Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hottie of the Day goes to Twinners Scottie Thompson & Olivia Wilde / Movie Review "Skyline"

Olivia Wilde in 2010 Independent Spirit Awards.Image via Wikipedia
We have another set of look-a-likes! Scottie Thompson (Skyline, 2010) and Olivia Wilde (House, TV Series). And they are both amazing and gorgeous. Olivia has been on my Top 10 List for a while. But Scottie is brand new.

Check Scottie out in "Skyline", a 2010 Sci-Fi that also stars Donald Faison from one of my all-time favorite comedy series "Scrubs"... with an exemplary performance by character actor David Zayas.

"Skyline" is my favorite type of Sci-Fi: Scary, edge of your seat alien suspense. If this happened for real... your heart would just effen stop.

Even though it has some elements similar to "War of the Worlds" and "Monsters, 2010 (non-animated, which I also loved)" it is still an original work of art and definitely worth a look. In fact, some scenes are far beyond the ordinary.

Favorite Lines:
"What are you doing, huh? Like it or not this is happening... You gotta be strong."

"They're not dead... just really really pissed off."

Favorite Scene:
The crash... I exclaimed out loud, "This is so COOL!" ...and then the 2nd crash TOPS THAT!

So many unique and interesting camera shots. Bravo!

And the ending? Beyond anything I had ever imagined. The Brothers Strause, WOW, you guys are amazing. In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing it AGAIN.

Overall I have to say that I LOVED IT! Highly recommended.

Available now on Netflix instant play.

See my "Monsters" movie review:

Images, photos, pics Scottie Thompson: CLICK HERE

Images, photos, pics Olivia Wilde: CLICK HERE

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kung Fu Muslim Women / Girls India (Martial Arts Women)

Young Muslim woman in the Thar Desert near Jai...Image via Wikipedia
Think Muslim women are all subjugated home-bodies? Think again. Check out these Muslim high school girls in India practicing Kung Fu.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Am I a Hoarder? What is Compulsive Hoarding? What is OCD?

Compulsive hoarding ApartmentImage via Wikipedia
Compulsive Hoarding Apartment
My favorite new past-time (I think it should be spelled pass-time) is watching the TV shows "Hoarders", "Clean House", and "Obssessed". All three of these shows deal with the OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) of hoarding stuff... to the extreme.

Am I a hoarder? I thought so and I guess I am because I have always tended toward clutter. But my case is in no way as severe as some of these patients. Still, I had some of these attributes. Do you?:

1. Do you keep "stuff" for purely sentimental reasons?
2. Do you keep toiletries, food, or medicines long past the expiration date?
3. Do you hold onto things, even though YOU don't need them, because they're "still good"?
4. Do you have clothes in your closet that no longer fit or are decades out of fashion?
5. Do you have "project" materials waiting to be created... "Someday I'll get to it."
6. Do you have sealed boxes of stuff stored away somewhere that you haven't looked at in years?
7. Does it cause you anxiety when someone else tries to take control of your stuff... your "mess"?
8. Are you embarrassed to have people over? Do you AVOID having people over?
9. Do you feel SHAME and GUILT but don't know how to stop? Do others try to make you feel ashamed and guilty?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you should give these shows a try. I've found that I've learned a lot about myself by watching these "hoarders". In every show I find a bit of advice that I can use to help remedy my own problem and they inspire me to get to work.

For instance, I used to ignore expiration dates. Here are a few more questions you can ask yourself:

1. How long has it been since I used it? Will I use it? Can somebody else get good use out of it NOW? If it's "still good", you can give it to a charity store like Goodwill or the Salvation Army.

2. Does it fit? Is it still in fashion? How long since I've worn it? More than 2 years? Is it even my style? Does it look becoming on me? Could someone else get better use out of it... right now?

3. Does it actually NEED to be saved? I know tax information should be saved (they say) for at least seven years. But I have bank statements from 20 years ago! And saving an old checkbook from a closed account even got me into trouble once. A thief stole it and wrote bad checks and that information appeared on my credit report. BE WARNED.

4. Is it out of date? Check! Then chuck it if it is... food, medications, toiletries. It may be unhealthy or unsanitary to use it now.

5. Will I really "find the time" to finish that project? Be honest with yourself. If the answer is no, let someone have it who WILL get good use out of it... NOW.

