Showing posts with label Travel and Tourism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel and Tourism. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

WELCOME!!! Body Beauty Bliss is Now being Read in 111 Countries!!

Costa Rica insectCosta Rica insect (Photo credit: Bodhi Surf School)Welcome!!! Georgia, Iceland, Dominican Republic, Mauritius, and Luxembourg

Thank you so much for your support.

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site: 

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Azer Bai Jan 
  7. Bahrain
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Barbados
  10. Belarus
  11. Belgium 
  12. Bolivia
  13. Brazil
  14. Bulgaria
  15. Burmuda
  16. Canada
  17. Chile
  18. China
  19. Colombia
  20. Costa Rica
  21. Croatia
  22. Cyprus
  23. Czech Republic
  24. Denmark
  25. Dominican Republic
  26. Ecuador
  27. Egypt
  28. El Salvador
  29. Estonia
  30. Ethiopia
  31. Finland
  32. France
  33. Georgia
  34. Germany
  35. Greece
  36. Guam
  37. Guana
  38. Guernsey
  39. Guyana
  40. Honduras
  41. Hong Kong
  42. Hungary 
  43. Iceland
  44. India
  45. Indonesia
  46. Iran
  47. Iraq
  48. Ireland 
  49. Isle of Man
  50. Israel
  51. Italy
  52. Japan
  53. Jersey 
  54. Jordan
  55. Kazakhstan
  56. Kenya
  57. Kuwait
  58. Latvia
  59. Lebanon
  60. Luxembourg
  61. Macau
  62. Malaysia
  63. Mauritius
  64. Mexico
  65. Moldova
  66. Montenegro
  67. Morocco
  68. Netherlands
  69. New Caledonia
  70. New Zealand
  71. Nigeria
  72. Norway
  73. Pakistan
  74. Palestinian Territories
  75. Panama
  76. Paraguay
  77. Peru
  78. Philippines
  79. Poland
  80. Portugal
  81. Qatar
  82. Romania
  83. Russia
  84. Saudi Arabia
  85. Serbia
  86. Singapore
  87. Slovakia
  88. Slovenia
  89. South Africa
  90. South Korea
  91. Spain
  92. Sri Lanka
  93. Sudan
  94. Sweden
  95. Switzerland
  96. Syria
  97. Taiwan
  98. Thailand
  99. Trinidad and Tobago
  100. Turkey
  101. UK
  102. Ukraine
  103. United Arab Emirates
  104. Uruguay
  105. US
  106. Uzbekistan
  107. Venezuela
  108. Vietnam
  109. Yemen
  110. Zambia 
  111. Zimbabwe

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Friday, February 17, 2012

WELCOME!!! BBB is Now being Read in 106 Countries!!

Dove Fighting at the Duomo di MilanoImage by Sprengben [why not get a friend] via FlickrWELCOME!! El Salvador, New Caledonia, Honduras, Bahrain, Chile, Guyana, and Ghana!

Thank you so much for your support.

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site: 

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Azer Bai Jan 
  7. Bahrain
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Barbados
  10. Belarus
  11. Belgium 
  12. Bolivia
  13. Brazil
  14. Bulgaria
  15. Burmuda
  16. Canada
  17. Chile
  18. China
  19. Colombia
  20. Costa Rica
  21. Croatia
  22. Cyprus
  23. Czech Republic
  24. Denmark
  25. Ecuador
  26. Egypt
  27. El Salvador
  28. Estonia
  29. Ethiopia
  30. Finland
  31. France
  32. Germany
  33. Greece
  34. Guam
  35. Guana
  36. Guernsey
  37. Guyana
  38. Honduras
  39. Hong Kong
  40. Hungary 
  41. India
  42. Indonesia
  43. Iran
  44. Iraq
  45. Ireland 
  46. Isle of Man
  47. Israel
  48. Italy
  49. Japan
  50. Jersey 
  51. Jordan
  52. Kazakhstan
  53. Kenya
  54. Kuwait
  55. Latvia
  56. Lebanon
  57. Macau
  58. Malaysia
  59. Mexico
  60. Moldova
  61. Montenegro
  62. Morocco
  63. Netherlands
  64. New Caledonia
  65. New Zealand
  66. Nigeria
  67. Norway
  68. Pakistan
  69. Palestinian Territories
  70. Panama
  71. Paraguay
  72. Peru
  73. Philippines
  74. Poland
  75. Portugal
  76. Qatar
  77. Romania
  78. Russia
  79. Saudi Arabia
  80. Serbia
  81. Singapore
  82. Slovakia
  83. Slovenia
  84. South Africa
  85. South Korea
  86. Spain
  87. Sri Lanka
  88. Sudan
  89. Sweden
  90. Switzerland
  91. Syria
  92. Taiwan
  93. Thailand
  94. Trinidad and Tobago
  95. Turkey
  96. UK
  97. Ukraine
  98. United Arab Emirates
  99. Uruguay
  100. US
  101. Uzbekistan
  102. Venezuela
  103. Vietnam
  104. Yemen
  105. Zambia 
  106. Zimbabwe

