A woman (who obviously does some yoga) with her foot behind her head, standing on a table. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"Lactic acid is nasty stuff. Your muscles
produce it during intense exercise. It's a metabolic byproduct that
makes no contribution to exercise performance. It causes muscle fatigue
and post-exercise muscle soreness."
Actually, none of the above statements is
true. Recent research has demonstrated that lactic acid is not what we
once though it was, in almost every way. Read on, and learn the truth
behind the lies you’ve been told.
Six Lies You Were Taught About Lactic Acid
By Matt Fitzgerald, Published Jan. 24, 2014, Updated Jan. 18, 2016 at 12:25 PM UTC
Read more at http://running.competitor.com/2014/01/training/six-lies-you-were-taught-about-lactic-acid_29432#CgFzYB3YsKUKhTGm.99
Lie #1: Muscles Produce Lactic Acid During Exercise
The muscles do not produce lactic acid during exercise. They produce a
very similar compound called lactate. Whatever you call it, this
substance is not produced as a waste product of anaerobic metabolism, as
once believed. It’s actually an intermediate link between anaerobic and
aerobic metabolism.
Most athletes believe that lactate (as we’ll call it from now on)
causes muscle fatigue by making the muscles too acidic to contract
effectively. This is not true. While the muscles do become more acidic
during exercise, lactate is not the cause. In any case, far from
hastening fatigue, lactate accumulation in the muscles actually delays
fatigue by mitigating the effects of a phenomenon known as
depolarization. During intense exercise, your muscles lose power in the
same way a battery does: by becoming depolarized. The accumulation of
lactate in muscle tissue during intense exercise partly counteracts the
effect of depolarization.
Lie #3: Lactic Acid Causes Soreness
Lactate does not cause post-exercise muscle soreness. The simplest
proof of this is the fact that very little lactate is produced during
highly prolonged, low-intensity exercise, and yet it is this very type
of exercise that leaves the muscles sorest in the following days.
Post-exercise muscle soreness is actually caused by simple mechanical
damage to muscle fibers, free radical damage, and inflammation.
more at
Lie #4: Lactic Acid Does Not Contribute To Exercise Performance
Without lactate, you would not get fitter in response to training to
the same degree you do with it. Lactate production during intense
exercise stimulates a phenomenon called mitochondrial biogenesis after
exercise. The mitochondria are little factories inside the muscle cells
where aerobic metabolism occurs—that is, where oxygen is used to break
down fats and glucose to yield energy. An increase in the concentration
of mitochondria inside muscle cells is one of the major adaptations to
training that improve endurance performance. And lactate makes it
happen. This is one of the reasons
high-intensity interval training is
such a potent performance booster.
Lie #5: Muscles Do Not Use Lactic Acid For Fuel
Some athletes are aware that lactate produced during exercise can be
“recycled” into glucose and used as fuel by the muscles, heart, and
brain. But few are aware that lactate is also metabolized aerobically in
the mitochondria as a direct fuel for muscle contractions. In fact, it
has been estimated that roughly 75 percent of the lactate produced
inside the muscle cells is used in this way, and only 25 percent leaks
out into the bloodstream, where it can be measured through blood lactate
Lie #6: Better Athletes Produce Less Lactic Acid
Some of the world’s best endurance athletes, such as Michael Phelps,
appear to produce significantly less lactate during intense exercise
than lesser athletes. This makes sense if you believe that lactate is a
toxic waste product that causes fatigue and does not help exercise
performance in any way. But it doesn’t makes sense in the light of
current knowledge about the effects of lactic acid. And it’s also very
unlikely to be true.
In all likelihood, the reason there is less lactate in the blood of
the likes of
Meb Keflezighi and Michael Phelps during intense exercise
is not that their muscles produce less, but rather that they use more.
If, in the average endurance athlete, 75 percent of lactate is burned in
the mitochondria and only 25 percent escapes into the bloodstream, in
come very special athletes, perhaps 85 percent of lactate is burned and
only 15 percent escapes.
So... today's question was answered. I have been very concerned that my "lactic acid soreness" has not dissipated despite my many long hours of yoga. So, as it turns out THE SLOWER I GO THE MO SO - NESS I HAVE. Hmm. LO AND SLO EQUALS SO. Translation: Going low and slow doesn't mean you will be LESS sore. In fact, it means you will be more sore. Heavy sigh.