Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety. Show all posts
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Life is Good, You'll be Fine. Words of Encouragement from Ze Frank
Tags: ze frank, words of encouragement, inspirational, Inspirational Quotes, inspirational videos, Depression, Mood, Mood disorder, Anxiety, worry, pain relief, music videos
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Am I a Hoarder? What is Compulsive Hoarding? What is OCD?
Compulsive Hoarding Apartment |
Am I a hoarder? I thought so and I guess I am because I have always tended toward clutter. But my case is in no way as severe as some of these patients. Still, I had some of these attributes. Do you?:
1. Do you keep "stuff" for purely sentimental reasons?
2. Do you keep toiletries, food, or medicines long past the expiration date?
3. Do you hold onto things, even though YOU don't need them, because they're "still good"?
4. Do you have clothes in your closet that no longer fit or are decades out of fashion?
5. Do you have "project" materials waiting to be created... "Someday I'll get to it."
6. Do you have sealed boxes of stuff stored away somewhere that you haven't looked at in years?
7. Does it cause you anxiety when someone else tries to take control of your stuff... your "mess"?
8. Are you embarrassed to have people over? Do you AVOID having people over?
9. Do you feel SHAME and GUILT but don't know how to stop? Do others try to make you feel ashamed and guilty?
If you answered yes to any of these questions you should give these shows a try. I've found that I've learned a lot about myself by watching these "hoarders". In every show I find a bit of advice that I can use to help remedy my own problem and they inspire me to get to work.
For instance, I used to ignore expiration dates. Here are a few more questions you can ask yourself:
1. How long has it been since I used it? Will I use it? Can somebody else get good use out of it NOW? If it's "still good", you can give it to a charity store like Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
2. Does it fit? Is it still in fashion? How long since I've worn it? More than 2 years? Is it even my style? Does it look becoming on me? Could someone else get better use out of it... right now?
3. Does it actually NEED to be saved? I know tax information should be saved (they say) for at least seven years. But I have bank statements from 20 years ago! And saving an old checkbook from a closed account even got me into trouble once. A thief stole it and wrote bad checks and that information appeared on my credit report. BE WARNED.
4. Is it out of date? Check! Then chuck it if it is... food, medications, toiletries. It may be unhealthy or unsanitary to use it now.
5. Will I really "find the time" to finish that project? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is no, let someone have it who WILL get good use out of it... NOW.
You'll find that PURGING can actually feel as good as (or even better than) ACQUIRING. I keep a box ready and every day (my rule is) something, at least one thing, gets thrown out or given away.
If you're feeling really ambitious, you can make it one thing per room! For me, that's 7 items per day (which amounts to over 200 items per month!) and, I must say, that it didn't really become a HABIT until I started doing one thing per room/area. Now, I actually say things like, "I still GET TO DO my seven items today!".... and it feels so good. I feel like I'm moving forward, finally, instead of backwards. I have pride instead of guilt.
The thing that makes this HABIT so great, is that you are starting at the BOTTOM of the pyramid (aka pile). You are looking for the item you are LEAST attached to. The whole trick is to AVOID OVERWHELM. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. We walked into a room/house and went,"Oh, my God! I just can't deal with this" or "How the hell DO I deal with this?" The really neat thing is that it gets easier and easier. Instead of just looking for a piece of garbage on the floor, you're actually getting rid of those "good jeans" that, if you're honest with yourself, you'll never wear again.
We also try to throw out at least one (plastic) grocery bag of household/kitchen garbage per day. Sometimes two or three.
Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot. The real key is to stop bringing it in. Imagine a clogged sink with a drippy faucet. The drippy faucet is YOU bringing stuff in (until it over-flows!) because the drain is clogged (nothing is going out!). But if you unclog the drain, everything will be alright. You should still fix the faucet, however.
It was easy for me (because I've been unemployed these last few months) and no money was coming in to spend! I still needed food, though, and got some help with that. But that was it. The only thing I allowed myself to purchase was FOOD.
And what a revelation it's been. I am HAPPIER than ever! I know it's cliche', but I am finding immense joy in the small things.
