anxiety... And it reminded me of something.
We can't relax if we're in the middle of TRYING, WANTING, NEEDING. Remember when we were kids? That's what meditation is all about: Getting back to that place of setting aside the worrying. We didn't worry as children. We played and life just happened.
Dali said, "Resignation is the work of art." There is only so much we can DO and then we need to just relax and let go; we need to resign ourselves to whatever the universe, God, fate (whatever you choose to call it) has lined up for us.
Relax and ALLOW.
I wasn't able to find that exact Dick Sutphen audio for you, today. But if you'd like to check out his work (and his gorgeous wife Tara's) you can go to his website: http://www.tstonramp.com/~soaringspirit/
Just to get you started here's a relaxation at the beach video I found on YouTube. There are many more mini self-hypnos there.