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

TOP 10 Documentary Film Reviews: Wild China (a mini series) THE BEAUTY OF CHINA

Rite of Spring, 1985, a/c, 79x112 inches, (exh...Image via WikipediaEnglish: Clouds Shield the Layered Cliffs, Chi...Image via WikipediaSo... Netflix kept recommending this film (saying that I would LOVE it) and I kept ignoring it... until today.

Now WOW, OMG, (all the expletives you can think of!)... it is by far one of the most amazing cinematically beautiful films I have ever seen.

And, oh yeah. It's educational.

For the first time in my life, I WANT - NEED (!) to visit China... the beauty, the grandeur, the landscape... the people.
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Monday, October 3, 2011

WELCOME!!! BBB is Now being Read in 80 Countries!

Church of the Virgin of the Angels during 2007...Image via Wikipedia

Welcome this week Belarus, Japan, Taiwan, Costa Rica, and Iraq.

BBB is now being read in 80 countries!

Thank you so much for your support.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Argentina
  4. Australia
  5. Austria
  6. Azer Bai Jan
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Barbados
  9. Belarus
  10. Belgium
  11. Brazil
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Burmuda
  14. Canada
  15. China
  16. Colombia
  17. Costa Rica
  18. Croatia
  19. Cyprus
  20. Czech Republic
  21. Denmark
  22. Ecuador
  23. Egypt
  24. Estonia
  25. Ethiopia
  26. Finland
  27. France
  28. Germany
  29. Greece
  30. Guam
  31. Guana
  32. Guernsey
  33. Hong Kong
  34. Hungary 
  35. India
  36. Indonesia
  37. Iran
  38. Iraq
  39. Ireland
  40. Israel
  41. Italy
  42. Japan
  43. Jersey
  44. Kazakhstan
  45. Kenya
  46. Kuwait
  47. Latvia
  48. Malaysia
  49. Mexico
  50. Moldova
  51. Netherlands
  52. New Zealand
  53. Nigeria
  54. Norway
  55. Pakistan
  56. Paraguay
  57. Philippines
  58. Poland
  59. Portugal
  60. Qatar
  61. Romania
  62. Russia
  63. Saudi Arabia
  64. Serbia
  65. Singapore
  66. Slovakia
  67. Slovenia
  68. South Africa
  69. South Korea
  70. Spain
  71. Sweden
  72. Switzerland
  73. Taiwan
  74. Thailand
  75. UK
  76. Ukraine
  77. United Arab Emirates
  78. US
  79. Vietnam
  80. Zambia

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:  

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

WELCOME!!! BBB is Now being Read in 75 Countries!

Egypt: GizehImage by Brooklyn Museum via Flickr
Welcome TEN new countries (in RED)!  

Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 75 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. Afghanistan
2. Algeria
3. Argentina
4. Australia
5. Austria
6. Azer Bai Jan
7. Bangladesh
8. Barbados
9. Belgium
10. Brazil
11. Bulgaria
12. Burmuda
13. Canada
14. China
15. Colombia
16. Croatia
17. Cyprus
18. Czech Republic
19. Denmark
20. Ecuador
21. Egypt
22. Estonia
23. Ethiopia
24. Finland

25. France
26. Germany
27. Greece
28. Guam
29. Guana
30. Guernsey
31. Hong Kong
32. Hungary 

33. India
34. Indonesia
35. Iran
36. Ireland
37. Israel
38. Italy
39. Jersey
40. Kazakhstan
41. Kenya
42. Kuwait
43. Latvia
44. Malaysia
45. Mexico
46. Moldova
47. Netherlands
48. New Zealand
49. Nigeria
50. Norway
51. Pakistan
52. Paraguay
53. Philippines
54. Poland
55. Portugal
56. Qatar
57. Romania
58. Russia
59. Saudi Arabia
60. Serbia
61. Singapore
62. Slovakia
63. Slovenia
64. South Africa
65. South Korea
66. Spain
67. Sweden
68. Switzerland
69. Thailand
70. UK
71. Ukraine
72. United Arab Emirates
73. US
74. Vietnam
75. Zambia

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:  
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome! BBB is now being read in 67 countries!

