Showing posts with label martial art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label martial art. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Ritual

Coptic-Celtic-CrossImage via WikipediaNot your typical martial arts movie: The Ritual...

Linking horror and martial arts, karate girl outwits and out-spars criminals in "The Ritual".

I enjoyed the Celtic Mystic theme, so I'll go ahead and recommend it despite its "B" qualities... just because it's so unique to the genre.
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Monday, August 15, 2011

VIDEO An Awesome Korean TAE KWON DO Demo

Stretching to increase flexibility is an impor...Image via Wikipedia
An awesome demonstration of Korean Tae Kwon Do that includes a woman defending her boyfriend against three assailants:
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GIRL FIGHTERS "Muay Thai Giant" MARTIAL ARTS Movie Reviews

Here's a fun little GIRL FIGHT martial arts film I found. It's called "Muay Thai Giant". The girl fighters in it are awesome. They're miniature little Thai fighters and it takes place in Thailand.

Nathan Jones is great as, Barney Emerald, the "Gentle Giant". I've actually known a few of those in the Martial Arts world. Thank goodness not all males are Alpha types.

And Dan Chupong, the Police Chief, reminds me of Tony Jaa in "Ong Bak".

In addition to all that, it's so delightful to break the tradition of martial arts movie equals drug smugglers, thieves, and gangsters... oops. I lied. But at least the girls with the gentle (Aussie?) giant make it CUTE enough to qualify as FAMILY FUN.

Okay, it gets a little silly. But haven't we all felt that way with a little too much wasabi?

There's even a male vs. female Muay Thai match. How could you miss that?! You gotta love the "flying" elbows, upper-cuts, and knees of Muay Thai... but where are the blocks? Oh, yeah, I did see some inside the thigh knee blocks! Nice.

And then there's the Papaya Girl. Mmm.There's nothing better than TOUGH and SEXY!

SPOILER: Inside the ring she beats him but they call it a draw (being a male-dominated culture and all). That's one of the things we, as women, have to face in this patriarchal world culture. I once took down an 8th Degree Black Belt as a 6th Degree myself... did I get the same respect a man would have? No. Instead of saying, "Good job!", he said... "Here's what you did wrong."

Sub-titled. But well worth it.

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