Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2012: Doomsday
 2012: Doomsday
(The Copy Cat Version of "2012")
Rating: 2 Stars (out of 5)

Geez, please hold the Cheese. OMG! I should have read the reviews first. What was I thinking. Saccharin BS. I gave it 2 stars because I felt compassion for the poor actors. Did they even know what they were getting themselves into?

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Horror Movie Reviews: The Original "Hellraiser", 1987 (Classic Horror Movies Films)

Yeah, the Alien Series... they were ooey gooey and SCARY. This one may not be as scary (now) but, geez, is it CREEPY...still!

And that makes it so much fun. Imagine being on the Special Effects Make-up crew! WOW. Good job, guys. It still holds up after all these years.

The guy that wore the "goo" suit... I wonder just how much he got paid.Was it fun or just disgustingly GROSS?!

Best (Stupid) Lines:
"They'll never find us... not in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

"It's Uncle Frank... Come to Daddy!"

By the way, this is Clive Barker's directorial debut. 

P.S. Was SHE really considered a Hottie back in '87? WTF.

AND like the demons can't see that he is DOWNSTAIRS?! "Demons to some. Angels to others." Yeah, right.

I love how HORROR movies get less HORRIFIC as time goes on... and Sci-Fi's get LESS SCIENTIFIC.  It's one of TIME'S little gifts to us... change.

And, oh, the lovely stench of dead husks rotting in the attic. Mmm.

*I've done an autopsy. I KNOW what that SMELLS like! J. C. I hope you never have to experience it.

And, oh, the ending... DISGUSTE-MUNDO!!! Just glorious.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Movie Review: "Tetsuo: The Bullet Man"

66ème Festival du Cinéma de Venise (Mostra), 4...Image via WikipediaI've never considered myself big on "Artsy" films, but wow. This film begins in black and white with minor colorations here and there. Just gorgeous... and this definitely adds to the intensity from the opening scene.

Definition: Tetsuo - Iron Man; Fast like a Ninja.

No subtitles (thank goodness) but definitely foreign in nature. Asian. Apparently this is the third in the series, but new to me.

The graphics? I loved 'em. Reminded me of 80's Pop Video. Not something you would expect in a film. Creative and entertaining.

The plot? Mind-bending.

Been looking to find the nationality of Eric Bossick (the star of this film) but had no luck. As some of you well know, I have this thing for (especially 1/2 Asian and 1/2 American men). Eric looks to fit the bill but I can't confirm it. Let me know what you find out.

It all started with my month in Japan (to study Karate), at seventeen, when I became enamored of the 1/2 and 1/2 actor Masao Kusakari (he was in a Japanese version of the TV series Starsky and Hutch).

ANYWAY, this film is a fricken carnival coaster ride. Are they still showing that film in 7th grade about the hallucinogenic powers of marijuana (the "portal drug")? It reminded me of that.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Zombie Movie Therapy (Zombie Movie List, Best Zombie Movies)

Cover of "The Serpent and the Rainbow"Cover of The Serpent and the RainbowSo yesterday I decided that I would challenge my PTSD (through "Desensitization") even further by watching more zombie movies.

A while back I started with "Shaun of the Dead", funny but gross and it did give me nightmares. Then I tried "Zombie Land" with Woody Harrelson. Again, the same results: funny, gross, nightmares. So I put that on hold for a while and went back to my old stand-by: Alien Sci-Fi Horror. But good ones are few and far between.

I hate Zombie movies. Number one, because they are based in reality: Haitian Voodoo practices where, generally, Black Magic Witch Doctors drugged people into appearing dead (actually fooling doctors).

They then buried them, only to dig them up later (still alive). Certainly a traumatic experience in and of itself. But these Black Magic practitioners took it a step further by convincing their victims that they actually were the "walking dead".

I imagine the drug they used is somewhat Rufi-like... allowing the "Maker" free license to direct the victim.

The drug was featured in the fantastic Wes Craven film "The Serpent and the Rainbow"... and is now used in American medical practices. The movie was inspired, apparently, by a "true documentary", a book written by, ethnobotanist, Wade Davis, 1985.

From Wikipedia:
"The drug named in the film is tetrodotoxin. In the actual "zombification" case of Clairvius Narcisse of Haiti, the poison that caused the appearance of death was reported to be tetrodotoxin. After he was unburied, he was given a brew derived from Datura stramonium, which he claimed had mind control properties." So... for full effect, there were two drugs?!

Anyway, the number two reason I hate zombie movies is that they involve cannibalism, another really dreadful thing that has actually occurred in history. Ironically, in most zombies movies, people develop into zombies because of some apocolyptic virus that infects them. But the fact of the matter is, that that theme is entirely backwards.

It was actually a virus that did in cannibalism. You might remember something called "Mad Cow Disease". Apparently, beef were fed beef which resulted in a catastrophic event. An animal cannot devour its own kind due some kind of enzymatic process that results in... well, Mad Cow Disease.

But, even before that, there was a human-originated virus that did in the New Guinea population (known cannibalists).

Cannibalistic cultures have existed throughout time, from New Guinea to the Caribbean with cases reported well into the late '70s, I might add. Most were due to the ceremonial practice of eating the remains of one's relatives (AFTER they passed away)... for spiritual union.

But, in some cases, they munched on their enemies. In the Caribbean, the last known cases were those of a Catholic Jesuit Priest and his nuns.

