Showing posts with label Women Fighters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women Fighters. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Age Doesn't Matter! Women Martial Artists MMA UFC

Mixed martial arts fighter Gina Carano at the ...Image via Wikipedia
Age doesn't matter!
(Blog Moderator: I'm 51 and in the best shape of my life as a 7th degree MMA Black Belt!). So if you want to do it, go for it! Forget about age or gender, just do it.

To the right: Gina Carano, MMA Champ.

Meet 52 year old Mixed Martial Artist, Cheryl Ragsdale:

From Cheryl's Blog:

April 6th, 2011
A few weeks ago, a Yahoo film crew came to Florian Martial Arts to spend a day in the life of - me! Here's the video and how it came to be.[see above]

Tags: anti-aging, boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, coaching, female fight fan, female mma fighters, FLOMAC, growing bolder, grunge, healthy life, how to stand up for yourself, Keith Florian, Kenny Florian, martial arts, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, playful, powerful, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship

April 13th, 2011
MMA Goes Mainstream – Even 52 Year Old Women Are Doing It. MMA may be a violent sport, but it is much safer than other, supposedly more civilized competitions, and New York and its fellow holdouts should finally sanction it. Given enough time and repeated exposure, more sports fans will find their way to watching.

MMA is an exciting, sexy sport! Even 52 year old women can do it. April 9th, 2011 - 11:21 am § in Fighters, grunge, popular, recent posts MMA Fighters Infographic: Female MMA Fighter Gina Carano Scores Twice on Top Watched MMA Fights List MMA

Infographic: With both Gina and Kimbo having two fights EACH on the Top Watched Fights in MMA History list, there's proof that the "novelty factor" works for unusual black people and women fighters.

[...] Tags: combat, female fight fan, female mma fighters, grunge, Kenny Florian, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship April 2nd, 2011 - 8:00 am § in Fighters, grunge, guests, popular, recent posts

MMA Fighters – Make Your Dreams Come True This week we take a look at regular people - fighters - who are making their mixed martial arts dreams come true. Training in mixed martial arts requires constant daily effort.

It's not easy, but it's fun. If we didn't love it, we wouldn't do it.

[...] Tags: blog carnival, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, coaching, combat, female fight fan, female mma fighters, FLOMAC, growing bolder, grunge, healthy-juicy life, jiu jitsu, martial arts, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, playful, powerful, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship 4 Comments
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Movie Review: "Centurion" (Women Warriors at their... Most Brutal - The Picts) VIDEO PREVIEW

[Dunottar Castle, Stonehaven, Scotland] (LOC)Image by The Library of Congress via Flickr
Dunottar Castle, Stonehaven, Scotland
CENTURION: The last siege of the Romans against the Picts of Northern Britain in the year 117 A.D. Maybe.

Lots of fake blood squirting gratuitously everywhere and it always cracks me up when Roman soldiers fighting the "Brits" have their own British accents.

What makes this movie so special, though, is that the Picts were the last of a matriarchal culture in the region. In this film you'll see the women fighting right alongside the men, chopping off heads and arms with the best of 'em... not my favorite form of entertainment, by any means (battle scenes). But the women? Damn cool... respected and fierce fighters. And this is HISTORY!

Basicly, I just fast-forwarded through to the women fight scenes. Even so, this 1:37 film felt like a 3 hour film. I DID love the ending, however. Not all of you will. "Witch" becomes Angel... very romantic.

Best Lines: 
"Using Guerrilla tactics and the landscape to their advantage, they brought the (Roman) invasion to a halt." 

And a Couple of more Patriarchal Counterpoints:
"He's a ruthless, wreckless bastard, and I'd die for him without hesitation."
"Hope... hope is the stuff of legend... and legend gets you laid."


"The name the Picts called themselves is unknown... The Latin word Picti first occurs in a panegyric written by Eumenius in AD 297 and is taken to mean "painted or tattooed people" (Latin pingere "to paint"... pictus, "painted", cf. Greek "πυκτίς" - puktis, "picture")..."

"Their Old English name gave the modern Scots form Pechts and the Welsh word Fichti... In writings from Ireland, the name Cruthin... (Modern Irish: Cruithne) was used to refer to the Picts and to a group of people who lived alongside the Ulaid in eastern Ulster..."

"It is generally accepted that this is derived from *Qritani, which is the Goidelic/Q-Celtic version of the Britonnic/P-Celtic *Pritani... From this came Britanni, the Roman name for those we now call the Britons... It has been suggested that Cruthin was a name used to refer to all the Britons who were not conquered by the Romans; those who lived outside Roman Britannia, north of Hadrian's Wall."

"The Picts are often said to have practiced matrilineal succession on the basis of Irish legends... The kings of the Picts when Bede was writing were Bridei and Nechtan, sons of Der Ilei, who indeed claimed the throne through their mother Der Ilei, daughter of an earlier Pictish king..."

"The Picts are often said to have tattooed themselves... Naturalistic depictions of Pictish nobles, hunters and warriors, male and female... Pictish art can be classed as Celtic, and later as Insular... Irish poets portrayed their Pictish counterparts as very much like themselves..."


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Movie Reviews: Punch (When Girls Fight) Martial Arts Boxing

Punch to the FaceImage by Ninja M. via Flickr
Cat Fight?
Warning: This film does contain some female nu---y. But nothing really lude... that is if you don't mind seeing it in the ring. Hmm. Maybe it is a little... Anyway, I liked it.

Thought it was clever and fun. And the women were such strong female leads that you don't feel that they are being exploited in any way.

The acting was superb and it wasn't quite as "B" as I had expected. Might have taken itself a little too seriously, though.

Still, I recommend it if you like tough girls and fight scenes (and a little family drama). I think that if it were redone as a comedy it could be quite memorable. As it is, it's just IE for me.
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