Showing posts with label Horror Films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horror Films. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Horror Movie Reviews: The Original "Hellraiser", 1987 (Classic Horror Movies Films)

Yeah, the Alien Series... they were ooey gooey and SCARY. This one may not be as scary (now) but, geez, is it CREEPY...still!

And that makes it so much fun. Imagine being on the Special Effects Make-up crew! WOW. Good job, guys. It still holds up after all these years.

The guy that wore the "goo" suit... I wonder just how much he got paid.Was it fun or just disgustingly GROSS?!

Best (Stupid) Lines:
"They'll never find us... not in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

"It's Uncle Frank... Come to Daddy!"

By the way, this is Clive Barker's directorial debut. 

P.S. Was SHE really considered a Hottie back in '87? WTF.

AND like the demons can't see that he is DOWNSTAIRS?! "Demons to some. Angels to others." Yeah, right.

I love how HORROR movies get less HORRIFIC as time goes on... and Sci-Fi's get LESS SCIENTIFIC.  It's one of TIME'S little gifts to us... change.

And, oh, the lovely stench of dead husks rotting in the attic. Mmm.

*I've done an autopsy. I KNOW what that SMELLS like! J. C. I hope you never have to experience it.

And, oh, the ending... DISGUSTE-MUNDO!!! Just glorious.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Horror Comedy Movie Reviews:Tucker & Dale vs Evil, 2010

Tucker & Dale vs EvilTucker & Dale vs Evil (Image via movie just blew me away. I so underestimated it. Wow, what a "Sleeper". I'd never even heard of it and, boy, was it great. I've tried to watch horror movie satires before, and they just didn't fly. But this one can hold its head high.

New favorite movie.

Excellent writing, acting, direction, timing... you name it. I just loved it. A little gore. Not too much T & A and whole lotta laugh-out-louds.

Please do not miss this one.

P.S. For a fun early look at Alan Tudyk (and Jack Black!) check out "The X-Files: Season 3: Ep.3". OOPS! Upon further investigation I see that it's another case of actor look-a-likes. The kid I thought was Alan Tudyk is actually Giovanni Ribisi. For images, pics CLICK HERE.

For pics of Alan Tudyk CLICK HERE.

To see ALL this week's Blog Posts, click on the blog title (Body Beauty Bliss) above!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Horror Movie Reviews: Wes Craven's "Dracula 2000"

Nathan Fillion & Adam BaldwinImage via Wikipedia
Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin
Okay, so I lucked upon "Wes Craven's Dracula II: The Ascension". And, of course I had to go back and see Wes Craven's Dracula I: "Dracula 2000".

What's so fun about this one is that it has "Castle" (Nathan Fillion) before his big TV break. But, if you ask me, he was most awesome in the Sci-Fi Series: Firefly and the movie Serenity.

Let me first say that my claim to fame here, is that the brother of Adam Baldwin was a good friend of my husband's way back when (in college)... when his brother, Adam, was still a struggling actor. Adam Baldwin is, of course, now a key character in the TV series "Chuck". He was also in "Serenity" with Nathan Fillion (Mr. Charisma extraordinaire).

Anyway, I really really liked this one. But I was happy I saw V-II first.

P.S. OMG!! I was halfway through this film before I realized that the tall, lean, and sexy Dracula was actually Gerard Butler!I

I actually love Gerard (esp. in "300"), but geez, his cheeks have puffed out a bit since this film, neh (Japanese for 'Don't you think so?').

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Horror Movie Reviews: Dracula II: The Ascension

Jason Scott LeeJason Scott Lee (Image via thought I was so OVER vampire movies. Since 1983 and The Hunger, I'd pretty much seen 'em all. But... this one (suggested by Netflix) blew me away... a whole new twist. Very unexpected. I must say I enjoyed it a great deal.

The best part is that the NEW Van Helsing (aka Vampire Hunter) is a Church sanctioned Jason Scott Lee: most famous for his part as Bruce Lee in "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story".

He is (as always) extraordinary in his acts of dispension (ie. ridding the world of the vampire menace). SPOILER: He decapitates with an unusual blade... and a few extraordinary powers of his own.

I mentioned once before that I have this thing for Asian men (ever since my summer studying karate in Japan and discovering Masao Kusakari... a half American, half Asian actor). LOL. He was the star of a Japanese version of Starsky and Hutch (circa 1977). Whateverthehelll happened to that poster?
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Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Frozen" Movie Review

Chairlift in Praz de Lys-Sommand, Haute-Savoie...Image via WikipediaHere in Salt Lake City, Utah we have at least 7 ski resorts within 20 minutes of downtown Salt Lake City.

Been skiing many times. In fact, broke both my neck and my leg downhill skiing aka Alpine (now I only do Cross-country aka Nordic), not on the same day but in the same month! The worst part was having to miss Karate for a year.  

This movie? Wow, so much deeper than I expected. So realistic, emotionally. But from the first moment I was thinking, 'What would McGiver do?' There's always a way out. Always.

Like tying all their garments together (despite the cold) to get a closer drop to the ground). They could put them right back on. People rarely survive a two story drop (20 feet) but often a one story drop.

In any case, kudos to writer and director Adam Green. Awesome work.

Here are some awesome real-life threads on Chair Lift strandings and what to do in case of an emergency:

One more thing, DUH... if one of you has a cell phone, dial 911.
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Hottie of the Day: Billy Wirth "Body Snatchers"

Film poster for Body Snatchers - Copyright 199...Image via WikipediaBilly Wirth as Tim Young in the 1993 version of "The Body Snatchers" is SEXY COOL! Check out those "Bedroom Eyes"... and his deep soft voice will just melt you.


Pics, Images: CLICK HERE

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Ritual

Coptic-Celtic-CrossImage via WikipediaNot your typical martial arts movie: The Ritual...

Linking horror and martial arts, karate girl outwits and out-spars criminals in "The Ritual".

I enjoyed the Celtic Mystic theme, so I'll go ahead and recommend it despite its "B" qualities... just because it's so unique to the genre.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Movie Reviews: Nature's Grave (Horror, Suspense)

Cover of "Nature's Grave"Cover of Nature's Grave
The first thing I have to say about this flick is... OOHHH!!

But... I still Looooovvvvee Jim Caviezel. He's as sexy as ever, even as the...

A family goes camping on a remote Australian coastline. Doesn't sound fun to begin with and... it certainly wasn't fun to end with. I was expecting to see a few crocs but was actually surprised by the animal choices.

It's weird how I hung in there as long as I did (till the bitter end), as if I was straining to see a traffic accident or train wreck on the drive by. I knew exactly what was coming and yet I strained.

SHE just wasn't concerned enough about his glassy-eyed ravings. HE ended up being the good guy. That's really not giving it away. I promise.

Hmm. A really odd movie. I have to say that I liked it, though. Not exactly sure why. Maybe it was his loyalty to the dog... or a few laughable "nature strikes back" scenes. I don't know.

If you like being on the edge of your seat, annoyed by the knowing of what's coming next but still being thrilled by it. Well then... you'll like this movie.

And J.C., mmm. Even after all this, he's still on my Top 10 list. I wouldn't hesitate a bit. He's a DILF... a Dad I'd I'd love to...

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