Showing posts with label Carl Jung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Jung. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Ship is Coming In! Dream Interpretation / Physical Fitness Advice / Routine / Workouts

Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume). Check out these mixed messages.

Dream: My partner and I are on a cruise ship (my most favorite thing in the world to do!) or in a fine hotel (either on vacation or a honeymoon). But someone has stolen my black leather purse. I try to find it but can't. I think I know how it was stolen and by whom. But it doesn't matter.

The toughest part is that we no longer have any cash or credit. We can't eat! No purchases of any kind, no restaurant meals, and especially no buffets (another one of my favorite things). It's frustrating as hell.

I keep trying to talk the Front Desk help into cutting us a break, but they just won't do it.

Loss of money: Contrary. You are likely to have a windfall.
Ship: Profitable ventures; success; think of the expression 'My ship is coming in!'.
Anxiety/Frustration: Contrary. Your worries will soon be relieved.
Robbery: Loss of money means that you should be careful how you handle your cash.
Abscond: Be careful not to give your affections unwisely.
Loss of great value: Warning: If you try to be too sharp you can end up cutting yourself!

Today's Workout:
Exercise. If you are just starting out exercising or have had a long break, go slow and by all means consult your physician, especially if you have health issues. 

Remember to go at your own pace. It’s a good idea to set machines on Manual. That way you can lower or raise resistance to meet your daily fitness level. I call it Fitness by Feel™. Feel where you are and then push yourself right to the edge of what you can handle. 

Listen closely to what your body is telling you. Back off when it becomes too much. Move forward when you have the strength and energy. Consistence is the key. When I first started on the stairmaster (at 23) I could only go for 4 minutes. Now I can do an hour. But it took time and patience… the new machines with TV monitors help a lot. 

2 Hours (Since I've had to double my workout time with the slowered metabolism of menopause, I am committed now to at least 1 hour a day. But I've found that I really like the yin and yang of working out every other day and resting in between. Thus, the 2 hour workout was born.)

Warm-up: Jump rope and push-ups for 10 minutes then a 5 minute stretch. When you're new to jumping, it's important to find the right rope. It should fit you comfortably, not too long or too short. Measure the rope part, halved. It should reach from your armpit to the floor. If your lungs or calves need a break while jumping, just step in place for a minute, then start again. 

Cardio Kickboxing: I did an hour class at the local Muay Thai Kickboxing Club. But a video at home would work just as well. A club is great because a class consists expressly of calisthenics and bagwork. Punching and kicking a bag are an awesome resistance workout. 

As a woman ages it's especially important to have resistance training as we age to keep our bone mass. A couple of years ago I had a bone density test and was rated in the top 2%. Nice. 

I once did surgery on a woman with osteoporosis. Her bones literally crumbled in my hands. 

Jillian Michaels' experience is similar to mine. She also has a karate and yoga background. So I'm comfortable in recommending her kickboxing workouts. Some health clubs have dance-like kickboxing classes. If the moves are too fast or the instructor doesn't understand the dynamics of kicking, it's easy to injure yourself. Always end the kickboxing with a cool-down stretch. A few yoga moves are perfect.

Elliptical Machine: After class I did a nice steady fat burning pace on the elliptical machine for 15 minutes.

Bicycle: Then 10 minutes on a recumbent bicycle.

Treadmill: And topped it off with 20 minutes on the treadmill with a nice steady climb working up to levels 8-10 incline at a nice slow pace of 2.2 to 2.4. Did you know that you burn more calories walking on a high incline than you do running on a low one?

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A CBP officer displays a large bag of seized c...Image via Wikipedia
An Officer with a bag of counterfeit Viagra.
Sex. Mmm. I had me some this morning. I know. I probably shouldn't talk about it but... old people have sex too (You'll probably see some Viagra ads on my posts now).

Check out this video. It's the trailer for the movie The Beauty of Aging. Be sure to hang in there for the last two minutes. They're the best. Just kinda fun and gives us some hope for the future.

Dream interpretation is a great self-therapy practice and something you should incorporate into your self-care routine. As I've stated before, the only book I use (and I use it daily) is The Dreamer's Dictionary by Robinson and Corbett.

Here are last night's dreams (remember that part of the mystery of dream interpretation is that the meanings are often contrary to what you might presume).

Dream: Zombies. Everywhere zombies. I hate it. I can't find a toilet to poo in because there's always a zombie right around the corner (yes, I said poo - poo in a dream, or feces, rather, is a metaphor for monetary value. Money!). So, since I've been looking for work... get it?

Don't feel bad if you're frequently dreaming of stepping in it, rolling in it, or bathing in it, go right ahead. Let it hit the fan. You're one of the lucky ones! (Note: I changed my nickname to Lucky last year. Why not? It was easier for the Hostess in the restaurant to get and it makes us both feel good. Try it. Give yourself a new nickname. What will it be? Rich, Bright, Joy, Cash...)

So, anyway, I keep getting bothered by zombies. Finally, I go outside. It's the street where I grew up, my family's street. I'm trying to save people (see Shaun of the Dead) but I can't. Fortunately I can save myself. I can fly! I rise up from the ground out of reach.

Because of my PTSD I avoided scary movies for a long time. Actually, way before that, as I've always been prone to nightmares. But then came the challenge - just last year - to start "avoiding avoidance".

 This, apparently, has been proven to help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patients recover. So, scary movies it was. "Videos at home are the best," she said, "because then you can stop it if it gets too intense. Rate the anxiety level you experienced - on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe. Then play the scene over and over until you can handle it. Until you can get it down to a level 4 to 5."

The yogis call it "karma cleansing" or "releasing of karma", the blockages that keep us from moving forward. Dick Sutphen has a great self-hypnosis tape for that as well. But it's not easy and not for everyone. You have to be ready for it.

It's the proverbial "walking into the fire" or "stepping off the cliff". Facing one's fears head on, well yeah, it's cleansing. But it also sucks rocks. You might want to start out with a professional therapist.

So my first movie was Shaun of the Dead and, yes, it was scary. I even had a serious nightmare about it that night. But I also enjoyed it. By the time I got to Zombieland I was really having a good time. My favorite, so far, was Pandorum with Dennis Quaid. I haven’t quite made it through Legion yet. But I will.

Oh, yeah. Back to the interpretations.

Corpses of strangers: This one's contrary (isn't that nice?). It predicts a full and happy life.

A number of corpses: Success where you least expect it.

Deformed bodies: Social success and business achievement.

 Death: If you spoke with someone who is dead, you will soon hear very good news (Later: Finally, got a job interview!)

Anxiety: Your worries will soon be relieved.

Escape from danger: Social and romantic success.

Bathroom/Toilet: Relief.

Arise with the sun: Happiness, contentment, and fun.

To rise up from the ground: Victory over opposition.

To fly: Successfully maintained flight means that you can expect to achieve your goal without much difficulty.

Did I mention that I had sex this morning.


Please feel free to share. Your healing experiences are valuable to us all.

Plus, do let me know if you find any spelling or grammatical errors.

P.S. Voted Best Scary Music Video (by me): Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson from the extraordinary remake of the move: House on Haunted Hill.

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