Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

Guidos and Guidettes?! R U Kidding Me?

LAS VEGAS - JANUARY 23:  Mike 'The Situation' ...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeOkay, so I'm a little late on the "Jersey Shore" scene, but Geez, I had no idea (being a westerner - Nevada & Utah) - that such subcultures even existed. Wow. Pseudo Italians? Just be American, already .

Standards? Again, are you kidding me?!

A She: "Typical Shore Italians... they both have bodies bangin'! Hot as hell!"

A He: "Seriously, when I bring back girls to here... she might melt in her pants!"

A He: "Don't bring home any wangsters, girls!"

A She: "Don't bring home any Sluts!!"

Later: Okay, so I've watched the first season (easy to do on Netflix Instant Play in less than a week) and I think "Snookers" is the cutest thing I've ever seen and... I've even watched "The Situation's" workout video. OMG. It's Reality TV Syndrome...I've fallen in love with ALL the characters!

Being a Certified Trainer myself, I must say, that I really enjoyed "Mike: The Situation's" workout video. It's IE. Stuff I'm already doin' but he's his same old 'I'm the best-o-you all' self: "I look good. Keep hatin'. Let's go!" Entertaining.

A real "Guido" (females: Guidettes).

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcome!!! BBB is Now being read in 85 Countries!

Satellite view of the Isle of Man, without cloudsImage via Wikipedia
English: Satellite view of the Isle of Man, without clouds
Welcome Panama, Peru, Isle of Man, Bolivia, and Venezuela!!

BBB is now being read in 85 countries!

Thank you so much for your support.
For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site: 
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  81. United Arab Emirates
  82. US
  83. Venezuela
  84. Vietnam
  85. Zambia

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Samarai Delicatessen Flash from the Past w John Belushi Sat Ni Live '75

John BelushiImage via Wikipedia
Hey, I saw this LIVE in 1975 (started my martial arts training in '73)!

John Belushi was a comic force to be reckoned with and worth remembering. Hope you enjoy this. Sorry about the poor resolution. Couldn't find better.

That's a real sword, by the way. Watch for the tomato slice!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

The Perfect Punch: Which Style is BEST?

Minoan youths boxing, Akrotiri (Santorini) fre...Image via Wikipedia
Minoan youths boxing, Akrotiri (Santorini) fresco. Earliest documented use of 'gloves'.
I have to say that, after watching this video, after more than 35 years of practice... I changed the way I punched. Hmm. A bit humbling, it was.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Movie Reviews: Ip Man (best martial arts films)

Donnie Yen at 2007 Shanghai International Film...Image via Wikipedia
Donnie Yen at the Shanghai Film Festival
Possibly the greatest (Chinese) martial arts film ever made. None of that flying through the air on strings stuff (although I did love Crouching Tiger).

Feels like three hours (instead of only 1:46) because of the dubbing... but it's well worth it. When was the last time a martial arts film brought you to tears?

It is about the Japanese invasion of China and definitely culturally biased. But the choreography is outstanding! And the message still relevant.

Ironically, most of my training has been in the Japanese martial arts where we were also taught that it was to be used only for self defense, not oppression.

I borrowed this review from myr1545778 off Netflix (where it is available as an Instant Play). I hope he/she doesn't mind. They said it much better than I:

"A perfect blend of humor, tragedy, and asskicking, this is one of the most enjoyable films in the genre that I've ever seen. The story is great, the cast is excellent, and the cinematography is gorgeous."

"Sammo Hung has choreographed some of the best action in years, during every fight I was slack-jawed with amazement. The moves are amazing and shot with a wonderful camera style that enhances the action instead of obfuscating it with too many cuts or confusing angles."

"Donnie Yen makes delivering a beatdown look as effortless as swatting a fly. The story is beautiful and gave me a perspective I hadn't seen before into the Japanese occupation of China. It's not often that one gets the opportunity to use the word "masterpiece" when talking about a martial arts film, but this one has definitely earned the label.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome Switzerland and Indonesia! BBB is now in 53 Countries

Lugano, SwitzerlandImage by Wolfgang Staudt via Flickr
Lugano, Switzerland
Welcome this week! Switzerland and Indonesia.

Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 53 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic
36. Italy
37. Israel
38. Hong Kong
39. Austria
40. Portugal
41. Vietnam
42. China
43. Hungary
44. Ukraine
45. South Africa
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Estonia
48. Pakistan
49. Kazakhstan
50. Poland
51. Iran
52. Switzerland
53. Indonesia

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Special Sunday Message of Gratitude & Abundance

"This video will get you in touch with your feelings of Gratitude and Abundance. It's Free and it's Fun! Share it with the ones you love. Gratitude is a powerful, healing energy. "Gratitude" evolved from a popular poem by Sara Dawn, inspirational author and visionary. Learn more about Sara by visiting"
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Movie Reviews: The Sensei a Japanese Martial Arts "Karate Kid" Film MMA

Diana Lee Inosanto (born May 29, 1973) is a Fi...Image via Wikipedia
Diana Lee Inosanto (born May 29, 1973) is a Filipino American actress, stuntwoman, and world class martial artist.
Movie Review:
The Sensei: a not-so slick, not-so hollywood martial arts film. But, then again, that's its charm.

