Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hollywood. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2011


B MovieImage by ~Brenda-Starr~ via FlickrIt's hard for me to believe that this movie was created as late as 1997. I thought perhaps a 70's B-Film and here's why.

One of the things I found most amusing about this film is the reverse-racism. Not your typical Hollywood tinsel as (almost) everyone is black... except for a "token" white person here and, rarely, there.

Makes you aware just how racist Hollywood really is.

But this is my favorite kind of film.
The first time you see the created
monster, you will laugh your arse off.

Only disappointment, really, is that there is a scene that is a transparent (but humorous) knock-off of the original "FLY" movie. At least it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Favorite Line: "Over to the left, dear."
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Monday, January 31, 2011

Movie Reviews: The Warlock (Sci Fi, Super Natural, Horror)

Warlock: The ArmageddonImage via Wikipedia
Movie Review: The Warlock, 1989

I Loooove this movie! How did I ever miss it? You should know by now that I love Silly Sci Fi and Silly Horror flicks.

This one is a classic 80's horror film. So nicely done that after more than 20 years it still holds its own.

If you don't mind Satanic/Black Magic Horror you'll enjoy it immensely as I did.

Lori Singer is great. She reminds me of the early Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner... a delightful Vatta (Ayerveda for Hollywood's favorite type: tall and thin).

Best Line: "Let your attention lie before you not beside you."

P.S. I abhor the FACT that many innocents died in the name of Witchcraft but, for modern day stress relief, this movie is kinda fun.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Viva Levieva

Kutcher and Moore, September 2008Image via Wikipedia
There are three basic personality types: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile. For instance, an Auditory person will probably turn to music to calm and soothe their soul. I have known a few "audio-philes" in my time.

A Tactile will need a hug or do something that literally feels good in their hands (like scultping or great sex).

But a Visual, which is what I am, craves visual stimulation. I NEED movies and even crave certain types of movies when under duress. For that, my drug of choice is a good Sci-Fi. Which is hard to find, by the way.

So, consequently I see a lot of movies.

Saw an awesome movie last night on Netflix (I am officially a Netflix Instant Play addict!). The movie starred Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche. Plus there was a new little hottie I'd never seen before, Margarita Levieva. The film was called Spread (2009) and I was surprised that I hadn't heard of it before now. 

Ironically, Ashton played a "Player" who used older women for their money but was unable to have a real relationship with one (think Demi). My husband enjoyed the movie because there were actually MANY YOUNG HOTTIES well-displayed.

Having just seen this film could explain last night's dream. 

Dream interpretation, remember, is a great self-therapy practice that everyone should incorporate into their personal self-care routine. It can be used as an Adviser for the day to come. And, as I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Dream: I'm in a dark forest with an ex-boyfriend who was seven years younger than me. We are walking through the woods but it's cold. So we find a cabin. There is no electricity in the cabin or between us... at least not with him for me. So we huddle together on the bed to keep warm.

All night long I try to seduce him to no avail. He's just not interested. I'm very disappointed because I am craving him so very badly. I worry that maybe his lack of libido is because I'm too fat or too old. But, then again, maybe it's just too cold.

Now, my dream book states that disappointment in a dream is a contrary sign. But I've found it to be quite straightforward in its symbology. Still, the other interpretations suggest the possibility that this time I could be wrong. I hope so because anything to do with sex in a dream has to do with financial transactions and, generally, fat means 'well to do'. Skinny, of course then, means poor.

Darkness: Be prepared for a setback. But...
Walking in the dark: You will recover something you had given up for lost.
Mountain Village: Unexpected gain.
A strange bed: Forecasts an upturn in business affairs.
A strange bedroom: Signifies a change for the better.
Cold: Definitely a contrary symbol. "The lower the temperature was in your dream, the more comfortable and secure will be your estate in life".
Feeling alone/Loneliness: Contrary. You soon won't be.
Feeling fat: Predicts a happy life with few worries and many pleasures.
Feeling insulted/Rejected: Contrary. Signifies loyalty from friends and esteem from associates.
Anxiety: Contrary. Your worries will soon be relieved.
Annoyed: Contrary. Your plans will proceed smoothly.

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