Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Ritual

Coptic-Celtic-CrossImage via WikipediaNot your typical martial arts movie: The Ritual...

Linking horror and martial arts, karate girl outwits and out-spars criminals in "The Ritual".

I enjoyed the Celtic Mystic theme, so I'll go ahead and recommend it despite its "B" qualities... just because it's so unique to the genre.
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Monday, August 29, 2011

My Favorite Shark Footage - VIDEOS PICS Images + Movie Review "Blood Surf"

"Blood Surf"... this movie is an extremely delightful Creature Feature (both Crocs and Sharks!), but really, it should be rated "X" for Soft Porn. Lots-o-bare you-know-whats and a little ACTION as well. I guess that's the standard for B-Film category... but also what makes it so fun.

Ahh, the fun of B-Films: He slaps the girl, it takes his head. Mmmm.

And then the "Call Back" to The Fury... very cool. But, of course, if you've seen a few of these you know who's gonna be munched next and when.

But the ultimate climax?  Well worth it (I just learned that a kayaker was (in real life) munched by a croc in south africa and in the same article it said that hippos actually bite people plum in half!)... the reason I mention this is because, in this movie "Blood Surf" there is an awesome 'bite in half' scene that just cannot be missed. It's unexpected and will make you laugh as hard as I did , I'm sure (he keeps talking).

From How fast can a Croc run and can you escape it? The answer is, 10-17 mph and, yes, you can outrun it:

"People often ask whether it's possible to outrun a crocodile, and the answer is yes! Don't bother trying to zigzag while you run, though — just cut a nice, straight line away from the crocodile as fast as you can, and you'll easily beat it. The danger that crocodiles pose is not their ability to run after you, but their ability to strike before you even know what's happening. In other words, keep your distance and you'll be safe."

Here's the Trailer for "Blood Surf" (and then a few of my favorite SHARK videos and pics just for fun). Enjoy!:

These guys are nuts! (this is real):

Flying GREAT WHITE! I've heard they can jump 15 ft. out of the water:

Do try this at home!
 It's fake)

This one takes a while. But the last few minutes are worth it:
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Movie Reviews: "Organizm" Sci Fi Horror Films

Cover of "Organizm"Cover of Organizm
This movie's fairly recent, 2008, and is probably a B+ film, but I found it quite entertaining actually. In fact, I was  on the edge of my seat at times... there were moments when it was even AWESOME (like when they find the tank and also the opening scene with the bullet that pierces both the BLANK and the BLANK)! Gruesome.

And don't miss the BLOOD scene. OMG. You'll know what I'm talking about when you get there. But, really, did we need to see her breasts? Plus... the closing sequence is delightfully grotesque. All in all it was a bit cliche but still a whole lotta fun.

The lead character (the talented Johnathon Schaech as Frank Sears) is a look-a-like for Peter Gallagher (from one of my favorite films of all time: "Summer Lovers"). For Peter Gallagher images CLICK HERE.

I haven't talked about it in a while. So I just wanted to mention that, although Sci Fi/Horror Movie Reviews and fitness may seem a world apart. They're actually not. It was upon my PTSD counselor's prodding that I began watching horror films. I had been avoiding them... anything scary at all. But she insisted that it would be good for my mental health, as "desensitization" therapy.

And indeed it has been. I am less easily startled and have fewer "trigger words" (particular words that would set off a panic attack/episode). I have become desensitized with the added bonus of discovering that I really enjoy this genre for its entertainment value.

TRAILER "Organizm" aka "Living Hell":
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Viva Levieva

Kutcher and Moore, September 2008Image via Wikipedia
There are three basic personality types: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile. For instance, an Auditory person will probably turn to music to calm and soothe their soul. I have known a few "audio-philes" in my time.

A Tactile will need a hug or do something that literally feels good in their hands (like scultping or great sex).

But a Visual, which is what I am, craves visual stimulation. I NEED movies and even crave certain types of movies when under duress. For that, my drug of choice is a good Sci-Fi. Which is hard to find, by the way.

So, consequently I see a lot of movies.

Saw an awesome movie last night on Netflix (I am officially a Netflix Instant Play addict!). The movie starred Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche. Plus there was a new little hottie I'd never seen before, Margarita Levieva. The film was called Spread (2009) and I was surprised that I hadn't heard of it before now. 

Ironically, Ashton played a "Player" who used older women for their money but was unable to have a real relationship with one (think Demi). My husband enjoyed the movie because there were actually MANY YOUNG HOTTIES well-displayed.

Having just seen this film could explain last night's dream. 

Dream interpretation, remember, is a great self-therapy practice that everyone should incorporate into their personal self-care routine. It can be used as an Adviser for the day to come. And, as I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Dream: I'm in a dark forest with an ex-boyfriend who was seven years younger than me. We are walking through the woods but it's cold. So we find a cabin. There is no electricity in the cabin or between us... at least not with him for me. So we huddle together on the bed to keep warm.

All night long I try to seduce him to no avail. He's just not interested. I'm very disappointed because I am craving him so very badly. I worry that maybe his lack of libido is because I'm too fat or too old. But, then again, maybe it's just too cold.

Now, my dream book states that disappointment in a dream is a contrary sign. But I've found it to be quite straightforward in its symbology. Still, the other interpretations suggest the possibility that this time I could be wrong. I hope so because anything to do with sex in a dream has to do with financial transactions and, generally, fat means 'well to do'. Skinny, of course then, means poor.

Darkness: Be prepared for a setback. But...
Walking in the dark: You will recover something you had given up for lost.
Mountain Village: Unexpected gain.
A strange bed: Forecasts an upturn in business affairs.
A strange bedroom: Signifies a change for the better.
Cold: Definitely a contrary symbol. "The lower the temperature was in your dream, the more comfortable and secure will be your estate in life".
Feeling alone/Loneliness: Contrary. You soon won't be.
Feeling fat: Predicts a happy life with few worries and many pleasures.
Feeling insulted/Rejected: Contrary. Signifies loyalty from friends and esteem from associates.
Anxiety: Contrary. Your worries will soon be relieved.
Annoyed: Contrary. Your plans will proceed smoothly.

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