Early on I shopped at department stores. Then I shifted to discount stores. Then second hand shops. And finally to garage sales. All the while telling myself that it was about saving money. But the STUFF kept piling up. With the help of these shows (which I highly recommend and found on Netflix Instant Play), this year I quit even garage-sailing (as I called it). Now, at last, stuff just goes out. There's light at the end of the tunnel. Ahh.
And a really big plus is that IT SAVES MONEY! Who couldn't use a little more money these days.
Please note, too, as you will learn if you watch any of these shows, that hoarding may stem from disturbing events or circumstances. And that, although it may cause you shame or guilt, you needn't feel bad (I know - easy to say) because it may actually be genetic... something you inherited. There may be a hoarding gene! (see related articles below). "They" are saying now that whether you are a "neat freak" or a "hoarder", it's in your DNA.
So relax. Maybe it WILL take you a year to clear just one room. That's okay. As long as you are "moving in the direction of", you'll get there.
Related articles
- Living With a Compulsive Hoarder (
- Hoarders: Mental Disorder Profiles (
- Schizophrenia and Hoarding (
- Stockpile Syndrome Hoarders psychologist Dr. Robin Zasio gets to the bottom of this disorderly conduct (
- Hoarding Linked to BDNF Gene in OCD (
- hoarding: are you buried alive? (
- Hoarding: Drug Treatment (
- Helping a Hoarder (
- New dot com clinic treating people with OCD online (
- Compulsive hoarder faces eviction by BC Housing (
- Is it OCD when you have to change the volume on your TV in a certain way? (
- The Facts on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (
- Living With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (
- Parkinson's Treatment Could Work For OCD, Too (
- Can OCD make someone antisocial? (
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Need Help for Anxiety & Depression? Healing from Signs of Anxiety Depression Panic Attacks
Need help for Anxiety & Depression?
This is from Rebecca Marina, an adviser/channel. I thought that some of this information might be helpful, whether it was actually "channeled" or not.
______________________Dear Azna and Rebecca,
I suffer from anxiety and depression and am wondering if you could ask if things will get better and if I will live a long fulfilling life?Signed,
Anxious and Depressed
Dear Anxious and Depressed,
Yes! Things are getting better for you right now… at least on “this side” [the spirit world].It is up to you to reach out and grab the good that is coming your way. If you remain focused on your depression, good could knock you upside the head and you would not notice it.
‘How can I change?’, you may ask…
Begin to speak of your anxiety and depression only in the past tense; the less you speak of it the better. Anxiety begets anxiety- stay away from anxiety causes. You actually have good health, so it is detrimental for you to always be looking for what is wrong with you. Hypochondriacs can create illnesses with their intense focus.
Use your imagination to see yourself becoming happier and happier. Go ahead and “act as if” you are calm and peaceful. If you do this, your energy will shift and you will indeed live a long, fulfilling life.
Make sure you are attending to your nutritional needs, especially the B vitamins- you could also use some iron from herbal sources.
I love you Dearest Heart,
Mother Azna
(If you cannot find “food-source” vitamins in your area check with newsun. They carry organic food source supplements of the highest vibration)
For more information about Rebecca Marina and to link to the original article CLICK here:
Need help for Anxiety & Depression | Rebecca Marina
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Legalizing Medical Marijuana to treat PTSD symptoms... in the Military?
Army personnel form MMJ advisory board... Read the full article here:
Westword (blog)
More Articles about Legalizing Marijuana
- PTSD Linked to Increased Activity in the Brain (
- Colorado doctor defends recommending marijuana to a pregnant patient - Denver Post (
- Edible Pot Hits the Spot For Some, Spurring an Industry (
- Volume PR Launches First 'Medical Marijuana PR' Agency (
- Woman fired over medical marijuana to get day in high court (
- Medical Marijuana for Vets? (
- Should Marijuana be Legal? (
- Stringent medical marijuana rules proposed in AZ (
- NJ Governor to Restrict Medical Marijuana (
- Michael Carmichael: Judiciary Committee Blocks Leonhart for DEA (
- Arizona (Barely) Passes Medical Marijuana Proposition (
- Marijuana: The Facts (
- Watch This Hilarious Video Of Three 20-Something Soldiers Trying To Rob A Medical Marijuana Shop (
- Why Take a Poke if You Can Take a Toke? (
- Obama Pretty Much Legalizes Marijuana [Dude] (
- The Classiest Weed Commercial Ever Made [Video] (
- Greenway University, America's First and Only State-Approved Medical Marijuana University to Hold Arizona Educational Event (
- Marijuana Legalization Across America: How Should Medical Marijuana Be Regulated? (
- Announces Innovative New Features for the Medical Marijuana Industry (
- Maine's Medical Marijuana Caregivers Form Trade Association (
Medical cannabis,
Medical Marijuana,
Mental health,
Mental Illness,
Posttraumatic stress disorder,
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
JOB INTERVIEWS: Build Your Confidence
Break out of your cocoon! |
Lately, the hard part has been just getting the job interview. Whether it’s my age (I’m a Baby Boomer) or the tough recession economy, I’m not sure. But I finally did get an interview and I got the job!
