Showing posts with label Jameson Dublin International Film Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jameson Dublin International Film Festival. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Movie Reviews: "Exam" Sci Fi Suspense Drama Cerebral

The Getty of Science FictionImage by Rennett Stowe via Flickr
First of all, just to get started... let me express my personal opinion that men should NOT wear shiny pointy shoes EVER... not even gay men (the first scene - watch for it).

This is a weird little movie but kinda fun.

I adore cerebral Sci Fi's and this one did not disappoint. At first I thought, I know this is going to be so predictable.

The group WAS a lesson in stereo-typing, after all:
1. The handsome blond male narcissist (my husband has coined a new term: ARSE-cissist. It be-suits so many more of us).
2. A man so depressed that they nickname him "Death" (which is a glorious twist).
3. A black man throws the first punch.
4. The pretty blond girl is the one flirted with.
5. The brunette with the glasses is a scientist.
6. The persian looking man is a terrorist?! Hated that part. Just not right.
7. The asian is the first with an answer.
8. The kind woman is deceived.

Some good lines:
"Is this the ultimate Mind Fk or what?!"
"I will tolerate anyone but the intolerant"
"At their level, money ceases to be the prime motivator. It's risk they live for."

I most definitely differ with Peter Hall, though (his blog is where I found this movie as one of the Best of 2010). I think the ending was surprising and SUPERB. Worth all the agony of the one-room scene (which Peter finds enjoyable, by the way). Very odd.

See Peter's reviews at :

Note: As I said, I found this in Peter's Best Movies of 2010, yet in another article it was listed as a 2009 movie and Netflix reports it as made in 2008??? Anybody know the real deal?