Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kung Fu Volley Ball / Soccer / Kickball / Hacky Sack VIDEO "Sepak Takraw"

Hot new sport? It's been around since the 80's. Why haven't I heard of this before. I WANT TO PLAY. What amazing fun and fitness. Such agility is required. It'd be an amazing workout.

Check it out:

It's called "Sepak" Malay for (kick) and a Thai word "Takraw" which roughly translates to "ball" and it's popular all over Asia.

For the original article CLICK HERE.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GIRL FIGHTERS "Muay Thai Giant" MARTIAL ARTS Movie Reviews

Here's a fun little GIRL FIGHT martial arts film I found. It's called "Muay Thai Giant". The girl fighters in it are awesome. They're miniature little Thai fighters and it takes place in Thailand.

Nathan Jones is great as, Barney Emerald, the "Gentle Giant". I've actually known a few of those in the Martial Arts world. Thank goodness not all males are Alpha types.

And Dan Chupong, the Police Chief, reminds me of Tony Jaa in "Ong Bak".

In addition to all that, it's so delightful to break the tradition of martial arts movie equals drug smugglers, thieves, and gangsters... oops. I lied. But at least the girls with the gentle (Aussie?) giant make it CUTE enough to qualify as FAMILY FUN.

Okay, it gets a little silly. But haven't we all felt that way with a little too much wasabi?

There's even a male vs. female Muay Thai match. How could you miss that?! You gotta love the "flying" elbows, upper-cuts, and knees of Muay Thai... but where are the blocks? Oh, yeah, I did see some inside the thigh knee blocks! Nice.

And then there's the Papaya Girl. Mmm.There's nothing better than TOUGH and SEXY!

SPOILER: Inside the ring she beats him but they call it a draw (being a male-dominated culture and all). That's one of the things we, as women, have to face in this patriarchal world culture. I once took down an 8th Degree Black Belt as a 6th Degree myself... did I get the same respect a man would have? No. Instead of saying, "Good job!", he said... "Here's what you did wrong."

Sub-titled. But well worth it.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Movie Reviews: "Ong Bak" Muay Thai Kickboxing Martial Arts

Okay, let's give the HOT martial arts GUYS some equal time... and nobody does it better than Tony Jaa in the movie Ong Bak. The first one in the series is my favorite. He does the Muay Thai Flying Knee (and elbow!) attack (among other things) like nobody's business. HOT. HOT. HOT fight scenes coming right up.

The Music's Hot too!
Song-Drowning Pool (let the bodies hit the floor) movie-ong bak preview:
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome! Brazil, Mexico, and Czech Republic

Igazu falls - BrazilImage by doug88888 via Flickr
Igazu falls - Brazil
Welcome this week! Brazil, Mexico, and Czech Rebublic. BBB is now being read in 35 countries! Thank you so much for your support.

1. US
2. UK
8. PhilippinesT
11. Russia
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:
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Monday, January 24, 2011

Welcome! Spain, Barbados, Thailand, and Guernsey

thailand ko phi phi 02Image by FriskoDude via Flickr
Phi Phi Island, Thailand
Welcome this week! Spain, Barbados, Thailand, and Guernsey. BBB is now being read in 32 countries! Thank you so much for your support.

1. US
2. UK
8. PhilippinesT
11. Russia
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:
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