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve just fallen head over heels with blogging, my latest venture, and I hope to do it full-time at some point. But, as all (well most) artists and writers know… a “day job” is a necessary evil, part of what is needed to make one’s dreams come true. In fact, the last time I sat down and counted, I had had over fifty different “day jobs” over the years. Can anyone top that? For a moment, I’m actually feeling a sense of pride rather than shame.
Someone recently suggested that I add a DONATE button to my blog. So, shamelessly, I did.
I’ll try not to digress too far here, but this reminds me of an experience I had last summer while trying to sell my artwork at the local mall. It took a good amount of time to set it all up, following the proper protocol, ordinances, licenses, fees, etc.
Then, I sat myself down and for four hours… made absolutely nothing.
Meanwhile, a panhandler came along and joined me for the last hour or so. He stood in the middle of the sidewalk and accosted every passerby (which was against the rules for me, of course), and seemed to have done quite well. So, as he was leaving, I asked him how he did. He was there for 50 minutes and said he’d ONLY made forty dollars… “so not that great”. Forty bucks an hour? Hmm. I knew then I was in the wrong business.
And not only that, but my experience that day was made even more memorable when a shopkeeper complained that I was too close to their shop (not the first time this had happened), and in the wrong zone. So, after spending months creating my paintings, schlepping them all the way down there, trying to follow all the rules, paying all necessary fees, setting up and tearing down, I was escorted away by the police. True story. It was time to get another day job.
So, I’ve had lots of practice with job interviews.
Do you find yourself tongue-tied and nervous when it comes time for the job interview questions? Forget trying to memorize the best job interview answers. You won’t need to know job interview questions and answers if you have enough self-confidence.
With self-confidence, the job interview will just flow naturally. It will be as natural as any ordinary conversation. You would not have gotten the interview if you weren’t qualified enough for the job, according to your resume. The interviewer now just wants to see you in person, to not only determine if you have some rapport with each other, but to see if you have enough confidence in your skills to handle the job.
Plus, as one recent interviewer so eloquently stated, "You can't really tell if they're a sleezeball or not unless you see them eye to eye."
Plus, as one recent interviewer so eloquently stated, "You can't really tell if they're a sleezeball or not unless you see them eye to eye."
Here is my BEST TIP for acing the interview: Self-Hypnosis for Self-Confidence. It works!
I used to get nervous too, stumbling over my words and fidgeting too much. Not any more.
Let’s face it, nothing tops self-confidence. Nothing is more attractive, whether it’s in the bedroom or the board (bored?) room than self-confidence.
An interviewer can smell fear (read insecurity) a mile away. And what does that say about you? That you’re not sure you can handle the job.
So, the night before and morning of (preferably weeks in advance) you should be listening to your self-confidence self-hypnosis audios or visuals. You’ll know it’s working when you have, what I call “the hypnosis moment”. One day you’ll be going about your business as usual when, all of a sudden, you’ll do or say something completely out of character (for your old self!).
It will be as if you’re looking over your own shoulder going, “Wow, did I just say that?”. Believe me, hypnosis does work and it’s awesome. It’s awesome to know that we truly have the power to change ourselves for the better.
Oh, yeah. I can’t remember where I found it but I did read a study once that said even skeptics experienced positive results.
