Showing posts with label Daryl Hannah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daryl Hannah. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2011

Movie Reviews: The Warlock (Sci Fi, Super Natural, Horror)

Warlock: The ArmageddonImage via Wikipedia
Movie Review: The Warlock, 1989

I Loooove this movie! How did I ever miss it? You should know by now that I love Silly Sci Fi and Silly Horror flicks.

This one is a classic 80's horror film. So nicely done that after more than 20 years it still holds its own.

If you don't mind Satanic/Black Magic Horror you'll enjoy it immensely as I did.

Lori Singer is great. She reminds me of the early Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner... a delightful Vatta (Ayerveda for Hollywood's favorite type: tall and thin).

Best Line: "Let your attention lie before you not beside you."

P.S. I abhor the FACT that many innocents died in the name of Witchcraft but, for modern day stress relief, this movie is kinda fun.
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