Showing posts with label best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Best Horror Movie B-Films: "Humanoids from the Deep" 1980 Starring Doug McClure

Doug McClure as TrampasImage via WikipediaI have to tell you that, back in the 80's (OMG! That's more than 30 years ago) I had such a crush on Doug McClure. He had the IT FACTOR - you know? He was in a lot of things back then and, man, did I think he was sexy. I was 20 in 1980, when this film was made, but missed it somehow.

Anyway, this film is a wonderful revisit to The Creature from the Black Lagoon (and, as in any great B-film, if you watch real close you might see a nipple, a nice butt shot, and just the right amount of gore!).

Plus, I've been to every corner of the United States and it's always fun to see a film that so epitomizes a certain area.

And, I should say, a certain time period. Nineteen-eighty was before cell phones, computers, and even chain stores. Ahh, I've a bit of nostalgia for it... until I glance at my laptop. WTF did we do with ourselves before streaming videos and instant answers?!

I love this movie (which I procured off Netflix's Instant Play). It's suspenseful right from the start. And if you're a B-film Afficiando, you'll appreciate it very much. Lots-o-fun to be had by all.

P.S. You gotta love those 80's haircuts... the feathered "Shag", even on the men!

P.P.S.  Raped by seaweed? Hmm. That's a new twist. I'll never swim so close to shore again. LOL.

About the town of Noyo on the northern coast of California (worst seafood experience I ever had). This is a tad more romantic:

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