Showing posts with label Horror Movies of the 80's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror Movies of the 80's. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Best Horror Movie B-Films: "Humanoids from the Deep" 1980 Starring Doug McClure

Doug McClure as TrampasImage via WikipediaI have to tell you that, back in the 80's (OMG! That's more than 30 years ago) I had such a crush on Doug McClure. He had the IT FACTOR - you know? He was in a lot of things back then and, man, did I think he was sexy. I was 20 in 1980, when this film was made, but missed it somehow.

Anyway, this film is a wonderful revisit to The Creature from the Black Lagoon (and, as in any great B-film, if you watch real close you might see a nipple, a nice butt shot, and just the right amount of gore!).

Plus, I've been to every corner of the United States and it's always fun to see a film that so epitomizes a certain area.

And, I should say, a certain time period. Nineteen-eighty was before cell phones, computers, and even chain stores. Ahh, I've a bit of nostalgia for it... until I glance at my laptop. WTF did we do with ourselves before streaming videos and instant answers?!

I love this movie (which I procured off Netflix's Instant Play). It's suspenseful right from the start. And if you're a B-film Afficiando, you'll appreciate it very much. Lots-o-fun to be had by all.

P.S. You gotta love those 80's haircuts... the feathered "Shag", even on the men!

P.P.S.  Raped by seaweed? Hmm. That's a new twist. I'll never swim so close to shore again. LOL.

About the town of Noyo on the northern coast of California (worst seafood experience I ever had). This is a tad more romantic:

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Horror Movie Reviews: The Original "Hellraiser", 1987 (Classic Horror Movies Films)

Yeah, the Alien Series... they were ooey gooey and SCARY. This one may not be as scary (now) but, geez, is it CREEPY...still!

And that makes it so much fun. Imagine being on the Special Effects Make-up crew! WOW. Good job, guys. It still holds up after all these years.

The guy that wore the "goo" suit... I wonder just how much he got paid.Was it fun or just disgustingly GROSS?!

Best (Stupid) Lines:
"They'll never find us... not in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

"It's Uncle Frank... Come to Daddy!"

By the way, this is Clive Barker's directorial debut. 

P.S. Was SHE really considered a Hottie back in '87? WTF.

AND like the demons can't see that he is DOWNSTAIRS?! "Demons to some. Angels to others." Yeah, right.

I love how HORROR movies get less HORRIFIC as time goes on... and Sci-Fi's get LESS SCIENTIFIC.  It's one of TIME'S little gifts to us... change.

And, oh, the lovely stench of dead husks rotting in the attic. Mmm.

*I've done an autopsy. I KNOW what that SMELLS like! J. C. I hope you never have to experience it.

And, oh, the ending... DISGUSTE-MUNDO!!! Just glorious.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Best HORROR Movies: HOUSE, 1986 Comedy Humor

William KattImage by Mirka23 via FlickrThe most HILARIOUS "Horror Movie" ever!... "House, 1986" with William Katt (had a crush on him back then).

Check out his Bio. Had no idea he'd been keeping so busy all this time:

This movie is so FUNNY (AND even scary at times!), I laughed so hard. Haven't had so much fun since "Poltergeist".

The token HOT GIRL reminds me of Bo Derek in "10". Ahh, the 80's... Definitely had a swim suit like that. But I'm sure I didn't look quite the same in it.

The flashbacks to Vietnam are a bit odd. But, whatever. If you like this genre, you'll have a great time.


P.S. George Wendt (of Cheers) adds to the fun. And if you've never seen "Night Court" (a TV series) with Richard Mull (also in this movie), check it out. It was awesome humor in its time.

Available now on Netflix Instant Play (I receive no compensation for this endorsement).

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