For my first foray back into the world of zombies, Netflix suggested the Classic "Night of the Comet"( "Hey, I'm sorry if the end of the world makes me a little nervous"). Of course, I was creeped out right away and put it on hold (even with all its 80's charm), and I wondered 'What was the first Zombie movie? A search pulled up this gem: "The White Zombie" from 1936, starring none other than Boris Karloff.

If you put aside all the early over-acting, it's actually a lot of fun. I was hooked. So today I'm after the first horror movie ever made. I'll let you know how it goes. I found "The Golem", 1920. Can't wait to check it out. First written in 1914!

What was interesting about the lead into this one was that it was a monster set out to destroy the Jewish population. Think about it... Hitler came shortly thereafter.

Later: Got side-tracked and found another zombie film with a humorous, campy slant: A 2009 New Zealand release called "Last of the Living". I found it just precious and it's probably my favorite so far. If you like this genre, I think you'll really enjoy this one... three fraternity buddies enjoy post-apocalyptic reign until...

However, although I LOVED the soundtrack... I hated the ending. Still, it's worthy a watch.

My favorite line:
"Well, STUFF YOU!" (after one of them is razzed for wearing too much zombie protective gear).

My Gratitude Statement for Today:
I am grateful that zombies are slow, dull-witted, and are only impervious to bullets until you chop their heads off.  ; )
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Movie Reviews: "Organizm" Sci Fi Horror Films

Cover of "Organizm"Cover of Organizm
This movie's fairly recent, 2008, and is probably a B+ film, but I found it quite entertaining actually. In fact, I was  on the edge of my seat at times... there were moments when it was even AWESOME (like when they find the tank and also the opening scene with the bullet that pierces both the BLANK and the BLANK)! Gruesome.

And don't miss the BLOOD scene. OMG. You'll know what I'm talking about when you get there. But, really, did we need to see her breasts? Plus... the closing sequence is delightfully grotesque. All in all it was a bit cliche but still a whole lotta fun.

The lead character (the talented Johnathon Schaech as Frank Sears) is a look-a-like for Peter Gallagher (from one of my favorite films of all time: "Summer Lovers"). For Peter Gallagher images CLICK HERE.

I haven't talked about it in a while. So I just wanted to mention that, although Sci Fi/Horror Movie Reviews and fitness may seem a world apart. They're actually not. It was upon my PTSD counselor's prodding that I began watching horror films. I had been avoiding them... anything scary at all. But she insisted that it would be good for my mental health, as "desensitization" therapy.

And indeed it has been. I am less easily startled and have fewer "trigger words" (particular words that would set off a panic attack/episode). I have become desensitized with the added bonus of discovering that I really enjoy this genre for its entertainment value.

TRAILER "Organizm" aka "Living Hell":
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Copy Cat Movies: Lethal Dose & The Warriors of Terra Sci-Fi Horror Movie Reviews

Category:Zombies and revenants in fictionImage via Wikipedia
Don't let the title fool you. I thought that The Warriors of Terra (2005) was an awesome Sci-Fi Horror flick. It really was scary.

Then I discovered the Brit version (Lethal Dose). Of course, in my American arrogance, I assumed that it was a British knock-off. But, alas, it was the American version that was the knock-off as the Brit version was made in 2003. Hmm.

Anyway, they're remarkably similar and yet so very different at the same time. I have to admit, I liked the American one better. The special effects, the more realistic theme,  I think it was just better.

What do you think?

Can you think of any other fun Copy Cat duos to watch?

Warriors of Terra Clip (I liked a couple of other Trailers better on Youtube but they had been "disabled". Search for yourself on YouTube to see them.)

And a Behind the Scenes look at "Lethal Dose" with the (Keanu Reeves look-a-like) Tom Hardy:
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Hottie of the Day: Mira Sorvino in MIMIC (Sci Fi, Horror, Creature Feature)

Mira Sorvino at the 2007 Toronto International...Image via Wikipedia
Movie Reviews
Just saw the movie MIMIC with MIRA SORVINO... Wow! Got a roach problem? Just give her a call.

How the heck did I miss this one?!

The hottest Creature Feature I've seen in a while. It's SCARY, CREEPY, and ooey gooey GROSS! I laughed, I cried, I cringed. Everything you could possibly want from this genre,

and... may I say, Mira is holding up well!
For HOT Mira Sorvino images CLICK HERE.

And HERE. Her latest movie is Angels Crest, 2011.

MIMIC is available now on Netflix Instant Play.
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Monday, January 31, 2011

Movie Reviews: The Warlock (Sci Fi, Super Natural, Horror)

Warlock: The ArmageddonImage via Wikipedia
Movie Review: The Warlock, 1989

I Loooove this movie! How did I ever miss it? You should know by now that I love Silly Sci Fi and Silly Horror flicks.

This one is a classic 80's horror film. So nicely done that after more than 20 years it still holds its own.

If you don't mind Satanic/Black Magic Horror you'll enjoy it immensely as I did.

Lori Singer is great. She reminds me of the early Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner... a delightful Vatta (Ayerveda for Hollywood's favorite type: tall and thin).

Best Line: "Let your attention lie before you not beside you."

P.S. I abhor the FACT that many innocents died in the name of Witchcraft but, for modern day stress relief, this movie is kinda fun.
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