Tags: inspirational quotes, quote for the day, abraham hicks, law of attraction, loa, positive thinking, feel good, depression, depressed
Showing posts with label Depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Depression. Show all posts
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Abraham-Hicks Quote for the Day
Tags: inspirational quotes, quote for the day, abraham hicks, law of attraction, loa, positive thinking, feel good, depression, depressed
Tags: inspirational quotes, quote for the day, abraham hicks, law of attraction, loa, positive thinking, feel good, depression, depressed
Thursday, February 7, 2013
35 Minute Meditation Video with STUNNING IMAGES and WORDS of ENCOURAGEMENT. Watch as little or as much as you want...
Tags: depression help, depression, meditation, free meditation videos, free depression hypnosis, i need help with depression, words of encouragement
Tags: depression help, depression, meditation, free meditation videos, free depression hypnosis, i need help with depression, words of encouragement
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Sunday, May 6, 2012
Life is Good, You'll be Fine. Words of Encouragement from Ze Frank
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Need Help for Anxiety & Depression? Healing from Signs of Anxiety Depression Panic Attacks
Need help for Anxiety & Depression?
This is from Rebecca Marina, an adviser/channel. I thought that some of this information might be helpful, whether it was actually "channeled" or not.
______________________Dear Azna and Rebecca,
I suffer from anxiety and depression and am wondering if you could ask if things will get better and if I will live a long fulfilling life?Signed,
Anxious and Depressed
Dear Anxious and Depressed,
Yes! Things are getting better for you right now… at least on “this side” [the spirit world].It is up to you to reach out and grab the good that is coming your way. If you remain focused on your depression, good could knock you upside the head and you would not notice it.
‘How can I change?’, you may ask…
Begin to speak of your anxiety and depression only in the past tense; the less you speak of it the better. Anxiety begets anxiety- stay away from anxiety causes. You actually have good health, so it is detrimental for you to always be looking for what is wrong with you. Hypochondriacs can create illnesses with their intense focus.
Use your imagination to see yourself becoming happier and happier. Go ahead and “act as if” you are calm and peaceful. If you do this, your energy will shift and you will indeed live a long, fulfilling life.
Make sure you are attending to your nutritional needs, especially the B vitamins- you could also use some iron from herbal sources.
I love you Dearest Heart,
Mother Azna
(If you cannot find “food-source” vitamins in your area check with newsun. They carry organic food source supplements of the highest vibration)
For more information about Rebecca Marina and to link to the original article CLICK here:
Need help for Anxiety & Depression | Rebecca Marina
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Monday, June 20, 2011
God's Beauty The Creator's Beauty Mother Nature! Hubble Images
Cat's Eye Nebula (NASA, Chandra, 01/08/01)
OH, HOW SMALL WE ARE in all that is! (whatever you wish to call it)
IMAGES from the Hubble Telescope (videos x 2):
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
Movie Review "Helen" with Ashley Judd Depressive Disorder Depression Sadness
My husband said, "Why would anyone want to see that? It's so depressing." (long pause) People who have not experienced it, just don't get it.
Just as in the movie he said, "She just needs to get out and get some exercise." If only it were that easy.
I found it both enlightening and, in the end, encouraging.
I was diagnosed with Depression for two years after not being able to save a friend (through CPR) from dying under my watch. But the reasons are many. Who knows. Some may be subconscious. Some (if you believe in it could even be from Past Life experiences) if you believe in that sort of thing.
In any case, this movie gives a good depiction.
SPOILER: Instead of Prozac she gets Prozapped.
Available now on Netflix Instant View.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011
Inspirational VIDEO MEDITATION "Today is a Beautiful Day"
For when you're having a tough spell. I watch and listen before going to work. Helps put me in the right spirit. Enjoy.
For energy healing, positive affirmations, overcoming depression, feeling better, feeling good, self-hypnosis, self-therapy, meditation, self-image, self-esteem, increasing personal power.
For energy healing, positive affirmations, overcoming depression, feeling better, feeling good, self-hypnosis, self-therapy, meditation, self-image, self-esteem, increasing personal power.
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Monday, March 7, 2011
VIDEO You're the BEST Nothing's Gonna Keep You Down
YOU'RE THE BEST Nothing's Ever Gonna Keep You Down:
On a personal note:
I'm really needing this video right now. I recently got a "great job". But it's a BAD schedule, one that is keeping me from my yoga and martial arts classes. I've applied for going part-time (which is an opening I should have waited for in the first place). But these days you don't turn down job offers, especially after months without work. My thought was 'If I could just get my foot in the door'. So now I'm receiving a paycheck but I'm depressed. I guess I have no choice but to be patient.
Frankly, I'd rather be drawing caricatures (funny faces) for tourists in paradise.
Joe Esposito's 'You're The Best' from Karate Kid soundtrack.
On a personal note:
I'm really needing this video right now. I recently got a "great job". But it's a BAD schedule, one that is keeping me from my yoga and martial arts classes. I've applied for going part-time (which is an opening I should have waited for in the first place). But these days you don't turn down job offers, especially after months without work. My thought was 'If I could just get my foot in the door'. So now I'm receiving a paycheck but I'm depressed. I guess I have no choice but to be patient.
Frankly, I'd rather be drawing caricatures (funny faces) for tourists in paradise.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011
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Cutest Animal Video Ever! Puppies vs Kitten
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Monday, January 10, 2011
Feeling a Little SAD or DEPRESSED? SomeTips for Handling DEPRESSION
Woke up a little depressed this morning and knew it was time for an Abraham fix. What is Abraham? My husband calls it silly. My counselor called it "Selective Attention: Choosing to Focus Only on the Positive". The equivalent Old School thought would be to Count One's Blessings. But, whatever IT is, all I know is that a little listen helps to make me feel a whole lot better. So here is...
An Introduction to Abraham-Hicks:
And just one more, if you have the time:
For more Abraham-Hicks, find videos like this on YouTube, read their books, or visit their website to receive Daily Email Affirmations: http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
An Introduction to Abraham-Hicks:
And just one more, if you have the time:
For more Abraham-Hicks, find videos like this on YouTube, read their books, or visit their website to receive Daily Email Affirmations: http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
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