Showing posts with label Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Age Doesn't Matter! Women Martial Artists MMA UFC

Mixed martial arts fighter Gina Carano at the ...Image via Wikipedia
Age doesn't matter!
(Blog Moderator: I'm 51 and in the best shape of my life as a 7th degree MMA Black Belt!). So if you want to do it, go for it! Forget about age or gender, just do it.

To the right: Gina Carano, MMA Champ.

Meet 52 year old Mixed Martial Artist, Cheryl Ragsdale:

From Cheryl's Blog:

April 6th, 2011
A few weeks ago, a Yahoo film crew came to Florian Martial Arts to spend a day in the life of - me! Here's the video and how it came to be.[see above]

Tags: anti-aging, boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, coaching, female fight fan, female mma fighters, FLOMAC, growing bolder, grunge, healthy life, how to stand up for yourself, Keith Florian, Kenny Florian, martial arts, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, playful, powerful, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship

April 13th, 2011
MMA Goes Mainstream – Even 52 Year Old Women Are Doing It. MMA may be a violent sport, but it is much safer than other, supposedly more civilized competitions, and New York and its fellow holdouts should finally sanction it. Given enough time and repeated exposure, more sports fans will find their way to watching.

MMA is an exciting, sexy sport! Even 52 year old women can do it. April 9th, 2011 - 11:21 am § in Fighters, grunge, popular, recent posts MMA Fighters Infographic: Female MMA Fighter Gina Carano Scores Twice on Top Watched MMA Fights List MMA

Infographic: With both Gina and Kimbo having two fights EACH on the Top Watched Fights in MMA History list, there's proof that the "novelty factor" works for unusual black people and women fighters.

[...] Tags: combat, female fight fan, female mma fighters, grunge, Kenny Florian, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship April 2nd, 2011 - 8:00 am § in Fighters, grunge, guests, popular, recent posts

MMA Fighters – Make Your Dreams Come True This week we take a look at regular people - fighters - who are making their mixed martial arts dreams come true. Training in mixed martial arts requires constant daily effort.

It's not easy, but it's fun. If we didn't love it, we wouldn't do it.

[...] Tags: blog carnival, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, coaching, combat, female fight fan, female mma fighters, FLOMAC, growing bolder, grunge, healthy-juicy life, jiu jitsu, martial arts, Mixed martial arts, MMA Fighters, playful, powerful, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship 4 Comments
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Funny Videos Karate Humor Make you laugh MMA kung fu jiu jitsu

Karate Humor. Asian TV Show. Funniest Video. Will Make You LAUGH:
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Friday, January 7, 2011

Martial Arts: Do you Smell?! Odor Elimination for your GEAR: Karate Kickboxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Kung Fu Tae Kwon Do

Mixed martial artsImage via Wikipedia
Whether you just do cardio kickboxing for fitness or are into a contact martial art like karate, Muay Thai kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) it doesn't matter.

Eventually the sweat adds up - if you're doing a good job working one up! So you will have to contend (not just with your sparring partner) but also with gear's odor.

A girl came up to me after one of our kickboxing classes one day and said, "Geez, my wraps are starting to smell. I guess I need to buy a new pair." Are you kidding me? Hello-o! I didn't say anything (I just smiled) but I was thinking, 'C'mon, woman, just wash the damn things!'

Does your gear smell? Are you the odorous ogre in your martial arts class? Here are a few tips for cleaning your gear (instead of spending your hard-earned on buying more!): hand wraps, (non-leather) gloves, protective gear, headbands, etc.

First of all, at the end of your class, don't just stuff all your "wet" gear into your bag and leave it there until your next class. That is the worst thing you can do. Once you're in your car, lay it out so that it can air out.You might even want to run your fingers along each side of your hand wraps and fold them nicely to get the wrinkles out.

Another trick is to buy these little balls that you can find in the laundry section of your grocer, for sneaker odor control, and put them inside your gloves between classes (besides airing them out).

But, at least once a month (once a week for the ambitious), soak your gear in a bucket or sink with a little (a very little or you'll have too many suds) Dawn Dish washing Soap. They now make one specifically for ODOR CONTROL. Soak your gear for about 45 minutes to an hour and then rinse and squeeze until you've removed all the detergent and gotten them as dry as you can by hand.

Now you will want to hang them out to dry. A little sun in the summertime won't hurt them. You can even leave them out overnight. Just be sure you're giving yourself enough time between classes, so that you will have dry gear for your next event. Do NOT use bleach or put the gear into a dryer. Air drying is best. Hanging them over a heating vent in the winter might also work.

And for when you forget (and you will), there's always the Travel Sized Lysol Spray or any regular type deodorant spray you can keep in your gym bag... just in case.

For your LEATHER gear, a different approach is necessary. You do NOT want to SOAK them. Here are some more detailed instructions:

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Karate Hotties!! MMA Martial Arts Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Kung Fu Muay Thai Kickboxing

GUANGZHOU, CHINA - NOVEMBER 25:  Le Bich Phuon...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
A match between Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelts...Image via Wikipedia
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelts Gabriel Vella and Rominho
Welcome Today...
Moldova, Australia, Russia!!

So I look up Moldova and find this awesome young man,

who is on a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tour of the world!  

Check out his BJJ tour of the world here:

As you probably know by now, I am a martial arts "Fan-atic". I've been doing it since I was a kid and think it should be required education for all children, especially girls.

So here's a Tribute to a few of my Fave Martial Arts Femmes:

Go Chloe!

And... I can't believe I almost forgot Michelle Yeoh (Kung fu Queen!) Sorry, they wouldn't let me post the video. But here's the YouTube link:
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