You'll find that PURGING can actually feel as good as (or even better than) ACQUIRING. I keep a box ready and every day (my rule is) something, at least one thing, gets thrown out or given away.

If you're feeling really ambitious, you can make it one thing per room! For me, that's 7 items per day (which amounts to over 200 items per month!) and, I must say, that it didn't really become a HABIT until I started doing one thing per room/area. Now, I actually say things like, "I still GET TO DO my seven items today!".... and it feels so good. I feel like I'm moving forward, finally, instead of backwards. I have pride instead of guilt.

The thing that makes this HABIT so great, is that you are starting at the BOTTOM of the pyramid (aka pile). You are looking for the item you are LEAST attached to. The whole trick is to AVOID OVERWHELM. That's what got us into this mess in the first place. We walked into a room/house and went,"Oh, my God! I just can't deal with this" or "How the hell DO I deal with this?" The really neat thing is that it gets easier and easier. Instead of just looking for a piece of garbage on the floor, you're actually getting rid of those "good jeans" that, if you're honest with yourself, you'll never wear again.

We also try to throw out at least one (plastic) grocery bag of household/kitchen garbage per day. Sometimes two or three.

Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot. The real key is to stop bringing it in. Imagine a clogged sink with a drippy faucet. The drippy faucet is YOU bringing stuff in (until it over-flows!) because the drain is clogged (nothing is going out!). But if you unclog the drain, everything will be alright. You should still fix the faucet, however.

It was easy for me (because I've been unemployed these last few months) and no money was coming in to spend! I still needed food, though, and got some help with that. But that was it. The only thing I allowed myself to purchase was FOOD.

And what a revelation it's been. I am HAPPIER than ever! I know it's cliche', but I am finding immense joy in the small things.

Early on I shopped at department stores. Then I shifted to discount stores. Then second hand shops. And finally to garage sales. All the while telling myself that it was about saving money. But the STUFF kept piling up. With the help of these shows (which I highly recommend and found on Netflix Instant Play), this year I quit even garage-sailing (as I called it). Now, at last, stuff just goes out. There's light at the end of the tunnel. Ahh.

And a really big plus is that IT SAVES MONEY! Who couldn't use a little more money these days.

Please note, too, as you will learn if you watch any of these shows, that hoarding may stem from disturbing events or circumstances. And that, although it may cause you shame or guilt, you needn't feel bad (I know - easy to say) because it may actually be genetic... something you inherited. There may be a hoarding gene! (see related articles below). "They" are saying now that whether you are a "neat freak" or a "hoarder", it's in your DNA.

So relax. Maybe it WILL take you a year to clear just one room. That's okay. As long as you are "moving in the direction of", you'll get there.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome! BBB is now being read in 67 countries!

Cajas National Park in Ecuador, near Cuenca.Image via Wikipedia
WOW. We've added 14 countries since I last checked. Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 67 countries!

Thank you so much for your support!

1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany
17. South Korea
18. Sweden
19. Belgium
20. Finland
21. Israel
22. India
23. New Zealand
24. Greece
25. Ireland
26. Saudi Arabia
27. Ecuador
28. Kuwait
29. Spain
30. Barbados
31. Thailand
32. Guernsey
33. Brazil
34. Mexico
35. Czech Republic
36. Italy
37. Israel
38. Hong Kong
39. Austria
40. Portugal
41. Vietnam
42. China
43. Hungary
44. Ukraine
45. South Africa
46. United Arab Emirates
47. Estonia
48. Pakistan
49. Kazakhstan
50. Poland
51. Iran
52. Switzerland
53. Indonesia
54. Romania
55. Slovakia
56. Bangladesh
57. Afghanistan
58. Colombia
59. Latvia
60. Norway
61. Algeria
61. Singapore
62. Ethiopia
63. Cyprus
64. Paraguay
65. Ecuador
66. Nigeria
67. Argentina

For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Nick Swardson's Pretend Time Review aka "Peeus" VIDEO

Another lolcat for Category:Rouge admins and a...Image via Wikipedia
If you like Adult Late Night Comedy, and really really raunchy humor... you'll enjoy this immensely. Be prepared, though, it's not for the faint of heart or weak-stomached... and I do not recommend it for children.

For me, however, it's a LMAO good time. Remember, laughter boosts the immune system.

Available now as a Netflix Instant Play.

Here's a sample (Please DON'T WATCH this if you are not agreeable to all of the above!):

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