Showing posts with label Martial arts film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martial arts film. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Movie Reviews: Jackie Chan in "Drunken Master" Best Martial Arts Films

Drunken Master DVD coverImage via WikipediaHere's a line I'd LIKE to hear: (from Jackie Chan's first Masterpiece "Drunken Master")...

"Wow, the old bitch is tough!"

This is, apparently, the film that started his comedic martial arts career. I was delighted to see that an "Old Woman" could kick his ass with kung fu (all-be-it choreographed). Check it out. As far as I'm concerned, this scene makes the movie.

The nice thing about martial arts (compared to most other sports) is that, if you remain active, you too will be able run circles around the 20 somethings when you're in your 50's. Believe me, it feels great... to have MORE energy, flexibility, and skill now... than I did at 20.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Comedy "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist"

Jackie Chan began his film career as a stuntma...Image via WikipediaWho doesn't love Kung Pao Chicken?! Wish I had me some right now.

"Kung Pow: Enter the Fist"...

This one took me by surprise. I was laughing from the opening scene... "The Chosen One!". Very funny. Definitely a satire. Satire means CLICHE' and this is as cliche' as it gets (plus a few unexpected moments... like the "So cute!" scene). For those of you that have loved the dubbed Chinese martial arts genre for a while now, this one's a real kick. Get it?

Of course, this is a take on Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon", which makes it all the more fun.

I'm not a big fan of animated babies, but the sound effects associated with it make it hilarious. And then the chinese  baby grows up to be a white guy? LOL. Pure silliness. And the battle of the tongues. It gets a little stale through the middle but don't miss the Kung Fu Cow.

And the belated bark? OMG. I laughed so hard.

Favorite Lines:
"Your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak.""

"And then he killed the dog... I now officially know too much."

"I am a man of many needs. You will now receive the fist of fury." Fortunately, the little ones will receive this an an over-sight.

As martial artists, we have a tendency to take ourselves much too seriously anyway. So a little comedy relief is in order. I highly a suggest "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist". Why not have a fun Martial Arts Movie Night at your club? The kids, especially, will love it.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Best Martial Arts Films / Movie Review: "The Expendables" VIDEO

What a treat!

Oldies but still Goodies (like me!). All my favorites: from Jet Li to Dolph Lundgren (who knew he'd turn out to be such a great ACTOR?) and Sylvestor Stallone (famous for the "Rocky" series but "First Blood" was by far my favorite of his films). A modern day "Magnificent Seven" (which, of course, was a remake of Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai").

Oh, yeah, and Jason Statham... mmm. The best thing to come out of Britain since Princess Di. Plus... will it never end... the come-back kid, Mickey Roarke. My favorite of his was "9 1/2 Weeks".

The opening scene makes you wish that they were there for every modern pirate takeover. And the soundtrack is awesome, right on for the script.

And, OMG, Eric Roberts as the bad guy (from "Best of the Best", one of the greatest martial arts films of all time and who knew he was pigeon-toed?!). How fun. For you late bloomers, Eric is Julia's brother. But she hasn't made many movies lately either, so you 20-somethings probably don't even know who SHE is. Watch the classic "Pretty Woman".

Oh, are you kidding me? (I write as I go...) enter Bruce Willis (Die Hard) and Arnold Swartzenegger (Predator).

Favorite Lines: 
 (Mickey to Jason trying to convince him to get a tattoo on his head) "You got one of those perfectly shaped dome masculine heads."

"You lost weight?"... "Whatever weight I lost, you found, pal."

"What are your names, please?"... "Buddha and Pest".

"Why don't we have dinner?"... "When?"...  "In a thousand years!"... "Too soon."

Jet Li: "You don't ask, I don't tell."

Jet Li and Syllvestor Stallone: "When I get hurt, the hole is bigger... When I travel I have to go farther."... "Because you're smaller, right?"... "Yes."

I commend Jet Li for having the humility to take this role. God knows, he can be bigger than life in his own films.

Favorite Scene goes to Mickey Roarke: "If I'd a saved that woman... I might a saved what was left of my soul."

What I find most interesting about this movie (as it is most probably in real life), you have American mercenaries fighting against American mercenaries. I guess the price decides the side.

The Choreography: An Axe Kick to break the neck from behind. Nice.

