I was watching this movie today: "Enlighten Up" (One man's journey toward enlightenment through yoga) and I realized, although I love yoga and the documentary was really good... I was totally bored.
Then, I remembered! I had not finished watching Doug Stanhope. I even said to myself (out loud), "There's nothing more effen spiritual to me than Stand-up Comedy."
TRUTH and LAUGHTER. That's it. What else is there? That's the secret to enlightenment. Life sucks. Laughing about it is about the most spiritual thing you can do.
His act is True. So true. This is MY LIFE true! You gotta love this guy.
...CUBICLE hell.
...can't sleep.
...vapid, resigned young people.
... "That's like going to the Casino and cheering for the house!"
... the horrors of childbirth, the benefits of abortion. (I must say, though, that in my career as a nurse I did see the fetus of a (naturally) aborted baby at 8 weeks... and it was tiny, tiny. But it had all its fingers and all its toes I, myself, have had 4 miscarriages and no children, to date. But... I'm fifty-two and missed two periods now. Will it be a baby?... Probably not...or just MENOPAUSE. Part of me hopes it will be a baby.
On drinking and smoking on stage (Doug Stanhope):
"Jesus died for your sins. I'm doing it for your mere entertainment dollars. That's far more admirable."
"Nationalism does nothing but teach you how to HATE people you've never met."
On Americans: "I think we should shut the F up!"
"Fear, fear, fear, hate, hate, hate!"
... Jesus hating.
... Jew hating.
... Mormon, Muslim, Catholic, & Scientology bashing!
Jaded MOFO! LOL. You just gotta love this guy.
Be prepared, however, for the absolute and total IRREVERENCE of it all.
P.S. Just for the record: I decided today (an option) that instead of just declaring my 7th Degree MMA (Mixed Martial Arts - 10 Different styles - Black Belt, I could create a "System". So here it is, IKKATSU MMA: "Encompassing All." I've studied over 10 styles of martial arts AND yoga and I am incorporatiing the two (plus FITNESS) as a style of training. I will register with the American Federation of Jiu Jitsu to make it official.
HERE, you heard it first.
Lots-o-Love, Sabina J. Wise