Showing posts with label Instant coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instant coffee. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dana Carpender's Low Carb Show & Low Carb Mocha Cheesecake Recipe

Low carb mocha cheesecakeImage by DeathByBokeh via Flickr

Low carb mocha cheesecake

Concerned about your health or weight? Check out this link: Dana Carpender's Low Carb for Life Show. And be sure to sign up for her Ezine.

PLUS... let's try this low carb cheese cake recipe. I haven't yet but am looking forward to it.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Recipe: Christmas Coffee

coffee WavesImage by Omar_MK via FlickrChristmas Coffee

16 oz. Coffee Cup
8 oz. Water
3/4 shot Old New England Egg Nog pre-prepared with added Bourbon Whiskey, Rum, and Brandy (a liquor store item)
1 teaspoon Folgers Instant Coffee (I prefer Decaf)
1/2 teaspoon General Foods International Chai Latte Sugar Free (does contain aspartame - use sparingly)
1/2 teaspoon Sugar Free or No Sugar Added Hot Cocoa Mix
1 T Fat Free Kroger's Original Coffee Creamer
2 T Skim Milk
Low Sugar Whipped Cream (or Mini Marshmellows)

Place water, nog, milk, and creamer into cup and heat on High in microwave approximately 3 minutes... until steamy.
Add the rest of the ingredients and stir vigorously.

If ingredients do not dissolve completely, use a swisher (a cup-sized whisk) and swish until frothy. Add a dollup of whipped cream (or mini marshmellows).

Delightfully serves ONE.

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