My favorite hypnotist is Dick Sutphen. I love his audio/visual: “Incredible Self-Confidence” Video Hypnosis with Subliminals: Incredible Self Confidence [VHS]
with the suggestions… You are self-reliant and self-confident, You are filled with independence and determination, You have great inner courage, Every day in every way you become more self-confident, You project a very positive self-image, You can do whatever you set your mind to, You are very sure of yourself, You can do it. Also available as audio only. Increasing Self-Confidence by Dick Sutphen (Subliminal Programming & Self-Hypnosis) HP004 [Rare, Vintage, 1985, 23-Year-Old Collectible]
Bob Griswald is also good and if you search YouTube you’ll find a bunch of videos, short and sweet, to shop through. Here's one to get you started.
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- Learn About and Prepare for a Behavioral Job Interview [Job Interviews] (
- The Confidence Series: How To Get It? (Part 2) (
- Confidence (
- 5 Tips for Building Confidence (
Job interview,
Job Interviews,
Mental health,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Be a Blogger! Start Blogging on Blogspot Today
I keep hand-written notes daily, from which I get my blog ideas |
Keeping Journals is one of the best things you can do for your mental health and well-being. And a blog is no more than an online journal.
It’s unbelievably easy to get started with a blog on Blogspot. Plus, it’s absolutely FREE!
What is a blog? Blog is short for "web log" or "web diary". Some people call writing in this diary or log: "journaling" and journaling is good for you. It can be good for others too... if you go public and they like what you write.
Here are the steps:
What is a blog? Blog is short for "web log" or "web diary". Some people call writing in this diary or log: "journaling" and journaling is good for you. It can be good for others too... if you go public and they like what you write.
Here are the steps:
Go to or search “blogspot”. Either way, it will take you to Blogspot’s Home Page. You will also see a link to What is the difference between Blogger and Blogspot? Read Isaac Yassar’s concise but informative article here:
If you don’t have a Google Account you will need to create one. But it’s easy. Just fill in the blanks. Don’t worry if you use another account for your emails. I use Yahoo Mail and have never had a problem.
Once you’ve created your account, sign in, and then click “Get Started” on the Blogspot Home Page.
Then all you need to do is follow the prompts. Decide on a name for your blog and use it as part of your URL (your blog’s address on the web). Learn more about “URL” here:
To decide on a name for your blog, consider your subject and then do a keyword search. If the top keywords for your subject are in the title of your blog and also in your blog’s address, you’re doing great. It will place you higher in search results, thereby giving you more hits (readers of your blog!).
If you don't want to share your blog, you can set it to Private. Watch this video:
If you don't want to share your blog, you can set it to Private. Watch this video:
How to add video to your blog post. Adding video to your blog is easier than you think. If you have videos that you like on YouTube or have uploaded there yourself, just go to YouTube and find the video you want to transfer. Underneath the video you will see several buttons: Like, Add To, Share, and Embed.
Click on the one that says Embed. A code will pop up. Make sure it is highlighted then copy and paste it to your blog. To do this, make sure that your Edit Posts page is set to Edit HTML. Then place it where you want it and hit Save Draft or Publish. Your video should now be on your page.
How to find keywords. To find popular searches using keywords and phrases, search “Google Keyword Tool”. It’s free and easy. At the top of the page you will see two ads that look about the same. But one is in pink. This means it is a paid advertisement. Below it, in the white part, is another one.
Click on the one that says Embed. A code will pop up. Make sure it is highlighted then copy and paste it to your blog. To do this, make sure that your Edit Posts page is set to Edit HTML. Then place it where you want it and hit Save Draft or Publish. Your video should now be on your page.
How to find keywords. To find popular searches using keywords and phrases, search “Google Keyword Tool”. It’s free and easy. At the top of the page you will see two ads that look about the same. But one is in pink. This means it is a paid advertisement. Below it, in the white part, is another one.
The white area is called “The organic listing area”. This means that these items have popped up based solely on your search criteria. They did not pay to be at the top of the page. Most people click here first because they believe, whether it’s true or not, that these items will give them more genuine results, more honest businesses, etc.
So, the “Keyword Google Tool” at the top of the page in the pink reads “Get Qualified Visitors To Your Site Place Your Ad On Google Today!”. That is not what we want. We want the one that reads “Enter one keyword or phrase per line to see what related word searches your ad will show on”.