Directed by and starring Diana Lee Inosanto.

Description: Boy meets girl... karate instructor! It would basicly be Karate Kid in reverse except for its sensitive approach to Hate Crimes. It's obvious that a woman was involved in the making.

Definitely worth the watch. Just wish there were more fight scenes. Diana was amazing. Surprised I know so little about her, even though the Inosanto name is well-known in the martial arts world.

One of the things I loved about this movie (but also found a little creepy) was its period feel. I lived through the 80's and 90's and it seems as if it was actually filmed then... not 2008. Check it out.
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Welcome!! Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Kuwait

in ecuadorImage via Wikipedia
Beach Life in Ecuador.
Welcome this week! Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, and Kuwait. BBB is now being read in 28 countries! Thank you so much for your support.

1. US
2. UK
8. Philippines
11. Russia
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait

Just started working full-time again this week, so I apologize for the delay in postings. Need to develop my rhythm here. Please bear with me.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Movie Reviews: Nature's Grave (Horror, Suspense)

Cover of "Nature's Grave"Cover of Nature's Grave
The first thing I have to say about this flick is... OOHHH!!

But... I still Looooovvvvee Jim Caviezel. He's as sexy as ever, even as the...

A family goes camping on a remote Australian coastline. Doesn't sound fun to begin with and... it certainly wasn't fun to end with. I was expecting to see a few crocs but was actually surprised by the animal choices.

It's weird how I hung in there as long as I did (till the bitter end), as if I was straining to see a traffic accident or train wreck on the drive by. I knew exactly what was coming and yet I strained.

SHE just wasn't concerned enough about his glassy-eyed ravings. HE ended up being the good guy. That's really not giving it away. I promise.

Hmm. A really odd movie. I have to say that I liked it, though. Not exactly sure why. Maybe it was his loyalty to the dog... or a few laughable "nature strikes back" scenes. I don't know.

If you like being on the edge of your seat, annoyed by the knowing of what's coming next but still being thrilled by it. Well then... you'll like this movie.

And J.C., mmm. Even after all this, he's still on my Top 10 list. I wouldn't hesitate a bit. He's a DILF... a Dad I'd I'd love to...

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anti-Aging Beauty Tip: The UN-Facelift Device

Gossip CandyImage via Wikipedia

The UN-Facelift Device?

Read the full article here:

Looks interesting. Let us know if you have some experience with it. I'm thinking it should cost about $29.99 rather than over a hundred... but, you know, if it works... it would actually save a fortune in surgical costs, right?

Very curious.
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Movie Review: The Burrowers

The BurrowersImage via WikipediaMovie Review:
A nicely done Creature Feature. A Cross between Tremors (with Kevin Bacon)... and Dances with wolves (with Kevin Costner).

Recommended... if you like that sort of thing. Grade A for cinematography. Very little gore really. Suspenseful. Romantic even. Unusual combination of historic and horror. The acting was superb.

Hang in there for the closing credits and tune by Grant Campbell... the creepiest part of all.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Love the DICK 2! Self-Hypnosis for Signs of Anxiety and Stress

lotus boxImage by ballookey via Flickr

There's no denying these are stressful times, especially if you're in the job hunt. Because of the recession there are so many applicants that companies can be more choosy than ever.

Take my experience right now, for instance. One particular company (I won't mention any names) has had me do three tests (one online), three interviews (one over the phone), a background check, credit check, finger printing, and drug test.

Plus, they've had me turn in pay stubs from former jobs to prove my employment (as well as talking with former supervisors) and turn in a Schedule C Tax Form as proof of self-employment (as well as verifying that with my accountant!).

It's scary and stressful and anxiety provoking because even after all that... this gauntlet of PROOF of WORTHINESS (which, of course, has taken several weeks) the position is still unconfirmed. In other words, after all this, I still might not get it.

In my article "I Love Dick" we discussed the benefits of self-hypnosis for handling depression. This morning I listened to Dick Sutphen's audio "Relax" to help me handle this anxiety... And it reminded me of something.

We can't relax if we're in the middle of TRYING, WANTING, NEEDING. Remember when we were kids? That's what meditation is all about: Getting back to that place of setting aside the worrying. We didn't worry as children. We played and life just happened.

Dali said, "Resignation is the work of art." There is only so much we can DO and then we need to just relax and let go; we need to resign ourselves to whatever the universe, God, fate (whatever you choose to call it) has lined up for us.

Relax and ALLOW.

I wasn't able to find that exact Dick Sutphen audio for you, today. But if you'd like to check out his work (and his gorgeous wife Tara's) you can go to his website:

Just to get you started here's a relaxation at the beach video I found on YouTube. There are many more mini self-hypnos there.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 The World in Review

Fox NewsImage by Thomas Hawk via Flickr2010 The World in Review

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