Showing posts with label Salt Lake City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salt Lake City. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Frozen" Movie Review

Chairlift in Praz de Lys-Sommand, Haute-Savoie...Image via WikipediaHere in Salt Lake City, Utah we have at least 7 ski resorts within 20 minutes of downtown Salt Lake City.

Been skiing many times. In fact, broke both my neck and my leg downhill skiing aka Alpine (now I only do Cross-country aka Nordic), not on the same day but in the same month! The worst part was having to miss Karate for a year.  

This movie? Wow, so much deeper than I expected. So realistic, emotionally. But from the first moment I was thinking, 'What would McGiver do?' There's always a way out. Always.

Like tying all their garments together (despite the cold) to get a closer drop to the ground). They could put them right back on. People rarely survive a two story drop (20 feet) but often a one story drop.

In any case, kudos to writer and director Adam Green. Awesome work.

Here are some awesome real-life threads on Chair Lift strandings and what to do in case of an emergency:

One more thing, DUH... if one of you has a cell phone, dial 911.
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