Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Low Carb "Long Beach" Diet Cocktail Low Calorie Low Fat Alcoholic Beverage

Crude Oil ColaImage by AZRainman via Flickr
I Loooove  this drink! It's one of my favorites. It's like a Long Island Ice Tea but with Cranberry Juice; sometimes called a "Long Beach".

I use:
1/3rd each Vodka, Rum, and Gin
(Lately I've been enjoying 1 shot drinks. That way I can drink more drinks and enjoy drinking for a longer time, making the "Buzz" last a bit... before passing out. LOL)
1/3rd shot R.W. Knudsen's (It's hard to type when you're already buzzed - I just finished my taxes - yay! So that deserved some celebration  ; )
(as I was saying: 1/3rd shot) Lemon Ginger Echinacea
1/3rd shot All Natural Simply Limeade
1 shot Diet Low Carb Cranberry Juice (Kroger's or Ocean Spray works pretty well. Look for less than 10 carbs per 8 oz. serving)
and then 3 shots Cola (I like Diet Caffeine Free)
and lots of ice

Nummmmm! Goes down so easy and you can't taste the liquor.

Of course, if you're not on a diet you can always use the regular stuff. But, hey, sugar is really bad for you. That's it, I'm off my soap box. Do WETHYW. Life is about choices after all.

Ohhhh, the relief of taxes done. It kinda sucks to have your own business. So much more complex. Hey, maybe with my new job, I'll be a corporate clone now ( when ORGANIC becomes the MACHINE). Wouldn't that just be so much more easier. NO.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Let's EAT HEALTHY!! A Bacon Sandwich?! FUNNY PHOTOS

Eggs, sunny-side up, frying in a pan.Image via Wikipedia
C'mon dag-gone-it! Let's EAT HEALTHY!

Check out this pic: (I LOL every time I see it... something to go with the eggs.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls in Yoga Pants

pink-matImage by Benicio Murray via Flickr
Check out this web site. It's definitely worth a LOOK-SEE. Some SEXY, some FUN, and some that, well, just shouldn't...

There are many pages. Don't miss 'em.

Plus, I just added a new VIDEO

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Monday, March 7, 2011

VIDEO You're the BEST Nothing's Gonna Keep You Down

YOU'RE THE BEST Nothing's Ever Gonna Keep You Down:

Joe Esposito's 'You're The Best' from Karate Kid soundtrack.

On a personal note:
I'm really needing this video right now. I recently got a "great job". But it's a BAD schedule, one that is keeping me from my yoga and martial arts classes. I've applied for going part-time (which is an opening I should have waited for in the first place). But these days you don't turn down job offers, especially after months without work. My thought was 'If I could just get my foot in the door'. So now I'm receiving a paycheck but I'm depressed. I guess I have no choice but to be patient.

Frankly, I'd rather be drawing caricatures (funny faces) for tourists in paradise.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Movie Reviews: "Exam" Sci Fi Suspense Drama Cerebral

The Getty of Science FictionImage by Rennett Stowe via Flickr
First of all, just to get started... let me express my personal opinion that men should NOT wear shiny pointy shoes EVER... not even gay men (the first scene - watch for it).

This is a weird little movie but kinda fun.

I adore cerebral Sci Fi's and this one did not disappoint. At first I thought, I know this is going to be so predictable.

The group WAS a lesson in stereo-typing, after all:
1. The handsome blond male narcissist (my husband has coined a new term: ARSE-cissist. It be-suits so many more of us).
2. A man so depressed that they nickname him "Death" (which is a glorious twist).
3. A black man throws the first punch.
4. The pretty blond girl is the one flirted with.
5. The brunette with the glasses is a scientist.
6. The persian looking man is a terrorist?! Hated that part. Just not right.
7. The asian is the first with an answer.
8. The kind woman is deceived.

Some good lines:
"Is this the ultimate Mind Fk or what?!"
"I will tolerate anyone but the intolerant"
"At their level, money ceases to be the prime motivator. It's risk they live for."

I most definitely differ with Peter Hall, though (his blog is where I found this movie as one of the Best of 2010). I think the ending was surprising and SUPERB. Worth all the agony of the one-room scene (which Peter finds enjoyable, by the way). Very odd.

See Peter's reviews at :

Note: As I said, I found this in Peter's Best Movies of 2010, yet in another article it was listed as a 2009 movie and Netflix reports it as made in 2008??? Anybody know the real deal?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome Austria, Portugal, Vietnam, & China!

Santa Cruz / Torres Vedras / PortugalImage by paulo.§.perry via Flickr
Santa Cruz / Torres Vedras / Portugal
Welcome this week Austria, Portugal, Vietnam, and China! BBB is now being read in 42 countries!
Wow! Thank you so much for your support.

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For the best rates on your next vacation, check out this site:

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