Saturday, June 4, 2011

Miniature Abstract Painting Oil Acrylic Mixed Media Sabina Wise

OMG, I'm painting again!
Miniature Abstract Painting Oil Acrylic Mixed Media by Sabina Wise


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Sunday, May 29, 2011

HOT DUDE of the Day Antonio Sabato Jr (Star of Earth 2)

This image is of a screencap of the television...Image via WikipediaHot Dude of the Day: Antonio Sabato Jr, star of Earth 2 (TV Series - available on Netflix Instant Play).

For hundreds of SEXY photos...

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From PUPPY to DOG in one year (time lapse photography)

Strongheart (1917 - 1929), canine star of sile...Image via WikipediaFrom PUPPY to DOG in one year (time-lapse photography):


Note: I apologize for the delay in posts but Blogger has been down several times over the last couple of weeks.

Tags: German Shepherd, dogs, animal videos, cute animal videos, funny videos
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Moments of Peace... Beauty Renewal Spring VIDEO

FlowersImage by blmiers2 via Flickr
I don't know about you, but this winter has seemed especially long and hard to me.

Here is a video that celebrates the renewal and beauty of life. Welcome Spring! Finally.  ; )

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Movie Review "Helen" with Ashley Judd Depressive Disorder Depression Sadness

Ashley JuddCover of Ashley JuddA movie about the realities of Depressive Disorder (aka having a Nervous Breakdown)... a very real Dis-ease. The hardships, the struggles. If you have experienced it you will understand. If not, this film will give you a hint at the uncontrollable feelings and urges.

My husband said, "Why would anyone want to see that? It's so depressing." (long pause) People who have not experienced it, just don't get it.

Just as in the movie he said, "She just needs to get out and get some exercise." If only it were that easy.

I found it both enlightening and, in the end, encouraging.

I was diagnosed with  Depression for two years after not being able to save a friend (through CPR) from dying under my watch. But the reasons are many. Who knows. Some may be subconscious. Some (if you believe in it could even be from Past Life experiences) if you believe in that sort of thing.

In any case, this movie gives a good depiction.

SPOILER:  Instead of Prozac she gets Prozapped. 

Available now on  Netflix Instant View.


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