Cajas National Park in Ecuador, near Cuenca.Image via Wikipedia
WOW. We've added 14 countries since I last checked. Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 67 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic
36. Italy
37. Israel
38. Hong Kong
39. Austria
40. Portugal
41. Vietnam
42. China
43. Hungary
44. Ukraine
45. South Africa
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Estonia
48. Pakistan
49. Kazakhstan
50. Poland
51. Iran
52. Switzerland
53. Indonesia
54. Romania
55. Slovakia
56. Bangladesh
57. Afghanistan
58. Colombia
59. Latvia
60. Norway
61. Algeria
61. Singapore
62. Ethiopia
63. Cyprus
64. Paraguay
65. Ecuador
66. Nigeria
67. Argentina

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GIRL FIGHTERS "Muay Thai Giant" MARTIAL ARTS Movie Reviews

Here's a fun little GIRL FIGHT martial arts film I found. It's called "Muay Thai Giant". The girl fighters in it are awesome. They're miniature little Thai fighters and it takes place in Thailand.

Nathan Jones is great as, Barney Emerald, the "Gentle Giant". I've actually known a few of those in the Martial Arts world. Thank goodness not all males are Alpha types.

And Dan Chupong, the Police Chief, reminds me of Tony Jaa in "Ong Bak".

In addition to all that, it's so delightful to break the tradition of martial arts movie equals drug smugglers, thieves, and gangsters... oops. I lied. But at least the girls with the gentle (Aussie?) giant make it CUTE enough to qualify as FAMILY FUN.

Okay, it gets a little silly. But haven't we all felt that way with a little too much wasabi?

There's even a male vs. female Muay Thai match. How could you miss that?! You gotta love the "flying" elbows, upper-cuts, and knees of Muay Thai... but where are the blocks? Oh, yeah, I did see some inside the thigh knee blocks! Nice.

And then there's the Papaya Girl. Mmm.There's nothing better than TOUGH and SEXY!

SPOILER: Inside the ring she beats him but they call it a draw (being a male-dominated culture and all). That's one of the things we, as women, have to face in this patriarchal world culture. I once took down an 8th Degree Black Belt as a 6th Degree myself... did I get the same respect a man would have? No. Instead of saying, "Good job!", he said... "Here's what you did wrong."

Sub-titled. But well worth it.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is the Loch Ness Monster Real? Movie Reviews: Beneath Loch Ness

Hoaxed photo of the Loch Ness monsterImage via WikipediaMovie Review: Beneath Loch Ness

Not bad for a B+ Film. (You know I love Creature Feature B-Films).

The best part? The Scottish music. And, I must say, the acting was not B-Film acting. They did a d__n good job with this one.

Fun. But not as fun as MIMIC.  ; )

Oops! I haven't blogged that one yet... COMING SOON!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome Romania! BBB is now Read in 54 Countries

romanian paintersImage by dorinsb via Flickr
Romanian Art
It's been a while since I checked to see how many countries we are in. Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 54 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic
36. Italy
37. Israel
38. Hong Kong
39. Austria
40. Portugal
41. Vietnam
42. China
43. Hungary
44. Ukraine
45. South Africa
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Estonia 48. Pakistan
49. Kazakhstan
50. Poland
51. Iran
52. Switzerland
53. Indonesia
54. Romania

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Snapshot of Amsterdam Been There Done That!

Fresh Tulips...Image via Wikipedia
I have had the good fortune of actually visiting Amsterdam. The website link below is Amsterdam in a nutshell.

Be sure to scroll down to the "Love from Amsterdam" souvenirs photo. I enjoyed all that Amsterdam had to offer. I highly recommend it. Fun. Fun. Fun. And then some more fun.

Don't be afraid to do something that you wouldn't normally do... something that might not be legal where YOU LIVE.

Saw the Vincent Van Gogh Museum but missed Rembrandt's Art Museum. Big mistake.

Ready for a trip? Checkout this site:

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome Switzerland and Indonesia! BBB is now in 53 Countries

Lugano, SwitzerlandImage by Wolfgang Staudt via Flickr
Lugano, Switzerland
Welcome this week! Switzerland and Indonesia.

Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 53 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic
36. Italy
37. Israel
38. Hong Kong
39. Austria
40. Portugal
41. Vietnam
42. China
43. Hungary
44. Ukraine
45. South Africa
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Estonia
48. Pakistan
49. Kazakhstan
50. Poland
51. Iran
52. Switzerland
53. Indonesia

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:
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