So click on that one and it will bring you to the Google Adwords page with two boxes at the top. We are only concerned with the one that says “word or phrase”. Type in the word or phrase you are searching for and voila! It will bring up a number of search terms divided by global monthly searches and local monthly searches. Depending on your business, whether you are seeking global contacts or just local business prospects, look in that section.
Then take note of the search terms from highest to lowest number. This should help you, not only choose the name for your site, but also in selecting the words you use in your articles (to bring a greater number of readers to your site).
Now, you’ll need to have more than one option for your title and address, in case it is already being used by someone else. So plug in your choice and proceed. Blogspot will let you know if your blog address is taken, and offer up a couple of alternative selections.
On the page that is Step 2, click on a template that looks nice, hit continue, and you have your blog. If you don’t like your template, you can change it any time.
Click on “Start Blogging” and it will take you to the posting page. Now you will want to click on each of the tabs and highlighted areas to learn more about your blog. If you have questions, click on the HELP tab in the upper right hand corner of the page. You will be able to do searches here regarding any area in which you are having trouble. If your question is not answered to your satisfaction there are also Video Tutorials and a Help Forum. Plus, there is always, what my husband and I call “the Brain”… just do a regular search on the internet. Guaranteed, someone somewhere has already asked your question and received an answer.
Comments and corrections welcome.
Journaling as Therapy:
How Effective Journaling can Minimize Anxiety:
Start Journaling Regularly to help Reduce Anxiety:
The Anxiety Panic Attack Journal:
And for the Best Blogging Advice Ever:
And for the Best Blogging Advice Ever:
More Anxiety and Stress Related articles
- How to Deal with Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (
- Are Your Kids Stressed? Get Expert Advice from Christopher McCarthy, and Drs. Kerry & Francis Van Voorhis on the WCNC Morning Show, Charlotte Today (
- Canadian researchers find brain link between anxiety and depression (
- Greetings and Welcome to my Blog. (
- Yoga's ability to improve mood and lessen anxiety is linked to increased levels of a critical brain chemical (
- New Blog For Parents of Anxious Children: The My Anxious Child Blog! (
- Judges "Impressed" with Turnaround: Turning Fear Into Freedom, The Unique Treatment Program for Child Anxiety (
- Probiotic Formula Alleviates Signs of Stress and Anxiety (
- Techniques to Tackle OCD Cleaning (
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Pharmaceutical NON-COMPLIANCE: The Benefits (+SexyCPR)
That December, at an annual Christmas Eve party, I suffered a relapse of my PTSD anxiety because… someone died. I was outside enjoying my cocktail by the fire when, suddenly, someone came running out of the house,"Grab her!" he exclaimed, "She used to be a nurse.”
I was then hurriedly ushered into the bedroom of this home where a young woman was lying on the floor. The mother was pacing furiously back and forth across the room, in shock, eyes shut, frantically praying. The girl's sister and a friend had been doing CPR but, apparently too vigorously, as there was a good deal of blood everywhere.
I should have directed the sister to continue mouth-to-mouth while I administered chest compressions. But, in the moment, (and after a couple of drinks) I guess I wasn’t thinking that clearly. I immediately began mouth to mouth… mouth to bloody mouth while the sister continued chest compressions. It was gruesome. We didn’t even do Two-man-CPR. Like I said, I wasn’t thinking clearly.
I suspected she was already dead. My mind kept saying,"Don’t look into her eyes. Don’t look into her eyes." But I had to. Let me tell you, that’s a sight no one should ever have to see. They had already clouded over. It haunted me for days. I couldn’t get it out of my brain. It was just there. And all the blood and more… bits and pieces of a life lost.
I began to have panic attacks again. And parties? That was the end of that. I tried. Seven parties in a row was equivalent to seven waking nightmares. I went into a shell and became almost agoraphobic. It was time to go back into PTSD counseling.
So 2005-2009 was hell on earth and it just seemed to get worse… until I was having “episodes” every single day. The counselor never once mentioned to me, though, that an SSRI might help with my anxiety.
In fact, last December, with the whole Susan Powell thing, my paranoia worsened and my counselor had the audacity to say, “None of my other PTSD patients are fearful every day or afraid of their partners.” I felt affronted. Was she insinuating that I was making it all up? She was young and well-educated but inexperienced. I kept telling her that I was menopausal and that maybe part of all this was hormonal, systemic.
