Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Green Hornet... Is it really a remake worth revisiting? ...without Bruce Lee

I have to admit that I was a little concerned about the remake of the Green Hornet, as the original Green Hornet with Bruce Lee, was my inspiration for studying the the martial arts. But after watching the Trailer... my concerns were calmed. How could you go wrong with both Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz. OMG. Looking forward to it now. Here is the scene from the original Green Hornet from the sixties, with Bruce Lee, that inspired me to a life long pursuit of the ART of combat:

Later: I apologize, I wasn't able to find that scene. I remember it so well, still, after all these years. He was in the Kato outfit and coming down some stairs and did a flying front kick to knock out a light fixture. Well, here is a close facsimile. It's still Bruce Lee knocking out a light fixture but not the exact scene I remember. If you can find it, please let me know.
And for the young people, a CLASSIC Bruce Lee sequence:

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FAT CAMP with your DOG?! Exercises to do WITH your DOG

FIDO FITNESS! Exercises you can do WITH your dog. Enjoy! (Don't miss the 4th Vid. It's the Must See of the whole bunch!)

 Article Link Here:
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Diet Cocktail Recipe: The Rough & Ready Low Calorie Low Carb Low Fat

P1020647 (brain haemorrhage)Image via Wikipedia

An original rootbeer cocktail recipe. It's pretty good, I think. Check it out:

The Rough & Ready  (a Root Beer Cocktail)
1 shot Rum (64 cal/zero carbs)
1/2 shot Gin (64 cal/zero carbs)
1/4 shot Amaretto
1/3rd shot Simply Limeade or just a squeeze of lime (for fewer calories and carbs)
1/3rd shot R.W. Knudsen's Lemon Ginger Echinacea Juice (I find it at Smith's Grocers)
4 shots Diet Hansen's Rootbeer (found in most health food stores) Zero Everything! Carbs, Calories, Fat, Caffeine!


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Friday, January 7, 2011

Martial Arts: Do you Smell?! Odor Elimination for your GEAR: Karate Kickboxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Kung Fu Tae Kwon Do

Mixed martial artsImage via Wikipedia
Whether you just do cardio kickboxing for fitness or are into a contact martial art like karate, Muay Thai kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) it doesn't matter.

Eventually the sweat adds up - if you're doing a good job working one up! So you will have to contend (not just with your sparring partner) but also with gear's odor.

A girl came up to me after one of our kickboxing classes one day and said, "Geez, my wraps are starting to smell. I guess I need to buy a new pair." Are you kidding me? Hello-o! I didn't say anything (I just smiled) but I was thinking, 'C'mon, woman, just wash the damn things!'

Does your gear smell? Are you the odorous ogre in your martial arts class? Here are a few tips for cleaning your gear (instead of spending your hard-earned on buying more!): hand wraps, (non-leather) gloves, protective gear, headbands, etc.

First of all, at the end of your class, don't just stuff all your "wet" gear into your bag and leave it there until your next class. That is the worst thing you can do. Once you're in your car, lay it out so that it can air out.You might even want to run your fingers along each side of your hand wraps and fold them nicely to get the wrinkles out.

Another trick is to buy these little balls that you can find in the laundry section of your grocer, for sneaker odor control, and put them inside your gloves between classes (besides airing them out).

But, at least once a month (once a week for the ambitious), soak your gear in a bucket or sink with a little (a very little or you'll have too many suds) Dawn Dish washing Soap. They now make one specifically for ODOR CONTROL. Soak your gear for about 45 minutes to an hour and then rinse and squeeze until you've removed all the detergent and gotten them as dry as you can by hand.

Now you will want to hang them out to dry. A little sun in the summertime won't hurt them. You can even leave them out overnight. Just be sure you're giving yourself enough time between classes, so that you will have dry gear for your next event. Do NOT use bleach or put the gear into a dryer. Air drying is best. Hanging them over a heating vent in the winter might also work.

And for when you forget (and you will), there's always the Travel Sized Lysol Spray or any regular type deodorant spray you can keep in your gym bag... just in case.

For your LEATHER gear, a different approach is necessary. You do NOT want to SOAK them. Here are some more detailed instructions:

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Welcome France and Germany!! BBB is now in 16 Countries

The Eiffel tower at sunrise, taken from the Pl...Image via Wikipedia
The Eiffel tower at sunrise, taken from the Place du Trocadero. Paris, France.
Welcome this week France and Germany!

Body Beauty Bliss is now being read in 16 countries!
1. US
2. UK
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Malaysia
6. Denmark
7. Netherlands
8. Philippines
9. Croatia
10. Slovenia
11. Russia
12. Moldova
13. Australia
14. Bulgaria
15. France
16. Germany

Wow! It's only been a month. Thank you so much for your support.
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Diet Cocktail Recipe: Fuzzy Navel Low Carb Low Calorie Low Fat

Party drinkImage by Daniel Pink via Flickr
The celebration continues! Happy Friday!
My healthier version of the traditional Fuzzy Navel cocktail:

1 shot (1 oz.) Smirnoff Lime Vodka (64 cal/zero carbs)
1/2 shot Gin (32 cal/zero carbs)
1/4 shot Sour Apple Liqueur  (18 cal/1.9 carbs)
2 shots Santa Cruz Organic Strawberry-Lemonade (sweetened with evaporated cane juice: 10 times less processed than refined sugar!) (22.5 calories/5.75 carbs)
2 shots Simply Grapefruit Juice (100% real juice! No added sugars.)(22.5 cal/5.2 carbs)
1 shot Water (optional)

Sour Apple Liqueur has 72 calories per one ounce shot! Wow. And most cocktails require a full ounce. But, here, with only 1/4 oz. we will reduce that to only 18 calories without sacrificing flavor. Carbs = 7.5 per oz. so ¼ oz. = only 1.9 carbs.

Our totals: 
Liquor = 114 calories
Mixers = 45 calories...... Total Calories = 159

Liquor = 1.9 carbs
Mixers = 10.95............. Total Carbs = 12.85 

So it's not really a super duper low carb cocktail. But when compared to the original Fuzzy Navel with, on average 275 - 300 calories per serving; and 37 to 50 carbs on average... well, it's a pretty good savings. Especially if you have more than one. And who can have just one? Again, I ask you, who can have just one?

Happy Weekend Everybody!

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Cute & Funny Pictures: Baby Animal Photos By Boo

"Boo Burrito for the Cold days!"

Oh, the Teddy Bear Cuteness!!!

From the Album: Wall Photos by Boo on Facebook. For more Boo...


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