An Officer with a bag of counterfeit Viagra. |
Check out this video. It's the trailer for the movie The Beauty of Aging. Be sure to hang in there for the last two minutes. They're the best. Just kinda fun and gives us some hope for the future.
Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.
Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume).
Dream: Zombies. Everywhere zombies. I hate it. I can't find a toilet to poo in because there's always a zombie right around the corner (yes, I said poo - poo in a dream, or feces, rather, is a metaphor for monetary value. Money!). So, since I've been looking for work... get it?
Don't feel bad if you're frequently dreaming of stepping in it, rolling in it, or bathing in it, go right ahead. Let it hit the fan. You're one of the lucky ones! (Note: I changed my nickname to Lucky last year. Why not? It was easier for the Hostess in the restaurant to get and it makes us both feel good. Try it. Give yourself a new nickname. What will it be? Rich, Bright, Joy, Cash...)
So, anyway, I keep getting bothered by zombies. Finally, I go outside. It's the street where I grew up, my family's street. I'm trying to save people (see Shaun of the Dead) but I can't. Fortunately I can save myself. I can fly! I rise up from the ground out of reach.
Because of my PTSD I avoided scary movies for a long time. Actually, way before that, as I've always been prone to nightmares. But then came the challenge - just last year - to start "avoiding avoidance".
This, apparently, has been proven to help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patients recover. So, scary movies it was. "Videos at home are the best," she said, "because then you can stop it if it gets too intense. Rate the anxiety level you experienced - on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe. Then play the scene over and over until you can handle it. Until you can get it down to a level 4 to 5."
The yogis call it "karma cleansing" or "releasing of karma", the blockages that keep us from moving forward. Dick Sutphen has a great self-hypnosis tape for that as well. But it's not easy and not for everyone. You have to be ready for it.
It's the proverbial "walking into the fire" or "stepping off the cliff". Facing one's fears head on, well yeah, it's cleansing. But it also sucks rocks. You might want to start out with a professional therapist.
So my first movie was Shaun of the Dead and, yes, it was scary. I even had a serious nightmare about it that night. But I also enjoyed it. By the time I got to Zombieland I was really having a good time. My favorite, so far, was Pandorum with Dennis Quaid. I haven’t quite made it through Legion yet. But I will.
Oh, yeah. Back to the interpretations.
Corpses of strangers: This one's contrary (isn't that nice?). It predicts a full and happy life.
A number of corpses: Success where you least expect it.
Deformed bodies: Social success and business achievement.
Death: If you spoke with someone who is dead, you will soon hear very good news (Later: Finally, got a job interview!)
Anxiety: Your worries will soon be relieved.
Escape from danger: Social and romantic success.
Bathroom/Toilet: Relief.
Arise with the sun: Happiness, contentment, and fun.
To rise up from the ground: Victory over opposition.
To fly: Successfully maintained flight means that you can expect to achieve your goal without much difficulty.
Did I mention that I had sex this morning.
Please feel free to share. Your healing experiences are valuable to us all.
Plus, do let me know if you find any spelling or grammatical errors.
P.S. Voted Best Scary Music Video (by me): Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson from the extraordinary remake of the move: House on Haunted Hill.
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