This is a really GOOD MOVIE: Highly Recommended.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Martial Arts Movie Reviews: The Ritual

Coptic-Celtic-CrossImage via WikipediaNot your typical martial arts movie: The Ritual...

Linking horror and martial arts, karate girl outwits and out-spars criminals in "The Ritual".

I enjoyed the Celtic Mystic theme, so I'll go ahead and recommend it despite its "B" qualities... just because it's so unique to the genre.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GIRL FIGHTERS "Muay Thai Giant" MARTIAL ARTS Movie Reviews

Here's a fun little GIRL FIGHT martial arts film I found. It's called "Muay Thai Giant". The girl fighters in it are awesome. They're miniature little Thai fighters and it takes place in Thailand.

Nathan Jones is great as, Barney Emerald, the "Gentle Giant". I've actually known a few of those in the Martial Arts world. Thank goodness not all males are Alpha types.

And Dan Chupong, the Police Chief, reminds me of Tony Jaa in "Ong Bak".

In addition to all that, it's so delightful to break the tradition of martial arts movie equals drug smugglers, thieves, and gangsters... oops. I lied. But at least the girls with the gentle (Aussie?) giant make it CUTE enough to qualify as FAMILY FUN.

Okay, it gets a little silly. But haven't we all felt that way with a little too much wasabi?

There's even a male vs. female Muay Thai match. How could you miss that?! You gotta love the "flying" elbows, upper-cuts, and knees of Muay Thai... but where are the blocks? Oh, yeah, I did see some inside the thigh knee blocks! Nice.

And then there's the Papaya Girl. Mmm.There's nothing better than TOUGH and SEXY!

SPOILER: Inside the ring she beats him but they call it a draw (being a male-dominated culture and all). That's one of the things we, as women, have to face in this patriarchal world culture. I once took down an 8th Degree Black Belt as a 6th Degree myself... did I get the same respect a man would have? No. Instead of saying, "Good job!", he said... "Here's what you did wrong."

Sub-titled. But well worth it.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Movie Reviews: Ip Man (best martial arts films)

Donnie Yen at 2007 Shanghai International Film...Image via Wikipedia
Donnie Yen at the Shanghai Film Festival
Possibly the greatest (Chinese) martial arts film ever made. None of that flying through the air on strings stuff (although I did love Crouching Tiger).

Feels like three hours (instead of only 1:46) because of the dubbing... but it's well worth it. When was the last time a martial arts film brought you to tears?

It is about the Japanese invasion of China and definitely culturally biased. But the choreography is outstanding! And the message still relevant.

Ironically, most of my training has been in the Japanese martial arts where we were also taught that it was to be used only for self defense, not oppression.

I borrowed this review from myr1545778 off Netflix (where it is available as an Instant Play). I hope he/she doesn't mind. They said it much better than I:

"A perfect blend of humor, tragedy, and asskicking, this is one of the most enjoyable films in the genre that I've ever seen. The story is great, the cast is excellent, and the cinematography is gorgeous."

"Sammo Hung has choreographed some of the best action in years, during every fight I was slack-jawed with amazement. The moves are amazing and shot with a wonderful camera style that enhances the action instead of obfuscating it with too many cuts or confusing angles."

"Donnie Yen makes delivering a beatdown look as effortless as swatting a fly. The story is beautiful and gave me a perspective I hadn't seen before into the Japanese occupation of China. It's not often that one gets the opportunity to use the word "masterpiece" when talking about a martial arts film, but this one has definitely earned the label.
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Movie Reviews: The Sensei a Japanese Martial Arts "Karate Kid" Film MMA

Diana Lee Inosanto (born May 29, 1973) is a Fi...Image via Wikipedia
Diana Lee Inosanto (born May 29, 1973) is a Filipino American actress, stuntwoman, and world class martial artist.
Movie Review:
The Sensei: a not-so slick, not-so hollywood martial arts film. But, then again, that's its charm.

Directed by and starring Diana Lee Inosanto.

Description: Boy meets girl... karate instructor! It would basicly be Karate Kid in reverse except for its sensitive approach to Hate Crimes. It's obvious that a woman was involved in the making.

Definitely worth the watch. Just wish there were more fight scenes. Diana was amazing. Surprised I know so little about her, even though the Inosanto name is well-known in the martial arts world.

One of the things I loved about this movie (but also found a little creepy) was its period feel. I lived through the 80's and 90's and it seems as if it was actually filmed then... not 2008. Check it out.
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