Showing posts with label Black belt (martial arts). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black belt (martial arts). Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Warrior's Way, 2009 (The Best Martial Arts Movies)

At first I was thinking, okay, "Cowboys and Aliens" so... now we have "Cowboys and Samarai". But then I remembered David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine in the 1970's TV series: Kung Fu.

This movie brings back a bit more of the beloved essence of that series... not so much the martial arts, but the WISDOM of the martial arts.

Somewhere I have a (cassette!) tape of the Kung Fu aphorisms from the series (Kung Fu, 1972-1975).

Sad note. Apparently the series was actually Bruce Lee's idea but he was cut from acting the part because America just wasn't ready for an Asian TV Star at the time (so said the production company).

Anyway, I just loved this film!!! And do highly recommend it for so many more reasons other than just the Eastern "wisdom".

The aesthetically beautiful and extremely creative cinematography is outstanding. And the stylized modern synthesis of script and acting are amazing to behold. A Masterpiece of direction by Sngmoo Lee. A real work of art... not to be missed.

The title: The Warrior's Way is nothing new to the martial arts world. But this movie is: serious, artistically brutal, and humorous all at once. I especially liked that the main character's protege is a young woman.

Again, as I said, I just loved it. Long live "The Eastern Western"!
Oh, yeah, the main actor?  Dong-gun Jang. He's Asia's answer to Clint Eastwood... soft-spoken, hard-assed, and as COOL as it gets.
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Friday, August 26, 2011

Best Martial Arts Films: Blood and Bone Review VIDEO

"Blood and Bone"... this is my new FAVORITE Martial Arts Film. OMG. I had thought it was all about Gina Carano... but Michael Jai White just blew me away. Who is this guy? Where has he been all my life? The flying punch with a scissor-kick, c'mon.

This was the best opening scene in a martial arts movie that I'd ever seen. The fight choreography, the skill... perfect form, perfect execution. As a practiced martial artist, myself, it was just gorgeous to watch. Nothing fake here.

Be prepared (spoiler):
They "tap out" but the guy breaks their arm anyway!

I can't believe it took me so  long to see this thing. WOW. I watched it. I watched 'The Special Features'. I watched it with commentary and then I watched it again.

Netflix isn't enough. I need to OWN this one.

This is real martial arts for real martial artists. In fact, the script was written by a 20 year veteran of the martial arts (an "Old Schooler" like me). Plus, the star, Michael Jai White, actually holds 7 Black Belts! Are you kidding me?! (I only hold 3.)

I am in awe. The choreography, the skill, the fricken ART of it all.

If you get the DVD, be sure to watch the Special Features and the movie, again, with Commentary. It will give you more insight into the 'Making of'... and incline you to give respect where respect is due.

Blood and Bone TRAILER:

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