It wasn’t until I had returned from an exhausting family vacation (where I was paranoid and terrified the entire time) that things changed. And it wasn’t my PTSD counselor. It was my gynecologist, who I had mentioned this to, that said, “Oh, maybe we should changed your birth control pills. The estrogen is probably a little too high… and we could give you an SSRI to help with the panic.” What?
By this time I was willing to try anything. Having two or three panic attacks every day was exhausting and my quality of life was just shot. So that afternoon I took a Sertraline and, wow, the rest of that day I was panic-free. And the next day and the next. OMG.
I was furious with my counselor. Why had she not told me about a pharmaceutical “cure”. It could have saved me needless suffering. Years of suffering! And those who have never experienced a panic attack or a PTSD episode do not know mental suffering in just the way we do. It is indescribable mental anguish.
Death is there, staring you square in the face and you must either flee or die. You cannot even rationalize it. That is the definition of the dis-ease. Your body just takes over while your mind becomes one big vibrating blob of fear. And your life? Your life is nothing more, in that moment, than a scene out of nightmare in which you are glaringly awake. Every hair is on end. Every pulse rings loud in your ears and you are the star of your very own horror movie.
I got on the internet and began doing a little research. Yes, Sertraline was used for anxiety. And surprisingly, one of the things I read was that patients occasionally do not have a relapse of symptoms after a few months of treatment. I thought, well that wouldn’t be me.
But then, a few months in, maybe four or five, I forgot to take my daily dose. Nothing happened. I got right back on it. In a couple of weeks I forgot again. This time for two or three days and nothing happened. Had I become one of the lucky few?
I began experimenting. Longer periods, however, did result in more episodes and paranoia. Still, I persisted, telling myself that when the negative symptoms appeared, I would take my meds again. This worked except for the problem of recurring negative side-effects.
Most pharmaceuticals have negative side-effects. With the Sertraline mine were sleeplessness at night, drowsiness during the day, jaw clenching, teeth chattering, and ridiculously dry nose and mouth. So, even though these meds helped with my illness, they were no picnic. This was a good part of my wanting to be off of them.
Now, the doctor had also prescribed Diazepam (Valium). I hadn’t messed with those much. After eight months I still had 10 out of the 15 prescribed. I began taking those instead of the Sertraline, for my now occasional anxiety (because of the negative side-effects of the Sertraline). Now, mind you, if you STAY on the Sertraline, they say that those symptoms recede after a while. But going on and off? That just caused them to recur every time.
So the Valium worked, to my amazement, and without any side-effects at all other than the complete disappearance of my paranoia and anxiety. But when I talked to my doctor the next time she suggested,"Let’s try a different SSRI then” other than the Sertraline. So last week my doctor prescribed a new drug for my anxiety episodes: CITA-LOPRAM HYDRO-BROMIDE.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Citalopram (trade names: Celexa, Cipramil) is an antidepressant drug of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It has FDA approval to treat major depression, and is prescribed off-label for a number of anxiety conditions.
Citalopram (pronounced /saɪˈtælɵpræm/)[2] was originally created in 1989[3] by the pharmaceutical company Lundbeck. The patent expired (at first glance I thought it said “The patient expired”) in 2003, allowing other companies to legally produce generic versions.
But, just like the Sertraline, it made me feel really weird the next day - like I was on a drug. I had a strange buzzing in my belly. I had taken it at bedtime for anxiety as prescribed and, unlike with the Zoloft, I slept great. Plus, I had no midday drowsiness or nose and mouth dryness the next day. But... there was more on the downside: Some slight teeth-clenching, although not as intense as with the Sertraline and... I had three panic attacks! So, Citalopram was not for me either.
Oh, yes, I forgot about the loss of appetite (also with the Sertraline). Great for weight reduction but I’d rather eat and enjoy my food (and have to pay with exercise later) than have my appetite completely destroyed artificially. By 5pm that day I’d had only 230 calories. Not healthy.
The first thing to do for your weight and health is quit sugar. See my book The Sugar Addict’s Diet: A Primer for the Low Sugar Lifestyle (New Century Publishing, 2001). Sugar causes all manner of mental as well as physical symptoms and is the main culprit of binge eating.
