Showing posts with label Body fat percentage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body fat percentage. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Lose Weight Fast! Healthy Diet Review "Fat Sick & Nearly Dead"

I really enjoyed this documentary. Aussie, Joe Cross, is down to earth, humble, and endearing. But what I liked best was its inspirational quality and the fact that doctor's checkups and approval were absolutely imperative to the program. Plus, the nutritional analysis.

Since watching this film, I haven't done the full fast. But I have replaced one meal per day with a vegetable juice. I used V8 (the 12 oz. can) as our juicer is on the fritz. But I have lost 5.5 lbs. in just two weeks, which was very exciting for me as menopause has been quite a challenge.

With my slower menopausal metabolism, nothing seemed to work the way it used to. I exercise regularly (hard) and stay away from sugar and white carbs (quitting refined sugar cured me of Graves Disease). So there's no cookies, cake, candy, white rice, white bread, or soda pop in my diet. I used to replace these foods with the lower sugar or sugar free options (see my book: The Sugar Addict's Diet by S.J. Wise). But I don't even crave sweets anymore. Not even chocolate!

Still, with menopause, I gained 30 stubborn pounds. I even doubled my weekly exercise hours from 4 to 8 (adding an hour of slower fat-burning exercises to each session) and I lost inches but no weight. In fact, I gained! I didn't start losing the weight until the meal substitution.

But don't take my word for it. Watch this film. It could be the answer you've been looking for.

Available now on Netflix Instant Play.

TRAILER: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead Diet Juicing Recipes:

Diet FAQ:


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