Showing posts with label Liqueur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liqueur. Show all posts

Friday, January 7, 2011

Diet Cocktail Recipe: Fuzzy Navel Low Carb Low Calorie Low Fat

Party drinkImage by Daniel Pink via Flickr
The celebration continues! Happy Friday!
My healthier version of the traditional Fuzzy Navel cocktail:

1 shot (1 oz.) Smirnoff Lime Vodka (64 cal/zero carbs)
1/2 shot Gin (32 cal/zero carbs)
1/4 shot Sour Apple Liqueur  (18 cal/1.9 carbs)
2 shots Santa Cruz Organic Strawberry-Lemonade (sweetened with evaporated cane juice: 10 times less processed than refined sugar!) (22.5 calories/5.75 carbs)
2 shots Simply Grapefruit Juice (100% real juice! No added sugars.)(22.5 cal/5.2 carbs)
1 shot Water (optional)

Sour Apple Liqueur has 72 calories per one ounce shot! Wow. And most cocktails require a full ounce. But, here, with only 1/4 oz. we will reduce that to only 18 calories without sacrificing flavor. Carbs = 7.5 per oz. so ¼ oz. = only 1.9 carbs.

Our totals: 
Liquor = 114 calories
Mixers = 45 calories...... Total Calories = 159

Liquor = 1.9 carbs
Mixers = 10.95............. Total Carbs = 12.85 

So it's not really a super duper low carb cocktail. But when compared to the original Fuzzy Navel with, on average 275 - 300 calories per serving; and 37 to 50 carbs on average... well, it's a pretty good savings. Especially if you have more than one. And who can have just one? Again, I ask you, who can have just one?

Happy Weekend Everybody!

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Sour Apple Martini Light a Diet Apple Martini Recipe

Yummy Green Apple Martini MemoriesImage by Merelymel13 via Flickr

A Healthier Cocktail

Sour Apple Martini Light

1.5 to 2 shots Smirnoff Sour Apple Vodka (103.5 cal/0 carbs)
1/4 oz (about a capful) Sour Apple Liqueur
4 shots Kroger Light Apple Juice Cocktail
Squeeze of Lime

Use a 16 oz. glass and add lots of ice. Kroger Light Apple Juice Cocktail has only 25 calories per 8 oz. Which means 12.5 calories for these 4 ounces. Smirnoff Apple flavor has 69 calories.

But if you'd like to save even more calories, just use Smirnoff regular. It has only 56. Remember, flavored liquor often has more calories and carbs than plain. See here:

Sour Apple Liqueur has 72 calories per one ounce shot! Wow. A regular martini requires a full ounce. But, here, with only 1/4 oz. we will reduce that to only 18 calories.

So there are 103.5 calories in 1.5 oz. Apple vodka; and 12.5 calories in four ounces of the light apple juice; and only 18 in the liqueur... for a whopping calorie total of 134. Compare that to the usual Apple Martini recipe of 2 oz. of vodka and 1 oz. Apple Liqueur for 210 total calories.

And for carb watchers, the juice has only 6 carbs per 8 oz. So 4 oz. = 3. Smirnoff Apple Vodka has zero and the liqueur (one ounce has 7.5 carbs), so at 1/4 oz. it comes to about 1.9. Total carbs then equal 4 + 0 + 1.9 = 5.9. Not bad for such a "sweet" sour drink.

And it's nummy! Give it a try.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Diet Cocktail Recipes Amaretto Sour Light
Choose All Natural Simply Limeade or Simply Lemonade.
Traditional Amaretto Sour
2 shots OJ
2 shots Sour Mix
2 shots Amaretto Liqueur

Amaretto Sour Light (my favorite)
2 shots OJ (all natural with no added sugars is best)
2 shots All Natural Simply Limeade (Contains no High Fructose Corn Syrup)
1 shot Amaretto (Lots of sugar! Drink sparingly.)

Amaretto Sour Super-Light
1 shot OJ
1 shot All Natural Simply Limeade
½ shot Amaretto
½ shot Rum (optional)
½ shot Vodka (optional)
2 shots Water

A Little Stronger and Not So Light  (all below)
1 shot Vodka
½ shot Rum
¾ shot Amaretto
2 OJ
2 ½ shot Limeade
1 shot water

Very Nice
1 shot Rum
½ shot Amaretto
½ shot Triple Sec
2 shots Limeade
2 shots OJ
1 shot Kroger's Light Apple Juice

1 shot Vodka (or 1 ½ Vodka & ½ Amaretto if you like it less sweet)
1 shot Amaretto
2 shots OJ
2 shots Limeade

For A Twist
Instead of OJ, use Tropicana Orange Mango Juice

Rum Sour
½ shot Rum
½ shot Triple Sec (or 1 shot Rum or 1 shot Orange Vodka only)
½ shot Amaretto
2 shots Orange Juice
1 shot Limeade (or you can use 7 calorie/carb G2 "Low Calorie" Gaterade Lemon/Lime)

Fresh Lemon squirt

Another Variation
1 shot Rum
½ shot Amaretto
2 shots OJ
1 shot Limeade

And Another
1 shot Rum
1 shot Amaretto
2 shots OJ
3 shots Limeade

Which is your favorite? Let us know.

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