Showing posts with label Serenity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serenity. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Horror Movie Reviews: Wes Craven's "Dracula 2000"

Nathan Fillion & Adam BaldwinImage via Wikipedia
Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin
Okay, so I lucked upon "Wes Craven's Dracula II: The Ascension". And, of course I had to go back and see Wes Craven's Dracula I: "Dracula 2000".

What's so fun about this one is that it has "Castle" (Nathan Fillion) before his big TV break. But, if you ask me, he was most awesome in the Sci-Fi Series: Firefly and the movie Serenity.

Let me first say that my claim to fame here, is that the brother of Adam Baldwin was a good friend of my husband's way back when (in college)... when his brother, Adam, was still a struggling actor. Adam Baldwin is, of course, now a key character in the TV series "Chuck". He was also in "Serenity" with Nathan Fillion (Mr. Charisma extraordinaire).

Anyway, I really really liked this one. But I was happy I saw V-II first.

P.S. OMG!! I was halfway through this film before I realized that the tall, lean, and sexy Dracula was actually Gerard Butler!I

I actually love Gerard (esp. in "300"), but geez, his cheeks have puffed out a bit since this film, neh (Japanese for 'Don't you think so?').

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