So I decided to go back to the Diazepam for my occasional episodes. It works great for me in that regard. I’m only taking it as needed which, for me, is about 3-4 times a month. Compare that to the 2-3 times a day episodes before any medication. So I am actually a convert to pharmaceuticals. I used to be entirely opposed, believing that all-natural living could cure anything. Menopause relieved me of that opinion.
Still, there’s a place for self-education and experiment. The doctor reminded me, though, that everyone responds differently. My negative symptoms with the Sertraline were more severe than most and less severe than most with the Valium. She noted that the Diazepam (Valium) was considered highly addictive and that I was one of the lucky few that didn’t seem to have a problem with that.
Last words: Do see a counselor. And you don’t need to avoid medication entirely. It might be the answer you’ve been looking for.
P.S. Okay, so they weren't my last words. I'd really like to end on a lighter note. Everyone should learn CPR. Here's a video to get you started.
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- Can OCD be Cured? (
- What Medicines are Used to Treat Separation Anxiety Disorder in Adults? (
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
An Officer with a bag of counterfeit Viagra. |
Check out this video. It's the trailer for the movie The Beauty of Aging. Be sure to hang in there for the last two minutes. They're the best. Just kinda fun and gives us some hope for the future.
Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.
Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume).
Dream: Zombies. Everywhere zombies. I hate it. I can't find a toilet to poo in because there's always a zombie right around the corner (yes, I said poo - poo in a dream, or feces, rather, is a metaphor for monetary value. Money!). So, since I've been looking for work... get it?
Don't feel bad if you're frequently dreaming of stepping in it, rolling in it, or bathing in it, go right ahead. Let it hit the fan. You're one of the lucky ones! (Note: I changed my nickname to Lucky last year. Why not? It was easier for the Hostess in the restaurant to get and it makes us both feel good. Try it. Give yourself a new nickname. What will it be? Rich, Bright, Joy, Cash...)
So, anyway, I keep getting bothered by zombies. Finally, I go outside. It's the street where I grew up, my family's street. I'm trying to save people (see Shaun of the Dead) but I can't. Fortunately I can save myself. I can fly! I rise up from the ground out of reach.
Because of my PTSD I avoided scary movies for a long time. Actually, way before that, as I've always been prone to nightmares. But then came the challenge - just last year - to start "avoiding avoidance".
This, apparently, has been proven to help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patients recover. So, scary movies it was. "Videos at home are the best," she said, "because then you can stop it if it gets too intense. Rate the anxiety level you experienced - on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe. Then play the scene over and over until you can handle it. Until you can get it down to a level 4 to 5."
The yogis call it "karma cleansing" or "releasing of karma", the blockages that keep us from moving forward. Dick Sutphen has a great self-hypnosis tape for that as well. But it's not easy and not for everyone. You have to be ready for it.
It's the proverbial "walking into the fire" or "stepping off the cliff". Facing one's fears head on, well yeah, it's cleansing. But it also sucks rocks. You might want to start out with a professional therapist.
So my first movie was Shaun of the Dead and, yes, it was scary. I even had a serious nightmare about it that night. But I also enjoyed it. By the time I got to Zombieland I was really having a good time. My favorite, so far, was Pandorum with Dennis Quaid. I haven’t quite made it through Legion yet. But I will.
Oh, yeah. Back to the interpretations.
Corpses of strangers: This one's contrary (isn't that nice?). It predicts a full and happy life.
A number of corpses: Success where you least expect it.
Deformed bodies: Social success and business achievement.
Death: If you spoke with someone who is dead, you will soon hear very good news (Later: Finally, got a job interview!)
Anxiety: Your worries will soon be relieved.
Escape from danger: Social and romantic success.
Bathroom/Toilet: Relief.
Arise with the sun: Happiness, contentment, and fun.
To rise up from the ground: Victory over opposition.
To fly: Successfully maintained flight means that you can expect to achieve your goal without much difficulty.
Did I mention that I had sex this morning.
Please feel free to share. Your healing experiences are valuable to us all.
Plus, do let me know if you find any spelling or grammatical errors.
P.S. Voted Best Scary Music Video (by me): Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson from the extraordinary remake of the move: House on Haunted Hill.
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Carl Jung,
Dream interpretation,
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