Sunday, December 26, 2010

Abundance: Think Positive! Money is the Root of All LOVE!!

A Message of Abundance for the New Year: (Pardon the minor typo)

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Xmas!

Here's a Holiday GIFT 4U (thanks to Neil Patrick Harris' Twitter):

Merry Xmas Everyone!

My Tweet: May every one of every faith (or none!) experience LOVE on this day.

Okay, I couldn't resist. Here's another one:

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And now I'm getting a bit carried away. But just in case you're a dog lover:

Happy Holidays Folks!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sour Apple Martini Light a Diet Apple Martini Recipe

Yummy Green Apple Martini MemoriesImage by Merelymel13 via Flickr

A Healthier Cocktail

Sour Apple Martini Light

1.5 to 2 shots Smirnoff Sour Apple Vodka (103.5 cal/0 carbs)
1/4 oz (about a capful) Sour Apple Liqueur
4 shots Kroger Light Apple Juice Cocktail
Squeeze of Lime

Use a 16 oz. glass and add lots of ice. Kroger Light Apple Juice Cocktail has only 25 calories per 8 oz. Which means 12.5 calories for these 4 ounces. Smirnoff Apple flavor has 69 calories.

But if you'd like to save even more calories, just use Smirnoff regular. It has only 56. Remember, flavored liquor often has more calories and carbs than plain. See here:

Sour Apple Liqueur has 72 calories per one ounce shot! Wow. A regular martini requires a full ounce. But, here, with only 1/4 oz. we will reduce that to only 18 calories.

So there are 103.5 calories in 1.5 oz. Apple vodka; and 12.5 calories in four ounces of the light apple juice; and only 18 in the liqueur... for a whopping calorie total of 134. Compare that to the usual Apple Martini recipe of 2 oz. of vodka and 1 oz. Apple Liqueur for 210 total calories.

And for carb watchers, the juice has only 6 carbs per 8 oz. So 4 oz. = 3. Smirnoff Apple Vodka has zero and the liqueur (one ounce has 7.5 carbs), so at 1/4 oz. it comes to about 1.9. Total carbs then equal 4 + 0 + 1.9 = 5.9. Not bad for such a "sweet" sour drink.

And it's nummy! Give it a try.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Map of EarthImage via WikipediaBody Beauty Bliss is now being read in 10 countries around the globe! (In less than one month - Thank you!)

1. U.S.

2. U.K.

3. Canada

4. Italy

5. Malaysia

6. Denmark

7. Netherlands

And WELCOME this week... Philippines, Croatia, and Slovenia!

Happy Holidays to ALL! And thank you so much for your support.

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10 Things You SHOULD Buy at the Dollar Store

Tropical beachImage by cstrom via Flickr
Living Frugally

You wouldn't want to do all of your shopping there. But if saving a buck is important to you (and it should be) here are a few things where savings does not trump quality. In other words, what you find at the "regular" store that costs four or five times as much, isn't necessarily of higher quality.

1.  Packing Tape

2.  Hair Brush

3.  Window Cleaner

4.   Scissors

5.  Childrens Books/Coloring Books

6.  Kitchen Scrubbies

7.  Wrapping Paper, Ribbon, Bows, & Greeting Cards

8.  Tomato Sauce & Salsa

9.  Sensitive/Teeth Brightening Toothpaste

10.  Shampoo (But not for hair! A mega-size 64 oz. bottle of dollar store shampoo makes the best bubble bath.)

So, if you purchased all of these things listed at the dollar store, it would cost you about $15.00. Now compare that to a regular grocery store where you will be paying somewhere between $3.00 and $5.00 each. That's an average of $4.00 per item compared to only one - a 75% savings! So your fifteen dollars would turn into sixty.

If you multiply your $45.00 dollar savings by 12 months, that gives you $540.00 in a year's time! Now you can turn those savings into that vacation you've been saying you couldn't afford.

Let me show you where you can find a 7 day Cruise for around that price...

Did you know that the best prices on cruises are "Last Minute Deals"? Check it out here:

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How to Get Rich Quick - A Get Rich Scheme that actually WORKS!

How to Become Rich Immediately by Lorax2013

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Q & A: How to Lose Weight Fast

Beautiful girlImage by tibchris via FlickrQ:  I think I'm overweight for my age (13)  and I'd like to know what the quickest way to lose weight is... that is still healthy. I want my flat belly back!

A:  The first thing you need to do is cut down on refined sugar. Do you think about food all the time? Are you hungry all the time? Over-carbing and insufficient protein will cause a chemical imbalance that makes you crave food and over-eat.Which is probably why you have a weight issue.

Plus, there's that calorie thing. You have to make sure you're eating enough calories but not too much. A simplistic gauge is, if you want to weigh 130 (multiply it by 10) you shouldn't consume more than 1300 calories per day net. Net meaning if you exercise off 300 calories you can add those to the 1300. For example, 1600 consumed minus 300 exercise = 1300 net.

There are some great books about cutting down on sugar (It affects your health too - do you have trouble sleeping sometimes? That's one of the symptoms of too much refined sugar in the diet). One of these books is called the "The Sugar Addict's Diet". Go to the library or the book store and start reading about real nutrition (not fad diets). Also, start picking up every magazine you see about living a healthy lifestyle.

These magazines like Shape and Women's Fitness have little snippets of the latest good advice about eating and exercise... and over time you will become educated and more fit. Don't worry about overnight results. Once you're on the right track with exercise (find something you really like and WANT to do - I love cardio kickboxing!) and good nutrition, you'll feel more calm about your weight and your shape, and maybe even develop an "athletic" mindset. Were the Olympic athletes thin? No. But they were strong and healthy and certainly not insecure about their figures.

Your weight will no longer be an issue.

Now, if you had said you were 24 and your wedding was coming up, I would have a different answer for you. I would say go ahead and (just for 3 or 4 days leading up to the wedding) cut out all salt, all carbohydrates, and fluids... except for a sip of water when you're thirsty.

That would help you lose up to six pounds of water weight. But, of course, it's not something healthy that should be kept up for any period of time.

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