Showing posts with label sci-fi movie reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sci-fi movie reviews. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2011


B MovieImage by ~Brenda-Starr~ via FlickrIt's hard for me to believe that this movie was created as late as 1997. I thought perhaps a 70's B-Film and here's why.

One of the things I found most amusing about this film is the reverse-racism. Not your typical Hollywood tinsel as (almost) everyone is black... except for a "token" white person here and, rarely, there.

Makes you aware just how racist Hollywood really is.

But this is my favorite kind of film.
The first time you see the created
monster, you will laugh your arse off.

Only disappointment, really, is that there is a scene that is a transparent (but humorous) knock-off of the original "FLY" movie. At least it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Favorite Line: "Over to the left, dear."
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Movie Review: "Tetsuo: The Bullet Man"

66ème Festival du Cinéma de Venise (Mostra), 4...Image via WikipediaI've never considered myself big on "Artsy" films, but wow. This film begins in black and white with minor colorations here and there. Just gorgeous... and this definitely adds to the intensity from the opening scene.

Definition: Tetsuo - Iron Man; Fast like a Ninja.

No subtitles (thank goodness) but definitely foreign in nature. Asian. Apparently this is the third in the series, but new to me.

The graphics? I loved 'em. Reminded me of 80's Pop Video. Not something you would expect in a film. Creative and entertaining.

The plot? Mind-bending.

Been looking to find the nationality of Eric Bossick (the star of this film) but had no luck. As some of you well know, I have this thing for (especially 1/2 Asian and 1/2 American men). Eric looks to fit the bill but I can't confirm it. Let me know what you find out.

It all started with my month in Japan (to study Karate), at seventeen, when I became enamored of the 1/2 and 1/2 actor Masao Kusakari (he was in a Japanese version of the TV series Starsky and Hutch).

ANYWAY, this film is a fricken carnival coaster ride. Are they still showing that film in 7th grade about the hallucinogenic powers of marijuana (the "portal drug")? It reminded me of that.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

"The Fly" x 3 Movie Review Marathon

The FlyImage by ProfessorMortis via FlickrI am having a blast today with a "The Fly" marathon (isn't it about time for another one? After all it's been more than 20 years.). I'm sure somewhere in the world, teleportation is about to become a reality.

Start YOUR marathon with the 1958 Vincent Price version. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid. What a CLASSIC!

Then there's the 1986 one with the gorgeous Geena Davis in the prime of her life and Jeff Goldblum (we really did think he was sexy at the time). It added the element of GROSSNESS (I remember closing my eyes the first time).

Oh, dude, what are you doing? You're going to get spit upon by acid and devoured! OOhhhh!!!! Be prepared. It's the best!

But what I love most about this movie is that it's a remake (of a classic) yet it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! Bravo to whoever was involved in the writing. It too, is a Classic in its own right. It is just as much a Masterpiece as the original. My vote? The best "Mad Scientist" movie ever!

The final scene... and then you laugh. Just brilliant.

After that comes the 1989 version with Eric Stolz and that cute little Daphne Zuniga. They call it "The Fly II" but it's really "The Fly III". The face-peeling's pretty good but, I have to say that the monster himself is the least believable of the three.

Otherwise very nicely done, right down to the soundtrack with K.D. Lang.
and it's the only one that brings tears to your eyes.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Copy Cat Movies: Lethal Dose & The Warriors of Terra Sci-Fi Horror Movie Reviews

Category:Zombies and revenants in fictionImage via Wikipedia
Don't let the title fool you. I thought that The Warriors of Terra (2005) was an awesome Sci-Fi Horror flick. It really was scary.

Then I discovered the Brit version (Lethal Dose). Of course, in my American arrogance, I assumed that it was a British knock-off. But, alas, it was the American version that was the knock-off as the Brit version was made in 2003. Hmm.

Anyway, they're remarkably similar and yet so very different at the same time. I have to admit, I liked the American one better. The special effects, the more realistic theme,  I think it was just better.

What do you think?

Can you think of any other fun Copy Cat duos to watch?

Warriors of Terra Clip (I liked a couple of other Trailers better on Youtube but they had been "disabled". Search for yourself on YouTube to see them.)

And a Behind the Scenes look at "Lethal Dose" with the (Keanu Reeves look-a-like) Tom Hardy:
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